Here is the twelfth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Erik Rush, WND writer, Faux Noise commentator, and Muslim hater, for the InsaniTEA of his conspiracy theories.
Erik Rush says he is positive that President Obama and his minions are murdering people, and he doesn’t need any proof to back up his charges because requiring evidence is just a “ruse” of the “political left.” He previously wrote a column alleging that the Obama administration had a hand in the murder of a gun enthusiast, while admitting he had “no proof” besides an “inclination.”
Now, much like the debunked Clinton Body Count claims of old, the WorldNetDaily columnist asserts that Obama killed his gay lovers and drowned a woman who may have “come by information on the night of the [Aurora] shooting that wound up being detrimental to her health.” According to Rush, Obama also killed journalist Michael Hastings, an identity theft criminal [Fascist propaganda delinked], his dog trainer, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Andrew Breitbart (of course).
Rush insists that he is simply asking questions! This is the age of FEMA camps [Faux Noise delinked], Rush writes, after all…
Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>
The only kernel of truth in the whole thing was that there actually was study into opening FEMA camps, but this is projection, because that happened during the eight-year Fourth Reich under Texas Torquemada.
This is how the twit tweets:
It shocks me that anyone would believe this garbage, and saddens me that, if I did a Republicans on Parade segment every day, there would still be scores of worthy recipients left over.
8 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–7/12/2013”
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Too sad that there is so much hatred and distrust in our country, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
Or the land of the spree and home of the rave.
"Conspiracies 'r Us" seems to be the "in" thng it seems, especially amongst Republicanus/Teabaggers. No evidence. Just throw it at the wall and see how much sticks. The "In Box" theory — if a matter, true or not, comes to you from several different people, then it must be true. What bunkum!
Rush is not a journalist! He is at best a gossip columnist, willing to talk loud and dirty just to make a buck and a reputation that non thinking individuals will elevate.
Very true!
When Bush was in power, the 9/11 truthers were oart of the wing-nut fringe on the left, but now they have moved to the right and parrot the rest of the party line.
WOW – you found another "Rush" who is an absolute IDIOT!
Just a couple of questions for him: About that brain surgery of yours … Recent? Successful? (Well, apparently not)
Nameless, you need to tell your blind doctor friendd to stop operating on Republicans.
I didn't think it was possible that there was another Rush!
The rush to InsaniTEA is wide!