I’m writing early for day 25, and trying to get done, before the temperature rises, as it is forecast to be hotter than yesterday.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:56 (average 4:22). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (H/T Carrie at Care2): Texas Special Session Blues (I’m Just a Bill Remix)
"Ladies keep your legs and your mouths shut!" That’s the Republican way!
From MSNBC: How FISA Spy court makes its own law in secret.
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I wrote an article on this yesterday, but here it is again with more information.
From NY Times: Rick Perry, the longest-serving governor of Texas and an unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate last year, announced on Monday that he would not seek another term but would instead “pray and reflect and work to determine my own future path.”
Translation: Despite being clobbered by Herman "9-9-9" Cain last time, this fool is running again.
15 Responses to “Open Thread–7/10/2013”
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Maybe Perry's prayers and faith will tell him not to run for President… for the g o p puke party and the voters have already rejected him. Perry made a fool of himself the first time and if he does run again, he will have just made himself a bigger fool.
What is another term for what Perry does…?
It has been awhile since I heard of TASS. Clever cartoon.
Must take FISA control away from Roberts.
Since Perry listens to Supply-side Jesus, not the real one, he will be told to do wrong.
3:00 Looks like the TomCat got the parrot. I'm green with envy over your great time.
3:38 I sure didn't get the cracker for my performance.
4:11 I am definitely sitting under the parrot without an umbrella! I bought a new mouse but it is so fast that I can't keep up. It over shoots etc. I even put a piece of cardboard under it and it is still too fast. I need to break it in over the next few days.
You should have a control to adjust the mouse sensitivity. If you are running windows, check on the control panel for the mouse controls, or the software that came with the mouse.
Woooo Hoooo!
What Jerry said. Getting my mouse adjusted right took weeks.
Puzzle – 8:22
I applaud Wendy Davis…
So do I!
Puzzle — 4:11 I am definitely sitting under the parrot without an umbrella! I bought a new mouse but it is so fast that I can't keep up. It over shoots etc. I even put a piece of cardboard under it and it is still too fast. I need to break it in over the next few days.
You Tube — I had to laugh because "Bill"also made a brief guest appearance on Rachel Maddow, the segment right after about FISA. Well, "Ladies keep your legs and your mouths shut!" might be the Republican way, but it is NOT my way! Well at least the second part is not my way. The first part is none of your damn business! These religious and sanctimonius zealots parading around Texas (and other parts as well as DC) as legislators need to turn off the ideological rhetoric and turn on the not so common common sense! I hope Wendy Davis runs for governor and cleans some Republicanus/Teabagger clocks! Texas would be the better for it!
MSNBC — There are separation of duties of the three branches of government for good reasons, and these revelations about the FISA court blow those right out of the water. To remedy that, some changes are needed.
1) FISA mayrule on interpretations of the law but then those interpretations must go back to the Congress who ma legislateke the laws, or legislate.
2) The sole power to appoint judges without accountability must not rest with the Chief Justice. I think appointments should rest with the Congress, or at the very least with the SCOTUS, but not by a simple majority vote.
3) No secrecy unless absolutely necessary, that necessity to be determined by Congress.
This issue certainly is a 'bite you in the butt' issue!
NY Times — I posted a couple of articles on this on Care2. In one, apparently there are thought to be 5 potential Republicanus/Teabagger presidential candidates ahead of P Rick Perry, all with more support — Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and Paul Ryan. What makes him think this time is any better? Perhaps he would be better to change his career stream — maybe selling manure. He has the 'shit kickers' for the job!
Cartoon — No doubt! Love it!
Under an elephand would be worse.
Sense violates Republican Party rules.
1) Amen
2) Appointed by President, and confirmed by the Senate is best, I think.
3/ Amen
At least we'll be entertained. Christy and Bush worry me.
I am sad for all the women who will be affected by this war on women. Since we make up 51% of the voters, I don't understand how the Republicans are getting the upper hand.
FISA has operated under the radar too long. People need to pay attention to their constitutional rights and this is surely a violation of several of them.
Women should unite against them!
YouTube ~ Great tune and video. Give Carrie my regards and thanks for posting. I don't go to Care2 any more.
Cartooon ~ The similaries are too scary!
Will do, Patty.
I thought so too.