Apr 212013

Sadly the spring pollen is still playing hell with my COPD, and I am spending the days coughing up very thick phlegm, which keeps me from sleeping.

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a sweeping format change that marks the end of an era for the nation’s first cable news outlet, CNN announced today that it would no longer air breaking news and would instead re-run news stories of the past “that we know we got right.”

The rebranded network, to début nationwide on Monday, will be called “CNN Classic.”

“Breaking news is hard,” said the newly installed CNN chief, Jeff Zucker. “You have to talk to sources, make sure their stories check out O.K., and then get on the air and not say anything stupid. I, for one, am thrilled to be getting out of that horrible business.”

Perhaps, if they go back to the early 1990s, they can find a few things they got right.

From Right Wing Watch: On his radio broadcast today, Bryan Fischer renewed his call for a ban on immigration from majority Muslim nations, claiming that our immigration policy should simply consist of the question "do you believe that the Quran is the holy book of God"?


Authentic Muslims do not take those obscure references seriously, just as authentic Christians go not believe in executing people who shave, as the Bible demands.

Nevertheless, Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians always scream about their rights and their freedoms, but want to deny them to Muslims.

From Think Progress:

As police surrounded Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on Friday night, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) mocked the deadly situation with a joke about global warming. Stockman, notorious for making tasteless jokes about LGBT issues, abortion and gun control, and President Obama, tweeted the following at 8:08 PM:

“Suspect thought he could escape in backyard boat after hearing Gore speak on global warming.” — Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)

Sadly, this Republican fool thinks that both terrorism and destroying the planet are laughing matters.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–4/21/2013”

  1. Let me see if I got the right-wingnuts thinking on gun control vs. immigration:

    After a school shooting that murdered 26 people including 20 children, it's important NOT to "infringe the rights" of gun owners for what one wacko did.

    After a bombing that killed three, it's important to punish ALL immigrants for something two wackos who immigrated here as children (one now an American citizen) did.

    Well, that’s clear now.

  2. 4:24 I think I ay have gotten lost in the architecture.

  3. The photograph of the bronze of Romulus and Remus and the she-wolf has reminded me that it was from the earliest days of Rome that we get The Tall Poppy Syndrome – the King, Tarquinius Superbus, was trying to put down rebellion, and his sons asked him what to do – in answer he took out his sword and lopped the head off every tall poppy.  So his sons killed all the notable citizens who stood against tyrany…. they thought.  Tyrants have been behaving like this for a very long time!

    Sorry you are still suffering TC – have you thought about 'Visualisation' techniques to relieve some of your suffering – I am trying it and it is starting to help a bit! (Mind you I have so many longstanding problems that it is a puzzle to know which to tackle first!).



  4. What's so great about this Borowitz report is that this is sort of what has actually happened at CNN already since Zucker took over.  They have become more inane than ever.  They disbanded their foreign news desk completely in favor of Skype.  Skype!  Can you imagine?!

  5. Puzzle — 3:44  Well I'm off to church now!

    The New Yorker — I guess CNN doesn't know that Coca-Cola tried that already.  And it didn't work!

    Right Wing Watch — Has Fischer had a lobotomy?  Sure sounds like it!  The world is not black and white . . . it is shades of grey!  Fischer and his ilk, right wing fanatical evangelical pseudo Christians to be sure, are no different than radical Muslims, or radical Jews, or radical . . . whatever.  They only see in black and white, and that is very dangerous.

    Think Progress — A sack of hammers has more intelligence than Steve Stockman!

    Evidently this joke about a suspect involved in the deaths of at least four people and the catastrophic injuries of dozens of others went too far even for Stockman, who later deleted the tweet.

    When is a 'delete' not a delete?  When it gets seen by the right people first who will hold the tweeter responsible.

    Cartoon — And the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 CE, after more than 400 years of decline.


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