Apr 022013

Because the blog has been so slow due to my ongoing illnesses, I’m putting up only our basic chats and map for March.

Here is our latest summary:



Here is our latest map.


Remember, that the map was reset at the end of February, so this map represents only one slow month.

On to better times.


  4 Responses to “Monthly Report for March 2013”

  1. Like your health, the numbers will improve.

  2. I like that yellow dot on Vancouver — that's likely me!  When I clicked on the cluster map, it shows "Coquitlam" at 12:15 today which is about the time I logged in,  Since I live in Port Moody, on the edge of Coquitlam, as I say that is likely me.  Even Canada Post doesn't know where Port Moody is — they try to make it part of New Westminster, Port Coquitlqm and Coquitlam, yet we are a legally incorporated city.  Very Cool!

    I agree with Patty!

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