Mar 292013

Yesterday afternoon, I woke up from a nap, tangled my foot in the covers, while sitting up, and wrenched my back.  Just sitting to prepare prepare this is very difficult and very painful.  I had already made the cartoon, and it’s only good for one day.


Now, Republicans say we should have stayed.


  6 Responses to “Personal Update–3/28/2013”

  1. It's nt the first time nor will it be the last time that Republicans are wrong.

    I told you we were going to put you into a bubble!

  2. You're the living icon for that old aphorism:

    "If I didn't have Bad Luck, I'd have no Luck at all"

    I hope it turns around SOON for you.

  3. A lot of the Republicans saying we should have stayed weren't around to see first-hand what a colossal screw-up Viet Nam was. Of those who are old enough, many diligently avoided military service or arranged to serve in ways that ensured they would never hear a shot fired in anger, especially not one aimed at them.

    Viet Nam should never have happened. If the U.S. had lived up to promises the OSS made to Ho Chi Minh during WW2, it probably wouldn't have. 

  4. Republicans just love to have themselves some wars…as long as they are not the ones fighting it.

  5. 29 March 1973 was just far too late for a war that should never have happened.  All the atrocities . . . the lives lost . . . the lives inexorably changed in unimaginable ways . . . 

    How can the human race, so wonderful at times, and yet so despicable at others, survive its own follies?


  6. Oh, and buddy, I'm with Patty and Nameless!  A plastic bubble until your luck changes to Irish green!  I have back problems and have not felt this good in a long time.  The traction and laser therapy has done wonders!  And feet caught in the bed covers?  Put leashes on those size 10s so that you can just pull on the leashes to extricate the feet.  Also gives the arms the added benefit of some resistance training!

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