Budget Deja Vu

 Posted by at 4:07 am  Politics
Mar 132013

In the run-up to the 2012 election Paul Ryan clearly said that the election would determine what type of budget policy America would have: the Ryan plan of welfare for the rich and austerity for the rest, or the Obama plan of balance between cutting spending and increasing revenue by cutting back on the special treatment that the 1% receive in the tax code.  America chose.  But now Republicans are acting as if they had won, and the new Ryan Budget is virtually identical to the old one.

13RyanBudgetSenate Democrats and House Republicans on Tuesday outlined vastly divergent approaches to shoring up the government’s finances, a reminder of how far apart they remain on fiscal policy even as both sides insist publicly that a bipartisan compromise is possible…

…The Republican plan sets out to balance the budget in a decade and would cut spending by $4.6 trillion through 2023, in large part by rolling back many of Mr. Obama’s signature legislative accomplishments. It would repeal the health care overhaul of 2009, eliminate the subsidized insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion that make up the core of the law, and turn Medicare into a system of private insurance plans financed by federal vouchers.

Republicans would also do away with Wall Street regulatory laws that Mr. Obama championed and cancel the financing his administration sought for a high-speed rail network.

Senate Democrats, meanwhile, were pressing forward with a budget they planned to start moving through the committee process on Wednesday. Before they could proceed, they had to set aside differences among themselves over how much to change costly but cherished federal benefit programs. When Mr. Obama met with them on Tuesday, several voiced concerns about cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

The Democrats’ budget plan will not call for adjusting the way inflation is calculated as a way to lower the future cost of those benefits, though Mr. Obama has said such a change should be on the table in talks with Republicans…

…Their proposal calls for a new $100 billion economic stimulus initiative for job training and repair to roads and bridges, projects that Democrats say they would pay for by closing loopholes in the tax code that benefit large corporations and wealthy individuals. All told, Democrats believe they can save nearly $1 trillion through such tax changes.

They would save an additional $1 trillion by trimming spending, with a quarter of those cuts coming from the Pentagon…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Am I the only one getting a sense of déjà vu?

Both Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow had segments covering the impasse.

Lawrence interviewed Robert Reich and others.

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The only way to balance the budget is the way Clinton did it, to grow the economy until revenue catches up. As an alternative Lyin’ Ryan offers massive magic asterisks, more welfare for the 1%, and tax increases for everyone else.

Rachel put it into perspective.

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No doubt, Republicans will slither back to their districts, screaming that Democrats are trying to raise YOUR taxes.  If YOU are a billionaire or a corporate criminal, they will be right.  Otherwise only the Republican plan raises taxes on the poor and middle classes, just like they were trying to do when you rejected their plan in November.  Lets hang this on every Republican candidate from dog catcher up.


  15 Responses to “Budget Deja Vu”

  1. And to top it off, in discussing his budget Ryan let's loose with a MAJOR Freudian slip:

    "This to us is something that we're not going to give up on, because we're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people."


    • You caught that too, Nameless!  I thought I was hearing things at first. When I heard it again and again, I knew I heard it correctly the first time.

      I was surprised that none of the pundits capitalized on that. What are they thinking?

    • My only question is, how do they sleep at nignt?

    • I am happy to report that I just got an email from The Daily Kos with a video clip of Ryan's faux pas. Maybe now the networks, at least MSNBC, will pick it up. We know FAUX NOISE won't.


    • I heard it and thought I was not hearing correctly.  So listened again.  Ryan is such an unethical putz!  If people don't see him for what he is then they truly must be blind! . . . or they're Republican/Teabagger and don't give a "merde"!

      • This comment is going viral all over the internet.  Republicans probably don't get why the rest of us are horrified.

    • Thanks, Nameless, and patty for the video link.  I had seen it, but couldn't remember where, so I figures that, when I found it, it would become a future cartoon.

    • You know, these GOPeers are so incredibly hateful that I wonder if it was a Freudian slip or if he was just pandering to the base for future votes.  

  2. I cannot think of a  Repig now in office anywhere thatideserves a vote– not now- If there are any still with honor they are keeping a pretty low profile–

    The Ryan quote was so clearly articulated , I dont really think it was a slip, but exactly what he intends to do!

    It's as tho the people do not even exist–only the 1% desrve consideration–

    These are evil people– I rarely quote  the Bible , but these people , Rayn et al  are not Christians- reading the Book of James  telling us clearly – :-; By their works they (christians) shall be known ; every word out of this nasty man screams Evil— remember Ayn Rand was an avowed atheist—-

    btw– James is an interesting bit of the Bible to read—esp these days in the face of all these who claim to be representing Christianity–

    • Phyllis, please don't lump all atheists in with a sociopath like Ayn Rand. One of the things most disturbing to atheists and agnostics is the assumption by people who practice (or in some instances merely give lip service to) a religion, that it is impossible for any individual who does not believe in a deity – usually the particular deity they believe in –  to be a moral and/or ethical person. This is simply not true.

      • John, I hear you and agree.  I undertstand, because as a Christian, I hate being lumped together with Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, who measure their piety by the vitreol of their hate.

        I have no trouble respecting people of the atheist faith, and often find them far more Christian than many who claim Christianity.

    • The way Republicans interpret James is that their good works are burning Lorans, hounding gays, screaming at women at abortion clinics, etc.

  3. There is a bumper sticker that says "Don't steal!  The government doesn't like competition!"  I'm sure that most of you have seen that one at some point in time.  I think though that it could be rewritten to read "Don't steal! The Republican/Teabaggers don't like competition!"  There is no honour amongst thieves, and in my view, the Republican/Teabaggers that line up and vote for the Ryan budget are just that — THIEVES!

    Was Ryan's statement — "This to us is something that we're not going to give up on, because we're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people." — a Freudian slip or was it Lyin' Ryan telling the truth for the first time.

    Ryan is a master of recycling — it is the same old budget.  The trouble is, his budget was not accepted by the people, rejected at the 2012 election.  Obviously, Ryan and the Republican/Teabaggers are not too smart — either they don't remember there was an election which they lost, or they are in denial of their loss.

    Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security should be off the table.  Tax increases on the low income and middle income earners, disabled and elderly should not be made, and a comprehensive overhaul of the tax loopholes must be taken to prevent further bleeding from the treasury.  Further, stimulus spending to get the economy working again will serve as a means of getting additional revenue and cut spending on such areas as food stamps, welfare, Medicaid because some people will no longer be dependent on the help.

    As an aside, congratulations TC on spelling "déjà vu" correctly in your text.  I know it is hard sometimes in titles — formatting can suck sometimes.

    • A favorite joke I share witgh ny guys in prison is that they are there because they violated the governments right to exclusivity.




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