Governor Chris Christy, with whom I disagree on almost everything, should be counting his lucky stars. From March 14 – 16 there will be a gathering of America’s most insane and hateful political figures, CPAC, more appropriately known as CPUKE. Fortunately for Christie, he isn’t invited.
It’s considered a key speaking engagement for any Republican considering a bid for president, but one potential 2016 candidate didn’t get an invitation to this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference.
Someone close to CPAC said Monday that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasn’t asked to attend by organizers of the event, which will take place in mid-March at a resort outside Washington. Officially, CPAC says they’re finalizing this year’s schedule…
Inserted from <CNN>
The featured speakers include: Jeb “please not another” Bush, Eric “1%” Cantor, Ted “I have a list” Cruz, Ken “Mr. Conspiracy” Cuccinelli, Newt “Newtered at the vet” Gingrich, Bobbi “BP” Jindal, Wayne “guns solve every problem” LaPierre, Mitch “bought bitch” McConnell, Sarah “bloody bullseye Barbie” Palin, Rand “idiot, son of idiot, even named after idiot” Paul, Rick “deport them all” Perry, Mitt “Etch a Sketch” Romney, Marco “fake refugee” Rubio, Paul “lyin’” Ryan, Rick “Google me” Santorum, Allen “the hero the military kicked out” West, and others.
Ed Schultz covers this and other issues with his panel.
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This bad news for Democrats, because we won’t get any insane quotes from Christie for 2016.
21 Responses to “Christie Is Sooooo Lucky!”
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It's the Tea Party in 2016 (NOT) The Democrats will get another 4yrs As it is now the congress is soooo bad don't be suprised if we take the congress also 2016 will be the do or die.
Hi Tom, Hope you are better soon 🙂 mamabear
KI'd love it. Mama, but to break even, we need to win by 7% or more.
Chief Organizer of CPAC, Al Cardenas, in explaining why Christie was NOT invited, said:
So what I'm anxious to learn more about is that "outstanding All-Star year" that Romney and Ryan and Palin and Perry and Santorum … had
ROFLMAO!!!! Is Cardenas a stand up comedian?
That is so rich Nameless!
Rick "oops" Perry, Nety and Sanctimonius Santorum were KO'd in the Republican/Teabagger primary. Palin is Palin and was probably invited as the token woman speaker so they can crow about that later. Mitt "Mr Flip-flop" Rmoney and Lyin' Ryan lost the biggest competition, the presidential race.
If this is the Republican/Teabagger all-star team, then the party is going to get buried.
What they said!! Love it, Nameless!
This is good news for Christie. He has a 74 – 75% approval rating in N.J. which is the envy of all RepublicanT governors. Because he was not invited by these ultra-Right wing nuts, he stands a better chance of being re-elected gov in the next election. That's what I heard he wants.
That's how I see it too, Patty.
Annie Oakley of the Yukon is giving the (hold on to your seat) Keynote address, so why would anyone in their right mind want to be associated with that exercise in surrealism and meaninglessness?? Christie is lucky. If those trolls hate you, you must be basically okay. And Christie has shown, by his action after Sandy, that he is willing to put people first. He is still a right winger, but he has an ounce of caring in his bones.
Hey, LMAO, Annie Oakley is from Alaska! They even let her have guns there!
The Yukon is part of a foreign country, Canada, and we don't want Annie Oakley!
Love the name, but I still prefer Bloody Billseye Barbie, because she targeted Gabby Giffords, and expoing her to Canada would be an undeniable casus belli.
Indeed it would! No more "undefended" border. You'd be met with frozen hockey pucks and shapshots at the very least. Those and frozen buffalo chips are our WMD.
Whatza shapshot? 😉 😈
Oh dear..does this mean Christie is credible and *gasp* has a soul?
That might be stretching it a bit, but he has an ASS-SOUL. 😉
It seems that Mr Christie has learned a little bit about putting people ahead of politics! I can respect someone with a different view who will listen and work together. But the ones that completely parrot the party line without thinking are a bunch as asshats and don't deserve the time of day.
I still oppose virtually all of his policies, but I despect the way he handled. Sandy.
Austerity comes to the catered class?
I doubt it, Phil. Republican austerity is for the poor and middle classes only.
Odd that Christie is chastised because he believed that Sandy victims were worthy of a "hand out" from the feds, while I never heard similar complaints about the 'handouts" for Katrina — hmmmmmm — so Christie has to go without a nice dinner – I guess he'll have to settle for home cookin'
He had the audacity to thank the black guy for working hand-in-hand with him to help his people.