Nov 212012

I’m feeling somewhat better today.  I’m current with replies, albeit in brief manner.  Tomorrow I’m feeding people in my building, who are too poor to have Thanksgiving dinner.  I’m providing all the food, and they are helping do some of the cooking, so I will have three articles at most then.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:02 (average 4:58).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Soledad O’Brien Makes This Guy Repeat Himself Until His Bullsh_t Sounds Dumb Even To Him


While I think CNN is right-biased overall, I have to admire Soledad’s bulldog tenacity, as mush as I disrespect Republican Bullshitology.

From NY Times: In a new turn in the scandals swirling around Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper outpost, prosecutors said on Tuesday that two former top executives would be charged with paying bribes of up to $160,000 to public officials, in addition to several earlier charges against them.

The Crown Prosecution Service identified the onetime aides as Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, both of whom have had close personal or professional ties to Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr. Cameron hired Mr. Coulson as his director of communications while in opposition and kept him on after coming to power in the 2010 elections.

The Tories appear to be in bed with Murdoch’s criminal activities, as I’m sure Republicans are here. We need more investigation on this side of the pond.

From Alternet: How Vulture Capitalists Killed the Twinkie

The demise of Hostess is a story of management that boosted its own salaries, while failing to make agreed payments into workers’ pension funds.

I strongly encourage you to click through to this extensive article that explains in detail how the failure of Hostess is a textbook example of Vulture Capitalism, similar to Bain. Republicans support Vulture Capitalism by wanting less regulation of Vulture Capitalists, when more is clearly needed.



The Republican Party was more honest back then.


  7 Responses to “Open Thread–11/21/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 4:21 I lingered too long on the previous posie, but it was so sweet!
    MoveOn — I have now seen several clips of Soledad O'Brien and agree she is a tenacious pitbull!  On the other hand, this Nevada representative is a dog chasing his own tail, going around and around in circles.  I just don't remember, but was there this much BS from the Democrats when there were no WMDs found in Iraq, or is one of those Republican/Teabagger things?  I somehow think the latter!  It also makes me wonder if Mr Obama had been white, would there be as much bullshit.  I somehow doubt it.
    NY Times — Blast!  2010 elections, US or Brit nevermind, were a real boon to the conservative movement, and they have both been found lacking, mired in controversy and possible political corruption.  I think that anything involving Rupert Murdoch should be investigated extensively.  Where there is smoke, there is usually a whole lot of fire!
    Alternet — "textbook example of Vulture Capitalism" is an understatement.  The ethically challenged management team is not a management team.  It is a MISMANAGEMENT team, and what's worse, it is blaming the unions and workers for the mismanagement — its own follies.  Power and greed corrupt absolutely, and absolute power and greed corrupt absolutely.
    Cartoon — Tricky Dickie again!  What a vile little man and a big criminal.

  2. Oh, how I love watching Soledad O'Brien – and I completely agree with her Condaleeza (sp?) Rice's actions are far more open to scrutiny than Susan Rice's ever were!  (Two Rices – is that right?!). 
    "The Crown Prosecution Service identified the onetime aides as Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, both of whom have had close personal or professional ties to Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr. Cameron hired Mr. Coulson as his director of communications while in opposition and kept him on after coming to power in the 2010 elections.
    The Tories appear to be in bed with Murdoch’s criminal activities, as I’m sure Republicans are here. We need more investigation on this side of the pond."
    That is something most odd and very dubious – yet Cameron appears to be getting away with it without many questions being asked – and we want questions asked and answered!  I couldn't believe it when he snowed some voters with his 'ordinary man' routine of cycling to work (followed by a HUGE car!) and when he and Samantha pretend to be poor – they are BOTH multi-millionaires!  ARGH!!!

    • Yes.  Both female and both black.  They appeal to racism because Susan is not their brand of Rice.

      That is a very familiar tale.

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