Nov 092012

Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed, and I’m still tired, but my day off took the edge off it.  I did my laundry while doing today’s research, and still hate laundry.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 5:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Final Election Report:

Florida is finally decided in Obama’s favor, making it the only state I missed, and making the final electoral vote total 322 – 206.  Kudos to Nate Silver, the only pundit who outperformed me with fifty out of fifty.

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: A Hauntingly Beautiful Clip About What Is Happening To The Middle Class


You know Bernie is right, and rest assured, the billionaires committing class war against us will not give up after losing just one battle.

From The New Yorker: Opting for a bold “big tent” strategy to rebuild the party, Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, told reporters today, “We need to welcome people who believe in different things than we do, like math and science.”

After disappointing results in Tuesday’s election, Mr. Priebus said that it was time for Republicans to become “more tolerant of those with a math-and-science lifestyle.”

Dang!! Skiense could spook the sheeple! 😉

From NY Times: Jared L. Loughner was sentenced Thursday to seven consecutive terms of life in prison at a court hearing punctuated by raw emotion as former Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark E. Kelly, for the first time confronted the man who shot her in the head during a rampage last year that left 6 dead and 12 others wounded.

My only regret is that Sarah Palin, who labeled Gabby with a bulls-eye, is not sharing the cell with him.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–11/9/2012”

  1. Because Schadenfreude Should Last More Than a Single Day – Some Eye Candy:

    And this is a "peace offering" from the co-workers (who were Obama supporters) of a devout and vocal Romneybot the day after the election:

  2. Puzzle — 4:53 I'm a leaf blowing in the wind!
    MoveOn — An excellent video that has a stunning visual effect for Bernie's message!  The 99% may have won the battle, but the war is still raging!  I wonder if the Republicans will divest themselves of the radical right Teabaggers?  In my estimation, such that it is, the Teabaggers with their radicalism and the fanatical evangelicals are what cost the Republicans the election — that and their utter stupidity.  I am certainly not saying it was not close, but the Republican/Teabaggers are pointing a finger at everything else and ignoring the four fingers of their own hand pointing back at themselves.
    The New Yorker — "Mr. Priebus said that it was time for Republicans to become “more tolerant of those with a math-and-science lifestyle.”" — He really doesn't get it! — “I read recently that women are as much as fifty-one per cent of the population,” he said. “That number sounded crazy high to me, but maybe one of our new math Republicans can check on it for us.” — What a solicitous asshole!  Did this guy even graduate from kindergarten?
    NY Times — Heard about this on the radio yesterday.  I am definitely not a death penalty person so 7 consecutive life sentences is fitting.  Loughner will never see the outside of a prison again and that is fitting.  He will still be serving time in his next life.  Now that is karma!
    Cartoon — I was safely at home doing my Latin homework!  But as I recall, there sure was a baby BOOM nine months later!



    • "The New Yorker — "Mr. Priebus said that it was time for Republicans to become “more tolerant of those with a math-and-science lifestyle.”" — He really doesn't get it! — “I read recently that women are as much as fifty-one per cent of the population,” he said. “That number sounded crazy high to me, but maybe one of our new math Republicans can check on it for us.” — What a solicitous asshole!  Did this guy even graduate from kindergarten?"
      You are right  Lynn – he can't have graduated from kindergarten – anyone with half a brain and over kindergarten age has known that statistic for many a long decade!  He has shown that he is TERRIFYINGLY IGORANT OF ANY BASIC FORM OF SCIENCE, MATHS AND GENERAL KNOWLEDGE! 
      It might be fun though to see what one of their 'new math Republicans' makes of telling him the truth – what crazy-brained lunacy will they come up with this time to please their political masters?!!

      • Embarrassing dyslexic typo – so sorry – I didn't spell 'ignorant' correctly!  So sorry!  (Ah well – Democrats admit their mistakes!).

    • 3:28 Red is my favorite color!

    • I beat you, but Patty the pariah nailed my butt. 😉

      If they do not, it will doom them.

      He, Walker and Ryan are buds.  What does that tell you?

      Agree.  I hope he comes to realize what he has done and change.

      I was in an elevator.

  3. I want to make a confession — I am sure glad the election is over so that I don't have to type "Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!" any more.  My fingers were getting muddled, as was my brain, and I typed "Vote Obama/Bin Laden 2012!!!!!" once.   Thank goodness I noticed it before submitting but I lived in fear of that happening.
    Congratulations Mr Obama and Mr Biden!  Well done!

  4. I heard late on the news this afternoon that a coal mining company presently mining in Tumbler Ridge in NE BC (Quintette Coal and Bull Moose Coal were up there until the market went to hell in a hand basket and the town all but dried up — I lived in Dawson Creek in the mid to late 80's when TR was a going concern.) wants to bring 200 Chinese workers to Canada to work in the mines.  The company says they can't get any Canadian workers, but I suspect it is more a case of they can't get any Canadian workers to work dirt cheap.  Anyway, Harper has put the permits for importation of Chinese workers on hold until it studies the matter more carefully.  Here we don't only ship jobs overseas, we import cheap labour too!

  5. I heard on the news this AM that Florida still had not finished their vote count after 4 days. They say the vote is still too close to call even though it doesn't matter anymore. This time it has something to do with dimpled ballots. 
    From the Sentinel:
    "Now, state officials are simply waiting on the counties. Broward, Duval and Palm Beach continue to count — Broward had 8,000 ballots left at 4 p.m. — and canvassing boards also began to meet to consider provisional ballots and questionable absentee votes.
    The counties must report unofficial results to the state by noon Saturday. The state canvassing commission will then certify the results Nov. 20".
     So I went to their official election site :

    Romney / Ryan



    Obama / Biden



    MoveOn ~ As usual, Bernie Sanders is a voice crying in the wilderness that is Washington, D.C.
    The New Yorker ~ RepublicanTs have always welcomed people who believe in math and science. They believe in Karl Rove's math and Todd Akin's type of  science.
    NY Times ~ He showed no remorse during his sentencing. I liked the statement Gabby Giffords' husband, Mark read to Loughner.
    Cartoon ~ I was sitting at our kitchen table doing my Trigonometry homework. I ended up doing it by candlelight and felt like Abe Lincoln.
    Too bad Gen. Petraeus couldn't keep it in his pants.

  6. 4:17  This was definitely Patty's puzzle.

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