Oct 252012

Today is another volunteer day in prison.  It’s an impact meeting with around 100 of my guys discussing the impact of their crimes with crime victims.  I’m current with replies, but only because I answered all at once instead of my normal reply to every comment individually.  I’m already pooped, so I know that tomorrow I’ll have only an Open Thread at best.

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Next Time You Hear Romney Say He ‘Built That,’ Remind Him Of These Seven Zeroes


Republicans love welfare, as long as it’s for the 1%!

From NY Times: …But Mr. Grayson, 54, a native New Yorker who put himself through Harvard as a janitor and night watchman, is back, running in a new Democratic-friendly district against Todd Long, a Tea Party activist who has lost two previous House races…

…He has outraised Mr. Long by 55 to 1 and has run weeks of advertisements that, among other things, blasted Mr. Long for wanting to “dismantle” Social Security. Mr. Long backs a plan to privatize the program for people under 55 and raise the retirement age to 72…

Looks like we’re going to get Alan Grayson back!! Woooo Hoooo!

From Voice 4 America: This is completely classless and disgusting. Ronna Romney, former sister-in-law to Mitt Romney, posted pictures of the mangled body of the late Ambassador Chris Stevens on her Facebook page. The picture includes the words “Obama Killed Him” surrounded by dripping blood.

Most likely, Willard put her up to doing this. It’s his style.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–10/25/2012”

  1. My friend, we disagree on the significance of the Bolsheviks.  That's OK.  But you did spell the word wrong; a typo I'm sure.  Your friend, Bill L.

    • Bill, you're right.  My bad.  I was rushing to get the blog up in time to leave for volunteer work in prison.  Se my explanation to Lynn further down.

  2. Puzzle — 3:07  This reminds me of a saying but I know not to whom I should attribute it: "Always climb to the top of the tree. There's further to fall but there's more to see. "
    MoveOn — Excellent.  I didn't remember the Bain bailout so did some reading  Thought this article from Rolling Stone was good.  http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-federal-bailout-that-saved-mitt-romney-20120829  Also found an article at  Patriot NewsWire (seems just a tad conservative) http://patriot-newswire.com/2012/01/romneys-skeletons-his-bain-capital-received-millions-in-bailouts/ with the following "… Reuters recently reported that a steel company taken over by Bain Capital went bankrupt and received another big handout from the government. After the Missouri mill’s approximately 750 employees were fired, a federal insurance agency had to bail out its underfunded pension plan to the tune of almost $45 million. …"
    It's true! TC "Republicans love welfare, as long as it’s for the 1%!"
    NY Times — Good to see that Alan Grayson is making a come back.  I'm surprised that the Republican/Teabagger powers that be are not doing more to defeat him like they did in 2010.  But then, with an idiot like Todd Long who wants to privatise part of SS and raise the retirement age to 72, maybe they figure there is no hope for Long.  I suppose that Long's idea to raise the retirement age is an attempt to extend the life of SS — fewer parttakers since people, especially in very physical jobs, would be dead from the demands of the job before they ever reached 72!  Go Alan Grayson!!!
    Voice4America — Just goes to show that the Republican/Teabaggers have absolutely NO COMPASSION for the family of Chris Stevens, or anyone else that is not in the 1% for that matter.  I hope Chris Stevens sues the pants off her.  And in the same publication is an article where Ann Coulter, vile Republican/Teabagger snake that she is, suggests it is time for the Republican/Teabaggers to go after the Obama children since Democrats are going after Republican/Teabagger children.  I know of no such incidents, but can only assume she refers to Romney's GROWN children like Craig and Tagg who are active in the campaign and in other related matters like having an interest in some voting machines.  All I can say Ann Coulter, beware of momma bear protecting her young!  You will come out looking like sushi!
    Cartoon — The October Revolution that saw the communists ultimately win.  Just curious TC, how do you see the Bolsheviks as the 'Soviet Tea Party'?  True they were radical, but where the Bolsheviks ultimately became the communist government and moved for proletarian reforms, the Tea Party do not.  Just curious.  No doubt that the Bolshevik Revolution was important for its changes for the people, but it had lasting effects around the world.
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    • 3:32  I'm still trying to get to one of the lower branches.  Looks like it will be the third or fourth one down.

    • A win for you!

      Great links.  The issue for Republicans is only who receives the largesse.

      Yes, and this was Willard's family.

      The Bolsheviks were a minority that claimed to be the majority, just like the Tea Party.  The Bolsheviks claimed to want no government, but governed down to the most personal details of people's private lives, just like the Tea Party.  The Bolsheviks claimed to be Democratic, but were totalitarian.  The Bolsheviks used their atheist religion as justification to violate peoples human rights, Just like the Tea party uses Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity.  When the democratic process did not put them in power, they took power by force oif arms, just like the Tea Party advocates.  The Socialist Kerensky government that they replaced were the proletarian reformers.  The Bolsheviks used those reforms to foster statism.   Does that help?

  3. Have you ever wanted to reclaim a couple of wasted minutes … but then on further thought said, "Hey, that was actually mildly amusing."
    Well, in honor our Leader, head on over to "Cat Bounce" and waste a few seconds/minutes/hours/GET-A-LIFE
    You can drag the little kitten to w/e height you want … the higher you drag him, the more he bounces:

  4. I've missed the daily jigsaw challenges wit you, my friends, here at Tom's wise, progressive blog. I went into the hospital Monday AM and was in critical care for a few days. I had a roto-rooter procedure done on my left leg's arteries. It seems to have "cured" me so far. It's good to be back. Now I have to get back into the groove to whip your butts again.
    MoveOn ~As always, SPOT-ON!
    NY Times ~ Alan Grayson is a REAL American hero!
    Voiice 4 America ~  Pure stupidity since the picture is not of Amb. Chris Stevens but that of the late Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi. So it would have been more apporopriate if she had the words, "GW killed him" plastered all over it.

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