Oct 252012

We’ve been watching a new political animal prowl the campaign trail in recent weeks.  He has etched his sketch so thoroughly that it is impossible to see the “severely conservative” Romney in the garb of what Bill Clinton calls “Moderate Mitt”.  Don’t believe it!  Moderate Mitt is just disguising himself as a sheeple, as his lies about women prove.  Extremism is the status quo for the Republican Party, and more so for Romney than others.

Rachel Maddow covered the Republican War on Women in two segments. In the first, she covered campaign news for the first seven minutes, and then she documented the extent of that extremism since the 2010 election.

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Obama had better win in Ohiowa!! In the second, Rachel discussed it with Rep. Diana Degette.

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From all this it is clear beyond doubt that overturning Roe v. Wade, and criminalizing abortion nationally, even in cases of rape and incest. Willard Romney want’s us to believe that he is Moderate Mitt, that he favors exceptions for rape, incest, and threat to the life of the mother. He is lying

I trust you all know the story of Seamus, Willard’s tortured Irish setter. Right after that trip, on which Seamus was forced to travel on the roof of Willard’s car, Romney also demonstrated that he opposes abortion, even when the life of the mother is at severe risk. 

25mitt_bully…It was in August of that year, shortly after the Romney family returned from their vacation to Lake Huron, that a pregnant woman in her late 30s—Carrel Hilton Sheldon—was informed by her doctor that she had a life-threatening blood clot lodged in her pelvic region.

In treating the clot, Sheldon was administered an overdose of the blood thinner Heparin, an overdose that not only resulted in significant internal bleeding, but also extensive damage to her kidneys, to the point where she was on the verge of needing a transplant. Her life was clearly in peril.

Sheldon’s doctor advised her that the overdose of Heparin might have also harmed her 8-week-old fetus and, given the possible fatal repercussions to her, he recommended that she abort her pregnancy.

Sheldon, a mother of four at the time (a fifth child had died as an infant), was then a practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), outside of Boston. The LDS leader in Massachusetts at that time, called the "stake president," was a Harvard-trained physician, Dr. Gordon Williams, and he counseled Sheldon to follow her doctor’s advice to terminate the pregnancy and protect her own life, so that she could continue caring for her four living children.

"Of course, you should have the abortion," she recalled him saying.

According to an account later written anonymously by Sheldon for the LDS women’s journal,Exponent II, it was after receiving this counsel from her Williams supporting the potentially life-saving procedure that she experienced an uninvited visit in her hospital from her Mormon bishop at the time, 36-year-old Mitt Romney, who adamantly opposed the abortion.

"He regaled me with stories of his sister and her retarded child and what a blessing the child had been to the family," Sheldon wrote of the incident. "He told me that ‘as your bishop, my concern is with the child.’"

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Photo credit: Bossip

I strongly  suggest clicking through for the rest of this extensive article.

Michael Shure, Michael Hastings and Tricia Rose tracked what looks like a lifelong pattern of Mitt Romney’s mean-spirited behavior, from allegations of bullying a prep school peer, taunting a blind English teacher, hazing classmates at Stanford and, later, pressuring a pregnant woman whom he counseled not to have an abortion, even if it risked her life.

There you have it.  In spite of his protestations that he favors exceptions, his previous statements during the campaign belie that, and his behavior makes it clear that he is now lying.

For a woman, voting for Romney is like a Jew voting for Hitler, or a black person voting for a KKK candidate. For a man, voting for Romney would send a message to the world that the man considers women to be sexual property, not individual people with basic human rights.

America’s future depends on YOUR vote!


  20 Responses to “Moderate Mitt? Don’t Believe It!”

  1. It baffles me how any woman could even consider voting Republican.

  2. It baffles me that polls show an increase in women for Romney just recently when all this garbage about women is coming from the wing nuts.

  3. Mitts past behavior patterns, not just isolated events , but in total ,present a picture of an individual who is not likely to make significant changes- : What Mitt was=he is ,

  4. My vote and my family's votes are in for Obama.  I, too, do not understand or comprehend how anyone could vote for any Republican, let alone R/R.  The more you hear from them, the more deranged they seem.  People better wake up before it is ,too late,  READ, LISTEN, RESEARCH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE AND YOU HAVE A PRESIDENT THAT DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT "YOU PEOPLE", ONLY THE RICH. You can only imagine this country under R/R,  and yes, you will be throwing Grandma and many more under the bus. And while we are at it, let us look over Donald Trumps "papers" and find something to deport the stupid SOB.

  5. Michael Shure, Michael Hastings and Tricia Rose tracked what looks like a lifelong pattern of Mitt Romney’s mean-spirited behavior, from allegations of bullying a prep school peer, taunting a blind English teacher, hazing classmates at Stanford and, later, pressuring a pregnant woman whom he counseled not to have an abortion, even if it risked her life.

    Willard is a Sociopath, I will give anyone a ride to vote no matter who they vote for but I am biased… 🙂


  6. Willard is a Sociopath, without empathy…. Thanks Tom

  7. John, I'm going to take it one step further.  It baffles me how any person could even consider voting Republican!  Period!
    I agree wholeheartedly that Romney is dishonest when it comes to his positions on women's rights and issues.  He plays the part of a chameleon very well, changing his views to suit the occasion.  But it doesn't stop there.  He is a chameleon on just about everything.  But not just a chameleon, but a dirty rotten bullying ninja chameleon!
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  8. Bishop Willard couldn't have been elected to any local School Board 40 years ago. We've devolved, badly.

  9. Every time I see him "smile", it reminds me of my ex-husband.
    He was a pathological liar too. Don't let him fool you!

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