Oct 052012

I must have been pretty pooped, because I slept most of the afternoon and night yesterday.  I’m current with replies, and tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:04 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The GOP Started A War On Women, And American Women Are Here To End It


Any woman who votes Republican is offering control of her vagina to Koch suckers and her soul to Todd Akin.

From Torrent Freak: With millions of users every day The Pirate Bay is an ideal site to reach tech savvy people all around the world. The power of this online platform is used by many advertisers to target customers, and not just those looking for a Russian bride either. Currently a secretly-funded conservative-leaning organization, listed by the New York Times as “getting the most bang” for its advertising bucks in 2010, is running an anti-Obama campaign on the world’s most resilient torrent site.

This is one of the premiere sites on the net for the theft of copyrighted music and video. It’s no surprise that "family values" Republicans are supporting the theft of intellectual property to advertise Lord Willard.

From Addicting Info: A group in New Mexico is claiming to have video showing the Sandoval County Republican Party vice chair instructing people on how to illegally  use voter suppression tactics, as reported by Raw Story.


The list of Republican crimes keeps growing.



Lord Willard shows his courage stalking Osama bin Bird.


  15 Responses to “Open Thread–10/5/2012”

  1. Unemployment now at 7.8%
    chuckle chuckle
    But of course Repubicans will now claim the SAME BLS stats that they've been bashing Obama with are part of the VAST LIBERAL CONSPIRACY

  2. 3:47  I got on my bike and rode…but did I ride fast enough?

  3. Puzzle — 3:59  I sprung a sprocket!
    MoveOn — Any woman who votes for Rmoney or any Republican/Teabagger is no only voting against herself, but against her mother, her sisters, her daughters, her granddaughters, her women friends.  She doesn't just let herself down, she lets all women down.
    Torrent Freak — Further indications that the Republican/Teabaggers think that they are above the law!
    Addicting Info — Since this is on tape, can they not take this to the authorities to investigate (FBI?, Election Commission?) and hopefully put an end to this crap?  Obviously, many Republican/Teabaggers will do ANYTHING, legal, shady or downright illegal to win.  The 'end justifies the means' in their warped little world.  And if a Republican/Teabagger ever caught a Democrat doing the same thing, the GOP would be shouting about it!
    Cartoon — Obama for President 2012!  Big Bird for President 2016!!!  Now let's see the GOP squawk about that!!!
    Get out the vote!!!!!     Four more years!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!          Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!! 

  4. MoveOn ~ I, too, approve this message!
    Torrent Freak ~ The party of Family Values is showing their true colors again. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
    Addicting Info ~ This is not the first time I heard of this. I might have seen it on a Current TV news show.
    Gotta love Al Gore's new channel!
    Cartoon ~ If Rmoney is elected, he and his family will dine on Big Bird on Thanksgiving.

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