89 Million on RepubliCare

 Posted by at 10:26 am  Politics
Oct 052012

There seems to be a lot of confusion, about the implications of health care coverage between Obamacare and RepubliCare, as envisioned by Lord Willard Romney.  The Lord of Lies added to the confusion in his debate performance.  Fortunately we have some excellent people, who can sort it out, as Paul Krugman has done in this editorial.

RepubliCare“No. 1,” declared Mitt Romney in Wednesday’s debate, “pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” No, they aren’t — as Mr. Romney’s own advisers have conceded in the past, and did again after the debate…

…What Mr. Romney actually proposes is that Americans with pre-existing conditions who already have health coverage be allowed to keep that coverage even if they lose their job — as long as they keep paying the premiums. As it happens, this is already the law of the land. But it’s not what anyone in real life means by having a health plan that covers pre-existing conditions, because it applies only to those who manage to land a job with health insurance in the first place (and are able to maintain their payments despite losing that job). Did I mention that the number of jobs that come with health insurance has been steadily declining over the past decade?

What Mr. Romney did in the debate, in other words, was, at best, to play a word game with voters, pretending to offer something substantive for the uninsured while actually offering nothing. For all practical purposes, he simply lied about what his policy proposals would do.

How many Americans would be left out in the cold under Mr. Romney’s plan? One answer is 89 million. According to the nonpartisan Commonwealth Foundation, that’s the number of Americans who lack the “continuous coverage” that would make them eligible for health insurance under Mr. Romney’s empty promises. By the way, that’s more than a third of the U.S. population under 65 years old… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

There you have it.  Under Obamacare, preexisting conditions must be covered by law.  Under RepubliCare, the Lord of Lies offers 89 million Americans the RepubliCare Death Benefit.  If you can’t pay, you get to die!


  10 Responses to “89 Million on RepubliCare”

  1.  For all practical purposes, he simply lied about what his policy proposals would do.

    It's time for a game changer which is reelect President Obama and take the House and keep the Senate….

  2. There you have it.  Under Obamacare, preexisting conditions must be covered by law.  Under RepubliCare, the Lord of Lies offers 89 million Americans the RepubliCare Death Benefit.  If you can’t pay, you get to die!

    Sure cannot say better than this—

  3. Of course he lied about his healthcare plan, just as he has lied about everything else.

  4. "What Mr Romney . . . to play a word game with voters, pretending to offer something substantive for the uninsured while actually offering nothing. For all practical purposes, he simply lied about what his policy proposals would do."
    "The fact is that Mr. Romney tried to mislead the public, and he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it."
    In the Concise Oxford Dictionary, the third definition, a US derogatory term, a politician is defined as "a person with self-interested political concerns".  I agree with Paul Krugman.  Rmoney lied to gain advantage — the end (winning the WH) justifies the means (lying to anybody and everybody).  So, other than not electing this idiot, how can the American people hold him accountable, call him on his lies and press charges?  I doubt there is a way.  It would probably only work if he managed to win, then did everything he said he would not do.
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!          Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
    Send Rmoney/Ryan to the nether world of politicians!!!!!

  5.  I am saddened by the number of otherwise good people who are taken in by this master of deceit.

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