Sep 142012

Yesterday the heat interfered with my sleep again, so I am pooped.  I’m rushing to get this article up before my Cardiologist appointment.  I’m not current with replies.  Tomorrow I hope to begin catching up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Chris Rock Has A Crystal Clear Analogy For Undecided Voters


How appropriate, because the Republican Party is the cancer that afflicts this nation.

From NY Times: Romney shows no respect for diplomacy in general. He declares that “God did not create this country to be a nation of followers” and maintains that “in an American century, America leads the free world.” [Willard delinked] His surrogates repeatedly mock President Obama’s “apology tour” and his unfortunate “leading from behind” formulation on Libya. His principal advisers, John Bolton and Dan Senor, are part of a neocon hard core that opposes any policy that would diminish American sovereignty or freedom of action. Yet faced with the vexing issue of whether the Middle East should be further roiled by an Israeli attack on Iran in an attempt to stop its nuclear program, Romney is willing to outsource that decision to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

InsaniTEA! We’ve already seen what the Neocons brought us, and Netanyahu in the driver’s seat over Iran is like Hitler in the driver’s seat over Poland!

From The New Yorker: One day after he was roundly criticized by both parties for his comments about Libya, Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney attempted to burnish his foreign-policy credentials today, telling reporters that “no one has spent more time overseas than my money has.”

“My money has served in banks from Switzerland to Bermuda, and from Bermuda to the Cayman Islands,” Mr. Romney said. “I challenge my opponent’s money to equal that record of service.”

He does have a point. His money is far more qualified and worth far more than he is.




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–9/14/2012”

  1. Romney says “God did not create this country to be a nation of followers”.  He should have quit with the first half of his sentence
    "God did not create this country”, period!

  2. 3:46 Will my time hold?

  3. Is Rmoney's money on the ballot for President this year?

  4. Puzzle — 4:03 I felt like I was getting grilled!
    MoveOn — So right! or should I say so left!  I must still be half asleep as I kept missing the word 'against'.   Rock for Barak!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
    New York Times — 'American sovereignty or freedom of action' aka the new Manifest Destiny in my mind, is what sets up the US to be hated by many people globally.  With strength comes responsibility!  Many peoples, countries inhabit this planet and all must work together.  Strength is not a license to dominate!  Romney and the Republican/Teabaggers have not learned this lesson, and with their ego-centric approach, probably never will.
    The New Yorker — According to SCOTUS, money is speech.  It is not a person yet, so I don't think it is capable of making any decisions.  But then neither is Romney.  I wonder if Ann tells him what to where each day?
    "Doubling down on his latest theme, Mr. Romney promised that “on Day One of my Presidency, I will ensure that American money is safe and secure in secret vaults and underground caves around the world.”"
    And this guy is the savvy business man?  I don't think so!  Not with statements like that!  Further proof that Romney is an IDIOT of the grandest magnitude!
    "…Romney campaign did not refer to his latest comments, but indicated that between now and the election Mr. Romney’s schedule would deëmphasize events where he might be called upon to open his mouth."

    And definitely a wise move for the campaign!  Romney couldn't talk himself out of a wet paper bag!  Every time he opens his mouth, he inserts both his feet right up to his ass!  I hope he likes dark meat!  I just hope the sheeple understand what is happening!
    Cartoon — A reaction to the War of 1812?

  5. A reminder to Willard:
    Being President of he United States is a full-time job.
    It is NOT a position in Bibi's Cabinet.

  6. SCROTUS?!        Perfect.
    Tom, I borrowed that Chris Rock gif and posted another thread about PP.  Come on over to Coffee & Tea Politics to say hi.  

  7. If Bibi wants a war with Iran, he can do it himself 'cause we ain't coming.  They are armed to the teeth, including nukes and hasn't even tried to talk with Iran first.  How about some diplomacy there Bibi?  You are a little pissant country surrounded by Muslims so I suggest you suck up your ego and go talk to them, not us.  We've already spread our fair share of blood and money and we're really tired of you coming around with your hand out when you fuck up and ask us to fix it for you.

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