Shhhh! It’s a Secret!

 Posted by at 9:49 am  Politics
Sep 102012

Romney and Ryan are desperately etching their sketches at record pace, trying to make themselves more palatable to middle class voters.  To do that, they are trying to say they will lower middle class taxes by closing loopholes for the rich.  Which loopholes will they close?  Shhhh! It’s a secret!

10secretsRyan said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” that ending tax loopholes used by high-income earners allows for lower tax rates for the rest of the country.

“Here’s the point I’m trying to make here, George,” Ryan said. “We think the secret to economic growth is lower tax rates for families and successful small businesses by plugging loopholes.”

“Now the question is, not necessarily what loopholes go, but who gets them,” Ryan continued. “High-income earners use most of the loopholes.  That means they can shelter their income from taxation.”

Stephanopoulos pressed Ryan for specifics. “Don’t voters have a right — to know which loopholes you’re going to go after?” he asked.

“So Mitt Romney and I, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans, and then to work with Congress to do this,” Ryan said. “That’s how you get things done.”

Ryan dismissed the idea that the plan is a secret one… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Photo credit: Who Wants Taters

That certainly was a big duck!  The quack resonated across the nation!  It’s not a secret.  They just refuse to say!  Surprisingly, a conservative has shed considerable light on this.

10class-warfareOn ABC’s "This Week" roundtable Sunday, conservative columnist George Will questioned the mathematical soundness of the Romney-Ryan tax cut plan. It’s estimated to cost trillions of dollars but Mitt Romney vows that it will be revenue neutral by closing unspecified loopholes on high-income taxpayers.

"There is uncertainty surrounding the Romney-Ryan tax cut plan, because they have not specified the deductions that will be closed," Will said. "And we know where the big money is: mortgage interest deductions, charitable deductions, taxing that’s compensation, which it is, employee-provided health insurance, and state and local taxes. All of those, you either hit only the rich, in which case you don’t get much money, or you hit the middle class."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

Photo credit:

Will’s reasoning is impeccable.

If Romney planned to hit the rich, he would not be afraid to say how.  The reason that the Republican plan has to stay secret is they can’t afford to tell voters that they plan to keep faith with millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals at our expense.  The rich will get their big cuts, and the Republicans will hit the middle class to pay for it.  The only thing changing is their rhetoric.


  14 Responses to “Shhhh! It’s a Secret!”

  1. Well they can keep etching and sketching all they want. But when the debates start they are going to have to answer the question or they will lose. But it is not going to only factor by golly it's going to the empathy issue. Which no matter how hard Mrs Romney trys no will buy the fact the R/R have any. Obnama/Biden 2012
    Sometimes I wonder how Romney made it as far as he did??

  2. How any person , of any level of intelligence can entertain a thought of voting for these  liars–?
    I was taught– all my life,  Never trust any body who says"  Trust Me "" I have found this a good rule—-
    If  one of these came to my door – wanting to date my Daughter– he would meet  rejection– and I am being nice-; – Ever watch  To Catch A  Predator ?? These  2 – Romney/Ryan– fit very well—They simply havent been arrested yet—

  3. I think it's even being kept a secret from them.

  4. The reason it is a secret is that they DON"T know!

  5. Like so many things in the Romney/Ryan platform, I really don't think they have thought the details out.  What I think they have thought out is how to say things so that people are deceived into thinking Romney/Ryan are for them.
    I think that George Will has said it well:
    "And we know where the big money is: mortgage interest deductions, charitable deductions, taxing that’s compensation, which it is, employee-provided health insurance, and state and local taxes. All of those, you either hit only the rich, in which case you don’t get much money, or you hit the middle class."
    In other words, screw the middle class.  They won't know what hit them! 

  6. Would anyone hire someone who claims they can balance your corporation's books and guarantee you a profit … but refuse to give you even a hint as to how they'd do it – and only says "Well, I've been very successful in the past, so you'll just have to TRUST  me on this one."
    Nope, didn't think so.
    And I'm pretty sure it was their own St. Ronnie Raygun who famously said, "Trust … but verify!"

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