It surprised me that, when asked if we are better off now than we were four years ago on Sunday, Obama campaign officials fumbled the question. I would think that a comparison of conditions between Obama’s inauguration and the present, would be a key issue in the campaign. Lets look first at a Republican view of the issue.
Paul Ryan delivered a scathing criticism of President Barack Obama’s stewardship of the nation’s economy Monday, arguing that even conservative punching bag Jimmy Carter’s presidency was better as Democrats streamed to North Carolina to nominate Obama for a second term.
“The president can say a lot of things and he will,” the Republican vice presidential candidate told more than 2,000 supporters in East Carolina University’s student recreation center, about 230 miles east of the Democratic National Convention site in Charlotte. “But he can’t tell you that you’re better off. Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now.”
The message, comparing today’s economic problems with the troubled economic conditions of the Carter administration, is part of a broader GOP strategy to ask voters whether they are better off now than they were four years ago. Polling suggests the criticism may resonate with voters who continue to like Obama personally but are frustrated with the pace of economic recovery two months before Election Day… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Washington Post>
Photo credit: The Republican Oracle
That may sound good, but note that Ryan evaded any actual comparisons between now and four years ago. There is a very good reason he avoided that.
Next, lets look a a Democratic view.
Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, asked Tuesday if Americans were better off than they were four years ago, said people should remember the “recklessness” of Wall Street and the plight of the auto industry.
“I remember what was happening four years ago,” Warren said Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “The markets were crashing, the financial industry was threatening to seize up, the auto industry was about to plunge over the edge. There was a real question among most economists of whether this country was headed into a full-fledged depression. We have to remember what the recklessness on Wall Street did. It costs trillions of dollars in home value. It costs trillions of dollars in pension value. It cost millions of people their jobs.”
Warren, who is trailing incumbent GOP Sen. Scott Brown in Massachusetts, is set to address the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte on Wednesday night. She has become a liberal hero for her slashing attacks on Wall Street and for designing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Politico>
Photo credit: Left Foot Forward
Nobody I have found discussing this issue has more expertise on the economy than Warren, and unlike Ryan she actually used conditions four years ago. Also note the graph of Gross Domestic Product change. That bottom tip of the V is where the economy was four years ago. Only a moron could argue that it has not improved. The Bikini Graph of job growth tells the same story.
Next lets look at what American voters are most likely to be told on the main stream media.
60 Percent Of Segments Asked "Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Year Ago" But Provided No Explanation Of Where We Were Four Years Ago. Between August 1 and 26, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC hosted 35 discussions that attempted to answer the question, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" In 21 of those discussions — accounting for 60 percent of the segments — no data from 2008 was presented.
Monthly Jobs Data And GDP From 2008 Completely Shut Out Of "Are You Better Off" Conversation. None of the 35 segments mention two key economic indicators from 2008, gross domestic product and monthly employment changes.
Cable News Most Likely To Focus On Debt, Unemployment Rate When Discussing Where The Economy Was Four Years Ago. Cable news hosts and guests were most likely to focus on national debt and the unemployment rate when providing. During the 14 segments that provided context as to where the economy was four years ago, national debt was mentioned nine times, and the unemployment rate was discussed eight times. The financial crisis was mentioned three times, personal income was mentioned twice, and the stock market was mentioned once…
Inserted from <Media Matters>
That is pathetic. Over sixty percent of news segments present the issue like Ryan did, with no comparative data. Of the 40% that did, not one presented the most significant data. Is it any wonder that so many Americans are ignorant on this subject? So much for the so-called liberal media!
We are not completely without media representation. Last night, Ed Schultz explained why we are better off now than we were four years ago accurately and well.
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Four years ago America was over the cliff and plunging fast. To make matters worse, the Republican Party got together and recognized that whatever success Obama had in recovering the economy would provide a clear and accurate comparison between the two parties. The Republicans determined to do everything possible to prevent it, uncaring that they would be harming millions of American families in the process. In spite of their best efforts at sabotage, Obama and the Democrats stopped the downward plunge and made progress in returning the economy to conditions before Wall Street and the Republican Party trashed it.
So are we better off now than we were four years ago? In good faith, I just cannot say yes. Yes in insufficient. Lets try this instead:
13 Responses to “Are We Better Off?”
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I voted for IKE , my first time—since then I have voted in every election– a bunch of them -lol—I have never seen such a mess as the Repugs are putting up I have never heard such bold lies and ugly manipulation ; Since I have not been a starry eyed – pie in the sky person, that means i have seen a lot of shenanigans in my 55 years of voting– I know there are lies and more lies- always have been– however this time the outright ugly lying stuns even me! It is simply not conceivable that any thinking person would vote for a republican — The Party which had some honor , has none —
Was Ike the last Republican with a conscience? I'm starting to think so.
Excellent analysis!
I’m sure everyone has seen a handy-dandy list proving that we’re better off (and doing my best Kanye West imitation, “Imma let you see mine”) – but first, the reason it’s a stupid, “Gotcha” question quasi-journalists love.
Suppose that your house is on fire and the firefighters come racing to the scene to put it out. They drag out their hoses to get the water pouring on the blaze just as fast as they can. After the fire is put out, the reporter shows up and asks the Fire Chief: "Is the house in better off than when you got here?"
So let’s not forget including the facts of what Pres. Obama was handed when answering that inane question. And I’ve come across several well-drafted lists, but I particularly like this one because it’s so pithy. So with some paraphrasing, "Twenty-Five Reasons Why Americans Are Better Off":
1. Saved our banks
2. Provided the economic backdrop that raised the stock market from 6,500 to 13,000
3. Saved GM
4. Repealed DADT
5. Ordered a Mini DREAM Act when Republicans blocked it
6. Created 4.3 million jobs
7. 27- straight months of Private Sector job growth
8. Passed HealthCare Reform
9. Ended the war in Iraq
10. Ending the war in Afghanistan
11. Doubled the Number of Border Security Agents
12. Appointed First Hispanic Justice
13. Restored America’s standing in the world
14. Dealt effectively with the BP Oil Spill
15. Dealt effectively with the Somalia Pirate Crisis
16. Dealt effectively with H1N1
17. Kept America Safe
18. Passed Financial Reform
19. Passed a Credit Card Bill of Rights
20. Passed Equal Pay for Women
21. Rid the World of Osama Bin Laden
22. Nearly Wiped out Al Qaeda
23. Added Eight-yeas of solvency to Medicare
24. Quit smoking
25. And got a dog
I'm with you right up until #25. Obama got a dawg, when he should know that CAT is where it's AT!!
The RepublicanTs are hoping that all of America suffers from amnesia about the Bush years and what he left this country to deal with.
And they are trying to fool un into thinking they're better than Bush, when they're worse.
Yes, Americans are better off now than 4 years ago. Only an idiot or a die hard Republican/Teabagger would dare challenge that! Interesting how Ryan just throws accusations around without providing any substantive support to back it up. If he's not out right lying, he is purposefully vague. And nobody in the MSM takes him to task. Where is a Walter Cronkite when you need him/her?
And one more question, how can a Canuck realise this and so many Americans can't see it? People don't seem to see the forest for the trees!
Vote Democratic 2012!!!!! Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
You have the advantage of living in a more progressive nation.
Yes we are If we had elected McCain/Palin we would be worse off. Now they are trying again to take over country I heard yesterday when asked what if you lost "Well like a good little republian/tea party member we will just work harder in 2016. I think they honestly believe they can win. But if they choose to try they will have to include all people not just the rich racist white man. Because I think they have blown it the wave of the rich man's president is just about over. This country will not go backward.
The Democrat Convention kick off yesterday it was the future in everyway
The first lady tied the personal to the political in a way that was worthy of Bill Clinton.
First Lady Tied the Personal & Political
Had we elected McConJob and Mooseolini, we'd be talking about withdrawing the troops from Iran.
As far as Ryan and nose by the time we walk in the booth to vote he will fallen over it because dishonesty can and will never trump what we as country has found and can be summed up in just a few words President Obama and First Michelle Obama who represents our country and who we are .
On the plus side, it may make Ryan a world pole vault champion.