Aug 312012

Yesterday I went for an ultrasound exam on my bad leg.  The lab was over half a mile from the bus stop.  When I arrived I learned that my doctor had screwed up and sent me to a place that does not accept my Medicare Advantage plan.  I walked all that way for nothing.  Grrr!  I’m blogging normally today and am current on replies.  Tomorrow appears routine, but I’ll be collecting data for Sunday’s Monthly Report.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Yesterday’s took me 3:18 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Dear Paul Ryan, When Reagan’s Budget Guy Says Your Math Is Whacked, You’ve Got A Problem


It increases the deficit, slashes the safety net, steals your life-long investment in Social Security and Medicare, and raises your taxes, all to give massive tax cuts to the 1%, aka the job exporters.

From The Daily Page: Scott Walker says he’s a progressive.

If Walker, Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan, is a progressive, then I’m a beauty queen.

From Alternet: Let’s start with Limbaugh. On Monday, the conservative radio host told his audience that the government’s weather scientists had colluded to mess with the GOP’s carefully choreographed show.

After assuring listeners that he was  not alleging a conspiracy, Limbaugh  said [Limbarf delinked], “The hurricane center is the regime; the hurricane center is the Commerce Department. It’s the government. It’s Obama.”

Sheeple who believe Limbarf, or Beck, or Hannity, or O’Lielly, etc. are stupid enough to believe anything.




  16 Responses to “Open Thread–8/31/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 4:10  The best I can do without monkeying around.  I either broke or badly sprained my middle 2 fingers on my right hand, my mouse hand of course, yesterday when I fell in the shower.  Now, not only do I need a new hand, but a new shower rod too!  Fortunately, the hooded litter box was there and prevented me from doing some very serious damage to my back as I fell backwards.  Surprised the hell out of my critters!
    MoveOn — "When Reagan’s Budget Guy Says Your Math Is Whacked, You’ve Got A Problem" — Oh yea!  But then, we already knew that was the case.
    The Daily Page — "Patriotic citizens," said La Follette in a 1924 speech, must "demand of wealth that it shall conduct its business lawfully … that it shall keep its powerful hands off from legislative manipulation."
    I agree with Follette.  Seems Fartfuhrer Walker didn't get the memo!  If he's a progressive, then I'm a space alien!
    Alternet — Amen!  I posted an article about this on Care2
    Limbaugh is such an idiot.  It is amazing that anyone listens to him.  No accounting for some people's tastes.
    Cartoon — Amen!!!!!

    • Hope you are ok, Lynn!

      • Thanks Edie!  I'm fine.  Saw Dr today and then had xrays as a precaution but likely a bad sprain.  Now my two fingers are taped together for support, but what a pain for typing! … or using a mouse!  Finally starting to bruise a bit further up my arm which I expected but it isn't bothering me.  Right shoulder is quite sore tonight but wasn't last night so I think things are settling in now.  I am thinking I should put grab bars in the shower though.

    • 2:58 and I was just monkeying around.

    • OW!!  That sounds painful.  I'm sorry, and hope you feel better.

      Yes we did.

      I do too!



  2. Tom, just wanted to say i'm glad all your medical visits and tests went well.
    And to Lynn..poor kittys! lol
    Hope you get better soon as well …take the time off and reading! 🙂

  3. Well, you gotta hand it to the Repubicans – their Convention has provided an embarrassment of riches for the humorists out there.  So here are some of the highlights I've culled from the Intertubes today.  Most of them are Tweets, but let's begin with a poem.
    Yesterday, upon a chair
    Clint met a man who wasn’t there
    How sad it is that Rowdy Yates
    Has ended up as Orly Taitz
    As Mitt Romney watched the Clint Eastwood speech, he couldn't help but envy the raw charisma displayed by the chair.
    I hope Obama has James Earl Jones open up the DNC by doing a routine with an ottoman
    Hey republicans – why stop with Clint Eastwood? Bring Mel Gibson out next!
    After his speech, backstage Clint Eastwood was seen arguing with a vending machine
    Clint Eastwood has changed his mind & decided to endorse The Chair
    Clint Eastwood summed up the RNC perfectly: A crotchety old rich white guy fighting against an imaginary black threat.
    Courtney Love called to say that Clint Eastwood's speech was rambling and incoherent.
    Give Clint Eastwood a break… The RNC asked him to speak about ObamaCare and he thought they said ObamaChair…
    New pick up line in bars: Is this seat taken or is President Obama currently sitting here?
    Now we know why President Obama always wins at musical chairs.
    Eastwood will do the same shtick at the Democratic Convention – but he’ll be talking to Romney in an empty factory
    I kept waiting for Clint to say: “LIVE, from NY … it’s Saturday Night!"
    And a couple of graphics.  The first is for you Simpsons fans:
    And a parody of Obama's iconic "Hope" poster – designed especially for Clint:

  4. I actually felt sorry for the aging, possibly senile, Clint Eastwood. I watched for about 5 minutes and had to change channels. I was embarrassed for him.
    Perfect ~ "A crotchety old rich white guy fighting against an imaginary black threat."
    Be well, everyone.

  5. Mittens Romney, the jobs murdering, horse doping, dog-torturer has no intention of doing anything as president  that won't benefit the Koch brothers first.   If their interests conflict with ours – then so be it. Romney's a corporatist all the way.  

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