Aug 172012

It will not make it below 90° at my desk today.  Tomorrow should be slightly cooler.  I had to reschedule my echocardiogram today.  I consider it unsafe to have to walk up a steep hill from the hospital to the bus stop with a bad leg in 100°+ heat.  This is today’s only article.  I intended it for yesterday but, I ran put of gas after researching and before writing.  I am not current with replies and will catch up when I can.  What happens tomorrow depends on whether I get rain with the forecast thunderstorm.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday’s took me 4:59 (average 6:38).  To do it, click here.  Today’s took me 3:47 (average 4:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Someone Made This Random Meme About Immigration And It’s Awesome


Does that put Republican hypocri9sy on Front Street, or what?

From YouTube (Hat-Tip Caity J): Republican Deficit Hawk Hypocrites


I have to love Bernie. He has the good sense to support Obama.

From Media Matters: Last night, newly ensconced Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan sat down for his first solo interview with Fox News’ Brit Hume and let slip an admission about Mitt Romney’s budget plan — an admission that’s receiving surprisingly little press attention. Asked by Hume when the Romney plan would balance the budget, Ryan said he didn’t know because "we haven’t run the numbers on that specific plan." [emphasis added]


They have run the numbers. They refuse to tell us what they are, because they plan to increase the debt with more 1% welfare, while they are claiming to plan to reduce the debt.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–8/17/2012”

  1. 6:19 yesterday and 3:58 today.  I've seemed to  have lost some of my mojo.  I hope it hasn't floated out to sea.

    • You're a better bike rider than me by far, but I swim just a little better than you!    You're mojo hasn't gone out to sea, you're just enjoying those tropical breezes that cool down the stinkin' heat!

  2. Bernie Sanders in my Vermont Representative… Thumbs up ^ Senator Sanders.

  3. Puzzles — 7:37 I parked by bike and couldn't seem to get it going again!   3:52 Nothing like some cool water to get one feeling refreshed!
    MoveOn — Never were true words spoken!
    YouTube — How true!  Now, if all the middle class etc that vote Republican/Teabagger against their own self interest could see this, maybe, just maybe some might rethink their vote.  The Republican/Teabaggers are not your daddy's Republican Party!
    Media Matters — Two words come to mind: "Trust me!"  But 2 more words come to mind in response: "Bull shit!"
    Cartoon — Ryan needs to listen to Bernie!  But he won't.

  4. My favorite statement about the budget plan by Ryan fell out of his during that interview.
    Hume then asked when Ryan’s plan would balance the budget, which made the congressman even more uncomfortable. After hemming and hawing about bringing the size of the government down to 20 percent of Gross Domestic Product by 2016, and being asked again by Hume when the budget will be balanced, Ryan finally made a genuinely startling revelation. He doesn’t have any idea.
    “Well I don’t know exactly when it balances because — I don’t want to get wonky on you, but we haven’t run the numbers on that specific plan,” Ryan said.

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