Willard LOVES the Ryan Budget

 Posted by at 10:52 am  Politics
Aug 122012

Willard has been working overtime to etch his budget’s sketch, trying to make it appear to be what is is not: balanced and benign.  Based on what we know, it will increase the deficit, reduce taxes for the 1% and giant corporations, and increase taxes for the poor and middle classes.  Willard refuses to tell us any details on his budget cuts, but he has endorsed the horrific Ryan Budget so many times, that it is fair to speculate that Willard’s cuts are Ryan’s cuts.

12RyanBudgetCuts…Mitt Romney has been a full-throttle endorser of the Ryan budget on several occasions since its launch. Here are five quotes from Romney himself, endorsing the Ryan plan:

1. “Very supportive.”“I’m very supportive of the Ryan budget plan. It’s a bold and exciting effort on his part and on the part of the Republicans and it’s very much consistent with what I put out earlier. I think it’s amazing that we have a president who three and a half years in still hasn’t put a proposal out that deals with entitlements. This president’s dealing with entitlement reform — excuse me — this budget deals with entitlement reform, tax policy, which as you know is very similar to the one that I put out and efforts to reign in excessive spending. I applaud it. It’s an excellent piece of work and very much needed.

2.”The right tone.” Romney told Talking Points Memo, “He is setting the right tone for finally getting spending and entitlements under control. …Anyone who has read my book knows that we are on the same page.’”

3. “Marvelous.” “I think it’d be marvelous if the Senate were to pick up Paul Ryan’s budgetand to adopt it and pass it along to the president,” Romney once professed while in Wisconsin.

Obama mocked him for this one:



4. “An important step.” “I spent a good deal of time with Congressman Ryan. When his plan came out, I applauded it, as an important step. … We’re going to have to make changes like the ones Paul Ryan proposed.”

5. “The same page.” In March, on a local Wisconsin radio show called the Vicki McKenna Show, Romney told the host “Paul Ryan and I have been working together over some months to talk about our mutual plans and we’re on the same page.”

The Romney campaign’s attempt to distance itself from Ryan’s budget is particularly striking, given that one of Romney’s surrogates attacked Newt Gingrich’s campaign for doing the same thing during the GOP presidential primary… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Needless to say, the direction in which Willard and the Republicans want to take this country is clear.  In my opinion, a Romney administration would be even worse than the GW Bush Regime.  Like Cheney, Ryan would be be pulling the strings from an undisclosed location, and the misanthropy of Ayn Rand would become reality.  The notion that anyone other than Obama or Romney could be our next President is pie in the sky.  That makes Obama the only rational choice.


  16 Responses to “Willard LOVES the Ryan Budget”

  1. The very thought Romney could end up as POTUS- is a nightmare– these are not honorable men—I think we would long for the days of Bush/ Cheney ,

  2. Paul Ryan married a Tax Law college student albeit a Democrat at the time… Paul Ryan had the ability to go to college due to Social Security Benefits via his Dad… Now Ryan wants to roll Grandmother – over the cliff in her wheel-chair with a voucher plan to replace Social Security and Medicare… :mrgreen:

  3. Rmoney and Ryan = Dumb and Dumber  or is it Evil and Eviler?
    Rmoney as POTUS?  OMG NO!!!!! … and if something happened to Rmoney, Ryan as POTUS?  OMG NO!!!!!  NO!!!!!  NO!!!!!
    They are both criminals in my books, if not legally, certainly morally!

  4. Don't forget the talk about Romney not making the cut on tax law violation, and having to remove himself from candidacy. It's wild rumor right now, but … http://www.rob-servations.com/1/post/2012/07/could-romney-lose-nomination-due-to-tax-evasion.html

  5. This should give the left and middle Americans that extra push to get out and vote
    Thanks Tom

  6. I just want to be on the record that we can NOT let the MSM get away with trying to say that little Eddie Munster is a “very serious person” and his Budget Plan is “bold and courageous”.
    Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan is neither “bold” nor “courageous”!
    There is nothing – nothing at all – “bold” or “courageous” about destroying the social safety nets that Medicare and Social Security provide to our nation’s elderly.
    Those programs – Medicare and Social Security – are NOT “entitlements”.  They are Earned Benefits as part of the social contract we Americans enter into when we join the workforce.
    Do NOT let the mythic “liberal media” get away with trying to frame it any different.

  7. The scariest duo to ever seek the highest offices in our land!

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