Aug 012012

I went to the urologist yesterday.  The kidney stone is 6mm, bigger than I thought.  The rough part is that the office is almost half a mile from the bus stop and over a hill to boot.  Fortunately, for the future, he has a partner, who is further away but accessible.  When I got home, I was so pooped that I forgot to pull the Top Commentators data for tomorrow’s Monthly Report.  Mea culpa.  I’m running late today, because I have been collecting all the data needed to write tomorrow’s monthly report.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine, albeit too hot.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Who Takes $30,275,229 A Day, Burns It, And Then Works To Deny You Health Coverage?


I guess Agent Orange thinks that jobs are related to regulating women’s plumbing.

From NY Times: President Obama is struggling to persuade voters that he deserves to win re-election based on his handling of the economy, but his empathy and personal appeal give him an edge over Mitt Romney in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, according to Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News polls.

That’s good news, but it’s still a bit early, and polls will be more meaningful after the conventions.

From Washington Post: An Iowa campaign aide for former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann sued the Minnesota congresswoman and her senior campaign aides on Monday, alleging an official stole a private email list and that she was blamed for its use.

The lawsuit filed by Barb Heki claims that Bachmann’s Iowa campaign chairman, state Sen. Kent Sorenson, took the list from Heki’s private computer to promote Bachmann’s candidacy among Christian home-school advocates before the Iowa caucuses. Heki was hired to coordinate home-school supporters for Bachmann’s Iowa campaign.

Since Republican operatives are criminally unethical in dealing with each other, only a fool would believe they will not be even worse to voters.



And Republicans still pretend they don’t exist.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–8/1/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 4:19  I think my ship just sank!  Thank goodness it was in dry dock. 
    MoveOn — The House doesn't want you to have healthcare so you'll die faster and then they won't have to worry about jobs!  Smucks!!!!!
    I wish Boehner would use that damn hammer (gavel) to knock some sense into his head and the head's of each and every Republican/Teabagger!
    NY Times — Anyone who can't see, or refuses to see, that the 'Do Nothing' Congress has obstructed Mr Obama for much of his term, and evaluates his performance on the economy as 'poor' is sorely deluded and has been euthanised by Faux Noise.  However as polls go, ultimately, the only poll that really counts is the one on 06/11/12.
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
    Michele Bachmann — TC — 'Since Republican operatives are criminally unethical in dealing with each other, only a fool would believe they will not be even worse to voters.' — AMEN!!!!!
    Cartoon — From Wikipedia: Soviet propaganda presented the Final Act as a great triumph for Soviet diplomacy and for Brezhnev personally.
    According to the Cold War scholar John Lewis Gaddis in his book "The Cold War: A New History" (2005), "Leonid Brezhnev had looked forward, Anatoly Dobrynin recalls, to the 'publicity he would gain… when the Soviet public learned of the final settlement of the postwar boundaries for which they had sacrificed so much'… '[Instead, the Helsinki Accords] gradually became a manifesto of the dissident and liberal movement'… What this meant was that the people who lived under these systems — at least the more courageous — could claim official permission to say what they thought."
    Some major events after Helsinki were Perestroika (and glasnost) in the Soviet Union which is said to have lead to the revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989, including the destruction of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War.

  2. Those poor RepublicanTs have worked so hard to deny Pres. Obama a second term that they need a month long vacation starting tomorrow. A well deserved rest??? I think not!
    Shame on Michelle Bachmann!!!

  3. "Who Takes $30,275,229 A Day, Burns It, And Then Works To Deny You Health Coverage?"
    Yet these Republicans and Tea-Bags complain about the deficit they created at our expense with their lifetime Health Care…

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