Jul 232012

Yesterday I fell way behind schedule.  After I had written my articles, but before I posted them, I had a severe belly ache that really slowed me down.  Several hours later, it just went away.  I’m current with replies.  I will be doing volunteer work in prison both tomorrow and Thursday, so whatever blogging I can do is completely up in the air until Saturday.  Please don’t worry.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:28 (average 5:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: ”Old Dudes Talking About ‘Sluts’ And ‘Honest Rapes’ Have Our Best Interest At Heart.” Said No One Ever


The Republican war on women is also a war against real men, the ones who truly love and respect them.

From PR Watch: Even after courts and law enforcement officials have declared that voter fraud is nonexistent in Wisconsin, Republican legislators continue perpetuating unfounded allegations of fraud, this time to call for purging the voter rolls. Meanwhile, another GOP legislator is claiming that promoting lawful registration is a blow to freedom — at least when it involves registering Democratic constituencies.

The Republican War on Voting Rights continues unabated, especially in Fitzwalkerstan.

From YouTube (Hat-Tip Sarahlee): OBAMA APOLOGIZES TO ROMNEY


You Go Girl!!!

Cartoon: something sweet, for a change



  15 Responses to “Open Thread–7/23/2012”

  1. Being a "Show Me" state resident for the past 33 years, (although KCMO, and not St. Louis) we know the story of the Ice Cream Cone well.
    It was during the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair that the Banner Creamery was selling ice cream when they ran out of bowls.  Rather than lose business, he innovated by rolling up a waffle to hold the ice cream.
    TC –
    You may do more on this, but seeing as you're going to be gone w/ volunteer work, I'm sneaking it in so it doesn't go unnoticed.
    Romney has been critical of Pres. Obama for his OUT OF CONTEXT quote of "you didn't build that" line when it came to businesses.
    Turns out that  Romney clearly agrees, as you can see from remarks he made to the American Olympians back in 2002:

    “You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power.  For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities.”


    • How about yesterday's Jerry?  Enquiring minds (Patty and I) want to know if we get to paddle you again?

    • 4:23 today but there is a story.  The first time I did it was almost 7 minutes but the computer would freeze up, I couldn't move pieces, and the clock would appear to stop.  Then it would start again and fast forward as much as 30 seconds.  That happened several times.  Very frustrating.  So I tried again and in disgust, I gave up.  The third time, after shutting down my computer, I went normally through the puzzle for my 4:23 time.  I was also having some slowness posting comments on blogs but sometimes it's my computer sometimes not.

    • Lynn got us and Patty isn't even here yet.

  2. Puzzle — 4:23 (see comment under Jerry's time).
    MoveOn — I sure hope that every American female voter sees this, along with all the men that support them.  And the Republican/Teabaggers still try to say there is no war on women!  Poppycock!
    PR Watch — SSDD!   There is an epidemic running through the Republican/Teabagger party!  It is fatal if not treated immediately!  It's called electionfraudosis!  The only treatment is to put these guys into the unemployment line, now! 
    Stephanie Cutter — Love the video!  Did she actually retire from the Obama campaign or is that just a play on Rmoney's retirement from Bane?  I would love to know what Mr Obama thought privately about that video!  I am certain he has a great sense of humour and would love it.  I also wonder if Rmoney will bring it up.
    Cartoon — I used to work in a Bresler's 33 Flavours Ice Cream Parlour during the summer of 1969.  I had to be able to hold 5 comes in one hand all at once and put triple scoops solidly in each without cracking the cones with my knuckles!  I managed it eventually but after that summer, I didn't want to eat ice cream ever again!  I'm pretty much over it now.

  3. Pffffft! πŸ˜›

    Me too!


    Nope it was satire.

    I eat 3-4 pints per summer.

  4. Moveon.org ~ Misogyny has no place in our government. Vote Democrat in 2012!
    Supposed voter fraud ~ the laws being passed by RepublicanTs all over this country = Jim Crow laws.
    Wonderful "apology"!
    Congrats to the ice cream cone!

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