Jul 222012

Yesterday the weather surprised me.  The sun hit the breezeway and superheated the air.  At my desk, it reached 90° before noon, so I feel pretty tired and may be brief.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:48 (average 5:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Bernie Sanders On Why Some Billionaires Are Running For The Border


And they call us un-American for opposing their unethical, and often illegal, predation.

From NY Times: There’s much to savor in the quadrennial spectacle of the Olympics, which will begin in London next weekend, but perhaps nothing more exhilarating than the way it showcases and celebrates the athleticism of women almost as much as it does the athleticism of men.

That may drive Republicans away!

From Think Progress: Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign may be buying up Twitter followers to pad the former Massachusetts governor’s online presence.

@MittRomney [plutocrat delinked] has already attracted more than 100,000 new followers on Saturday, far more than his average 1,000 – 6,000 per day, and the new followers “seem to have major trouble with spelling simple English words, have names that sometimes seem to be random assortments of syllables, and have no (or very few) followers themselves”.

There seems to be no lie to low for Willard to buy it.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–7/22/2012”

  1. That cartoon needs no captions!

  2. Puzzle — 4:16  I'm looking cool in my shades!
    MoveOn — Millionaires and billionaires — AINOs!!!!!  Go Bernie!
    Olympics — Ok guys, let's face it, you watch for the short shorts and the speedos, right?  Earlier this year, the  women's boxing teams were going to have to fight their matches in skirts!  Can you imagine that?  Bloody skirts!!  Well a few petitions and a number of weeks later, the skirts were dropped in favour of boxing trunks.  That was a really lame brained idea!  Go ladies!  I also understand there maybe a few women from the Muslim countries but I am not sure.
    All a Twitter about Rmoney — I don't use Twitter but anybody that follows Rmoney anywhere seriously needs to take a course or two in navigation skills.
    Cartoon — Loved that cartoon the first time I saw it.  Looks even better with 'Willard' across the ass.  His head is so far up his ass that he is ticking the roots of his hair with his tongue!  This is one very out of touch man!

  3. 4:10 The door's still open for you, Jerry. Can you be cooler than Lynn and me? Or are the girls going to win again?
    Leave it to my hero, Bernie Sanders to tell it like it is. Bless you, Bernie!
    Cartoon ~ very apropos!

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