Jul 192012

Yesterday I went to physical therapy and had a new therapist.  She was much better than the former one.  She massaged my shoulder in such a way that my range of motion improved.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: One Crazy Fact You Must Know When You Hear That The Poor ‘Just Need To Work Harder’.


That anyone in this nation can work at a full time job and not be able to afford rent is obscene.

From LA Times: Nearly five years after Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was first sued over his immigration enforcement policy, the Arizona lawman will finally appear in court to explain himself. That’s welcome news given his defiant refusal to date to provide much-needed answers to the serious allegations leveled against him.

Beginning Thursday, U.S. District Judge Murray Snow will preside over the civil rights trial that will determine whether Arpaio and his deputies engaged in racial profiling and discriminatory policing.

This has taken far too long to develop.

From MSNBC: Rachel Maddow Takes on the head of the GOP.

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Somebody better give Limbarf a urine test. I think he overdosed.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–7/19/2012”

  1. 4:01  Right now I'm #2, but I don't think it will hold up against the ladies.  Maybe I will get spanked again.  πŸ™‚

    Puzzle — 3:45  Yee ha!  The worst I can be is #2 which is okay when I'm #2 to my puzzle hero, Patty!  I guess I really did move my tail on this one!
    MoveOn — "That anyone in this nation can work at a full time job and not be able to afford rent is obscene."
    Amen!!!!!  When I started working in banking, I earned minimum wage.  Two of us could not afford a one bedroom apartment (not ideal! 2 bedroom is what we wanted) and still pay utilities, food, car and gas etc.  We both ended up living with our parents!  Ughhhh!.
    Joe Arpaio — And if he still remains defiant and refuses to provide much needed answers to the serious allegations leveled against him, I hope the judge throws him in jail, his jail where he can be the butt of snide remarks.  I think it is fairly clear that he did engage in racial profiling, but how much will he lie to save his ass!
    Limbaugh — Typical conspiracy theorist!  When shown to be an idiot and trapped in your own theory, you try to back out by lying.  Well as Rachel says, "We've got it on tape!"  Another one that studied idiotology, but he flunked out!  He can't even be a decent idiot, just a SOB, or should it be OSB (Out Sourced Brain!)?
    Cartoon — I take it this is Woodrow Wilson?  Only know the name so the cartoon escapes me/  I'll have to read up on Wilson.

    • Excellent!

      Horrid!  Think how much worse it is for those with nobody to help.

      I doubt it.  He would not be safe there.

      To be a Republican leader, you need a Bullshitology PhD (pilled higher and deeper).

      It is Wilson, but the intent was not that Wilson would be his running mate.  It was that MONEY would be his running mate.


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