Jul 132012

The last Republican I had representing me in any capacity was Sen. Gordon Smith.  In hopes of becoming GOP-free, I volunteered for the campaign of Jeff Merkley (D-OR).  Ever since, I have been glad I did, because not only has he supported progressive issues, but also, has assumed a leadership role in so doing, a rare feat for a Freshman Senator.

13MerkleyMoving to blunt the "corrosive" influence of anonymous money gushing into political campaigns, a group of Democratic senators, including Jeff Merkley of Oregon, said Thursday that legislation requiring public disclosure of all people donating more than $10,000 will come to the Senate floor next week.

The senators described their bill – the Disclose Act – as a necessary response to the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in the Citizens United case that allow people and organizations to make unlimited donations.

The bill, which is now in its third incarnation after earlier versions were blocked, would require any person or organization to publicly announce the contribution by submitting information to the Federal Election Commission. Current law shields the source of large donations to political instruments known as Super PACs.

Allowing organizations and special interests accepting the money – often in donations exceeding $1 million – to know the identity of the donor while the public remains in the dark, distorts democracy and leaves voters powerless… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Here’s video:


Kudos to Jeff and all the Senators supporting the The Disclose Act.  Click through for the petition.


  8 Responses to “Merkley Helps Lead on Disclose Act”

  1. Best Damm Thought I heard today– Bet the Repug thugs  won't let it througfh tho-

  2. "Allowing organizations and special interests accepting the money – often in donations exceeding $1 million – to know the identity of the donor while the public remains in the dark, distorts democracy and leaves voters powerless…"
    I signed the petition.  No matter what country it is, I believe that for democracy to work, there must be transparency, something that the Republican/Teabaggers and their VIP (Very Ignorant Persons) 1% don't want because then they could be held accountable.  With luck, the 1% will have the money to run, but they won't be able to hide.
    It would not surprise me however that the Republican/Teabaggers filibuster this like they do every other piece of Democratic legislation.

  3. Thumbs up ^…

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