Crossroads in the Crosshairs

 Posted by at 9:29 am  Politics
Jul 082012

“Social welfare” organizations are not  required to disclose the identity of their donors.  However, the tax code clearly states that such organizations may not have political activity as their primary purpose.  Consider Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS.  If you say you believe that political activity is not their primary purpose, please contact me about a magnificent bridge that I would love to sell you.

8SuperPacThe Internal Revenue Service is signaling that it will increase its scrutiny of tax-exempt political organizations, which are becoming a force in elections by raising tens of millions of dollars from undisclosed donors.

The IRS has been corresponding with such groups and is preparing questions to ask them as part of effort to determine whether their fundraising or advertising work runs afoul of tax law. IRS spokesman Terry Lemons said on Thursday the scrutiny will affect a range of tax-exempt groups.

The move comes as such tax-exempt groups – many of which have better-known sister organizations known as "Super PACs," or political action committees – are under criticism from Democrats and some Republicans for using money from anonymous sources to try to influence elections.

Like Super PACs, tax-exempt political groups can raise and spend unlimited funds – in contrast to political campaigns, which may receive only $2,500 per donor each election cycle…

Inserted from <Reuters>

It’s about time!  They are in violation of the tax code without doubt.

Because we withheld our patronage, we drove dozens of corporate sponsors away from ALEC, Rush Limbarf, Susan G Komen against Women, and other sponsors of Republican misanthropy.  This is what the 1% fear and are trying to escape.  As long as the 1% and corporate criminals can maintain anonymity, they deprive us of the freedom to vote with our dollars.  What could be more hypocritical than the notion that corporations may speak with their billions, but we man not with our few dollars?

And while we’re on the subject, support the Disclose Act!


  22 Responses to “Crossroads in the Crosshairs”

  1. Whatever serves their purpose is right. Didn't you read the fine print?

  2. ENOUGH with the "signalling" they are investigated…….knock those suckers to the ground. Then go after the Catholic church and those Baptists. And yes….I have a preacher Uncle…..but how stupid do they think we are?!?!?!?!

  3. I had NO idea how good Rove would look in an orange jumpsuit.  Stunning … simply stunning!

  4. I've been wondering how long it would take the IRS to go after these crooks.

  5. "They are in violation of the tax code without doubt."
    Time for the I.R.S. to do their job..!

  6. Well I will believe it when I see it  Rove in orange at the side of the road picking up trash.  Rove worked for Nixon.  He is one of the best at twisting,lying, stealing,you name it.  Maybe that is why Bush became so bad.  But never underestimate the evil power of Rove.
    IRS well i just wonder how much to buy them off?

  7. From the New York Times — in response to Jabber Jowls McConnell's op-ed piece  "…as his explanation of why the Disclose Act, which would end the practice of secret political donations, is “un-American” and an attempt to limit free speech." — There's that Citizens United ruling wagging it finger again!
    A sure sign that if JJ McConnell is getting all puffed up, it is the right place to be.  I hope Terry Lemons doesn't live up to his name — being a lemon on the IRS investigation.  The IRS MUST do an independent investigation of these 'social welfare' (using that term almost makes me want to hurl when used in association with Rove and company) groups that flaunt the law.
    Corporations are not people AND money is not free speech!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  8. Forgot to add, petition signed!

  9. I hope the disclose act passes.  I signed the petition.

  10. Like Capone, Rove could be jailed on tax evasion? That sounds promising.

  11. Der Rovesmarschall has dodged many a noose. I am not overly confident that in this corrupted environment, that ANY measure will be successful.
    I think this guy is going to have to destroy himself, and I think that he ultimately will. How he does that remains to be seen.

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