Jul 022012

This will probably be a slow week for news.  Even Switch Hit Mitt is on vacation.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I may have only an Open Thread, because I have physical therapy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Do You Want The Government Making Decisions About Your Health Care?


GOP Hypocrite defined!

From Think Progress: The University of Texas, Austin, has agreed to open an inquiry into the flawed parenting study conducted by one of its professors, Mark Regnerus. The study appears to have been politically calculated, using funding from right-wing foundations to produce skewed results portraying gay parenting in a negative light. Over 200 professors and therapists have critiqued the study’s analysis and publication.

This how Republicans do science.

From Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch: ‘Doubtful’ That Romney Will Beat Obama In 2012 Election

I agree with Rupert Murdoch?!!? AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!



And the tinfoil hat was born! πŸ˜‰


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–7/2/2012”

  1. 3:59  You got me today.  Patty's got a good chance for a win today.

  2. MoveOn — I have a feeling that Harper must have blocked the graphic as I cannot see it.  I tried  MoveOn too and had the same problem, so I will respond to the title question.
    "Do You Want The Government Making Decisions About Your Health Care?"  — I want government to give me the tools (laws) that will allow me to make the decisions about my healthcare, about my body, that I know are right for me.  I want affordable medical care which certainly isn't available under the totally 'for profit' healthcare system.  The revelation of executive salaries and bonuses that came out with the SGK vs Planned Parenthood debacle, and the exposed political agenda certainly demonstrates that the ACA is needed more than ever.
    Gay Parenting — From Think Progress — "In Internet-age news cycles, journalists do not only report news, they shape public discussion. Choosing to even acknowledge this deeply-flawed “study” carries the risk of legitimizing its harmful claims, but humoring it outright without context is simply irresponsible."
    The only science that Republican/Teabaggers know is the science of fear and distortion.  When so called scientists play to a political agenda, how can there be any integrity?  There can't!  And MSM which choose to simply reprint rather than critique impartially, only add to the lack of integrity.
    Rupert Murdock — "… Tough O Chicago pros will be hard to beat unless he drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful,"  …  "US election is referendum on Obama, all else pretty minor." … "…Romney "Seems to play everything safe, make no news except burn off Hispanics."
    While I agree with his statement, much as it pains me to say that I agree with this contemptuous, arrogant bastard, I don't trust him nor his possible motives for saying it.  I just hope that Democrat voters don't become complacent as a result of Murdock's prognostication and decide they don't need to go to the polls!  Remember the only poll that counts is in the voting both!
    Vote Democrat 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
    Cartoon — I believe we share this universe, but any extraterrestrials observing post WWII earth would have run the other way!  Hey, but it sure birthed a whole new tourist industry and lots of controversy for decades.  Tin foil hats indeed!

  3. I believe 2008 Rupert Murdoch thought Obama was gonna win then and he did.  But saying something that is or will be correct every 4yrs does not make the man someone should listen to.  I doubt Romney doesn't have a glue what Murdoch is trying to tell him.  Last time I saw Romney his was getting bigger.  After all if you are not gay he has no problem with you.

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