The Republican Education Plan

 Posted by at 11:16 am  Politics
Jul 012012

One of the few things for which Republicans actually do have a plan would devastated if Republicans get control, because their plan is to take something already bad, and make it worse.  Willard Romney, who has never met a lie he wouldn’t tell, outlined his views on the subject.

1ClosedWhat a shining example this is of Mitt Romney’s policy ideas. In his stump speech yesterday, he mocked President Obama’s vision of fairness and opportunity for all by saying he agreed with it. It’s mockery because of course he does not agree with it, as he reveals a few short words later…

…Some definitions, so that his statement may be parsed more clearly:

  1. "Every single citizen" means people who reside in this country legally but also excludes those who are undocumented workers, especially if they are brown or black.
  2. "Place of opportunity" means a place where one navigates all barriers with no safety nets or possibility of a hand up. It is a meritocracy where one must have at least one special advantage (obsequiousness is helpful) in order to grasp the opportunities in that place.
  3. "Willingness to work hard" means they may not ever join their collective voices in a union or expect fair wages or any benefits whatsoever, but instead accept jobs with substandard pay and scrape together whatever they possibly can to advance to the next rung on the ladder. It is especially important that these people with this willingness also agree to pay their dues to Wall Street and the bankers.
  4. "Right values" means these people must, at all times, look down on others who are poorer, less educated, and have fewer advantages than they. They must not, under any circumstances, view women as equals. That goes for LGBT as well. It’s fine to pay lipservice to both groups but when it comes to matters of consequence, it’s critical that Those With Right Values turn their backs and discriminate as much as they possibly can. Right Values also include God and Guns.

Provided a person meets those requirements, Mr. Romney then affirms that they should have as much education as "they can afford." This is a man who wants to privatize our K-12 education system, who slashed Massachusetts’ education budget by large margins, increased class sizes to unmanageable levels, attended an exclusive private school, exclusive private colleges, and has the means to send his children to any college they can afford so that they too, can make tons of money by stripping other people of their jobs and futures… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here is is.  Watch Willard lie!  Lie!  Lie!! Lie!!!

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that our system is broken.  We need national standards for education, based on preparing our young people to make a living, not just to get a passing test score.  We need to evaluate teachers on the quality of the work they do, not just their student’s grades.  One cannot fairly compare grades between a teacher with a class of 15 in an affluent district and a teacher with a class of 150 in a slum district.  We need to address the problem that some districts have everything they want, while others have nothing that they need.

However, if Willard and the Republican Party have their way, most resources will go to fancy prep schools for the rich, like the ones Willard attended, and pseudo-Christian schools, where science and critical thinking take a back seat to dogma and obedient intransigence.  Willard and the Republicans want a well educated super-rich class overseeing submissive, unthinking worker drones.


  13 Responses to “The Republican Education Plan”

  1.  You know back in 2008 when Ted Kennedy stood behind Obama for President he said then Obama is the one.  Healthcare will be a right the path has been set and it has been by two parties coming together.  Well Obama is the one we must vote for in 2012 for education also.  As well as just ABOUT every issue we face.  If the the Democrats believe  in this we can win.  This is not the time to give up If not this country will go down down.  That should give us the courage to keep going up that hill.  I know the GOP/Tea Party have been at work every day since Obama walk into the White House to bring Obama down.(They know if anyone can get it done it is Obama so I say they are counting on us to run and hide just like the turn coats who voted to hold Holder in contempt.)  That is the only way they can win.  Money will play a big part but without the help of the American people they will lose. So we must stay strong we can beat them.

  2. The very thought of this liar in the white House is absolutely the scariest thing possible.

    • You know Phyllis, I'm a Canuck and that thought scares the crap out of me too.  That is what kept me awake the other night.  Rmoney is a disaster looking for a place to happen and if people don't do what needs to be done — getting out the Democratic vote — then it will be curtains!!!!!

    • It should scare any sane person.

  3. Thanks TomCat for all you do it much appreciatedmamabear

  4. How's about a "War on Error"…. Obama/Biden 2012

  5. Every American deserves a fair shot !— one point that both Mr Obama and Rmoney agree on.  But as I was remind the other day, the devil is in the details!  A number of years ago, I was talking with Dr Larry Devlin of the University of Victoria.  I can't remember what we were talking about but he said to me "You just have to take it with a grain of salt."  I looked him straight in the eye and replied "Yes, but how big a grain of salt?"  
    But what is a 'fair shot'?  Mr Obama I think would say "the opportunity to get a good education, despite individual financial circumstances, and to contribute back to the country that supported them."  Rmoney on the other hand would say (and has) "the opportunity to get as much education as they can afford."
    "…a willingness to work hard, and the right values"? — every student should do that.  The middle/working class student who has to fight to stay at the poverty level just to go to school, often does better than the rich kid to whom everything is handed on a silver platter, with no effort required.  The middle class/working class student who knows the value of a dollar, while the rich kid goes home to daddy for an exorbitant allowance."…they ought to be able to provide for their family and have a shot of realising their dream.  That's the nature of America."  
    '…trillions of dollars of debt passed on to them?' — Rmoney, based on the Ryan budget and his own very vague ideas would increase the deficit dramatically all to save his wealthy friends and corporate criminals some tax money of which they pay too little.  Money invested in education is an investment in the future of the American people.
    "…college graduates coming out of school this year and can't find a job." — are they getting a fair shot?  I'd answer the same as the audience, but my reasons would be different.  They aren't getting a fair shot because Rmoney and his ilk are outsourcing, or offshoring if that makes a difference to Republican/Teabaggers, jobs to China and elsewhere.  Is that what it means to be a global citizen?
    Don't you love how Rmoney dumps on Mr Obama by 1)  bringing up Solyndra but  not mentioning that this process was started under Baby Bush,  if I remember correctly; 2) not mentioning that he has the backing of banksters and other corporate criminals ie Koch brothers, who want to do away with any kind of competition to their interests.
    Mr Obama bows to the teachers' unions ahead of the kids? — Rmoney will  get rid of the unions but also the education system, privatising it so that only those who can afford it go to school — "the opportunity to get as much education as they can afford." he said.  It is appalling to me that he would privatise the K-12 system!  And a voucher system?  That is just as bad!  The investment in education should be in the public system with no money going to the charter schools, reliously based schools or private schools.  If the rich want to send their kids to private schools, let them pay for it, without government help, save maybe a tax deduction or percentage tax credit on their tax returns.
    I'll give Rmoney credit — he sure worked himself into a lather more and more as the audience answered "No!" to his questions.  But he is the most disingenuous, 'lyingest' , self-serving SOB that I have ever had the misfortune to listen to.
    Take 100 grains of salt and call me in the morning!

  6. I'm looking forward to a debate between the 2 of them but with a moderator who knows something about the issues instead of a "talking head".

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