Jun 302012

Last night my COPD flared up, so I spent most of the night coughing and had almost no sleep.  I’m current with replies, albeit brief.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:07 (average 5:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: She Is The Reason You Can Even Read This Headline.


Republicans show their gratitude by cutting her pay, laying her off, and taking away her right to bargain collectively.

From TPM: While Colorado burns, conservatives have looked for ways to blame it on President Obama.

Some of the same people who have bashed the president as a big government, big spending liberal now say a wildfire that destroyed hundreds of homes in the conservative stronghold of Colorado Springs can be blamed on the president because he has been too slow to spend money to beef up the federal fleet of air tankers.

The meme began more than a week ago when pundit Michelle Malkin, who lives in Colorado Springs, wrote a piece for the National Review Online titled “Obama Bureaucrats Are Fueling Wildfires.” [win-nuts delinked]

WTF?!!? Thou shalt not commit Teabuggery!

From The Political Freak Show: A wonderful place for Republicans!


GOPers, bon voyage!



I had just turned 21.


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–6/30/2012”

  1. We should remind all those Wingnuts who are not happy with the size of the current force fighting fires in Colorado, that Rmoney want FEWER fire fighters (and teachers and cops).  So he said:

    Romney said of Obama, “he wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back…. 


  2. Puzzle — How many times have I read the Open Thread and done the puzzle?  Today I read it and it said "How did you lose?"  What the hell is that?  Am I so accustomed  to doing poorly that I automatically think I will lose?  Anyway, after re-reading it to make sure I was hallucinating, my time was 4:30.
    MovOn — AMEN!  I remember some great teachers in high school like Mr Meslin who taught me Canadian history in grade 13 (and rewarded me with an entire class period to discuss my paper (60 min) when everybody else got 20 minutes), or  Mrs Ain in grade 12 that decided that the material wasn't working so in discussions with we her students, changed the curriculum — our pass rate was about 80% while the other grade 12 classes had a failure rate of 50%.  We didn't slouch but we took on more relevant issues of the time — Sino Soviet relations — that's when a bunch of us started reading the Peking Review, clandestinely of course.  Teachers have the power to make or break a student's interest with their commitment to their students.  But when governments in general make things harder by having inadequate materials and other resources, then it is the future that suffers. 
    Colorado — Same old spin from the Republican/Teabaggers who can't accept the responsibility of their orchestrated cuts and their obstruction.  If anybody other that the 1% votes for the Republican/Teabaggers, they are delusional, even downright stupid.
    The Political Freak Show — I love it!  And the Republican/Teabaggers want to bomb the crap out of their Nirvana?!  Oh the irony!
    Cartoon — Interesting!  I had just graduated high school in May 1971 and by mid July moved from Toronto, Ont where the age of majority was 21 to BC where it was newly legislated to 19.  A few months later, Ontario dropped their age of majority to 18.  What a time!  We could vote, we could legally drink and legally go to a pub for a pint.  For those of us who did not have picture ID, it was also a time of scramble.  I went to the local government liquor store to have my picture taken for the BC ID (much different now).  I hadn't received it yet when I was taken out of town on business.  I remember my mother who worked with the RCMP at the time, made arrangements with the detachment to verify my identity should I be stopped in a pub by other RCMP officers in the town we went to.  Fortunately, I was never asked for ID.  Now that I think about it,  I was never once carded in all my life yet at the age of 26, I was still able to get into theatres at teen prices.  Damn, being carded was taken as evidence of your coming out, and I wasn't carded once in all my 60 years.  Would somebody please card me now!

    • Excellent!

      You'll love today's top article.


      So true!

      I think everyone has been carded here.  I has an 18 ID when I was 16, and a 21 IS at 18. cheeky

  3. 3:48  Gotcha, but I had to go under 1 minute to do it.

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