As much as we might enjoy thinking of Republican politicians and pundits as stupid, they are not. They are stupid like sharks with blood in the water. They are focused on their goals and pursue them with Machiavellian intensity. The problem is that their goals are directly opposed to the well being of the 99%. Everything Republicans do is intended to further one of two goals. One is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the 1%. The other is the establishment of a permanent Republican regime, where one party rules exclusively, and that rule is impervious to elections. Republicans know what the economy needs, and history proves it. But they are preventing it to sabotage the economy.
Ezra Klein and Chris Hayes demonstrate this beyond doubt.
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If Republicans had not blocked Obama’s jobs initiatives over and over again, the recovery from the Republican Recession would be much further along than it is. There can be no doubt that they know that too. The reason they are doing this is to blame Democrats for the effects of their sabotage so they can assume power. They do not care how many Americans suffer because of their sabotage. The 1% has theirs. That’s good enough for the Republican Party.
19 Responses to “Republican Economic Sabotage”
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TC — “… Republicans know what the economy needs, and history proves it. But they are preventing it to sabotage the economy.”
The lessons learned after the Depression of 1929 are so clear — Glass-Steagall enacted, Roosevelt’s New Deal — yet the Republican/Teabaggers would run the other way all in the name of GREED and POWER! The US needs to re-enact Glass-Steagall and create a new New Deal. The AJA that Republican/Teabaggers keep dumping on is a good start.
3 Republican presidents raised government employment to help pull out of recessions, but the minute a Democrat proposes the same tactic, they get all hot and bothered. Because they control the Congress, there is not a chance that they will allow a Democrat to use a proven successful tactic. Interesting too that Rmoney, in the interview with Time magazine, said he would not make the Republican/Teabagger advertised cuts right away because the would reduce GDP by 5% and put the country into recession. My Flip-flop has flip-flopped again exposing the lies and distortions of the Republican/Teabaggers for what they are — a power grab!
Excellent discussion between Ezra Klein and Chris Hayes.
Thanks Lisa. That’s it on a nutshell.
You must be done in! LMAO — I'm Lynn. 🙂
If Romney wins election, suddenly republicans will demand increases in government workers, to improve the economy. They won’t phrase it in those terms, of course. It will be framed as “sensible increases,not just throwing money at the problem of unemployment in the public sector,” yet when one looks at the numbers, Romney will have doubled Obama’s hiring numbers.
Republicans care about getting and keeping power. They will say anything, to get that power. Once in power, they will use the tools of power to maintain it. After all the losses in public sector workers, they will hire ideologically conservative workers to fill their places, and quit referring to them as “government tit-suckers.”
Welcome Heubler. 🙂
Is this Bruce Heubler?
I think you’re right.
Exactly what Rmoney alluded to in his Time magazine interview. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!
Heubler, you are soooo right!
If it helps the country and the people, the RepublicanTs will block it every chance they get because we are not all created equal. Some are more equal than others in their little minds. And we all know that only the rich deserve to get the breaks.
If there is any doubt that Republicans are sabotaging the economy on purpose, look no further.Planned Treason.
Welcome desertflower! 🙂
Thank you so much!! That video is so important that I’m embedding in today’s Open Thread.
Why don’ the Liberal media bias my butt!edia just keeping hammering them on this?
Welcome, Sid. 🙂
If I understand you correctly, the media is biased heavily to the right.
“One is the transfer of wealth from the moor and middle classes to the 1%.”
Shouldn’t that be “moops”?
Welcome Kate. 🙂
Thanks for the heads up. It should have been poor, of course, and I have corrected the error.
I had suspected that the high unemployment rates where being manipulated by big corporations and capitalist with a Republican agenda. Today I heard on CNN that this group is threatening to lay off a million workers prior to the election to sabotage a Democratic win.! This verifies how vile, corrupt, and un-American they are. This is criminal!
Welcome, Carolyn. 🙂
In addition to what you said, expect an increase in the price of gasoline in the lkate summer or early fall.
The whole country is being manipulated by the Republicans in their quest to gain control of everything.
That pretty well sums it up, Edie. 🙁