Jun 092012



Dasef is a solid progressive and a fellow Oregonian.  She was one of the first at Politics Plus when I first set it up on Blogger ten years ago.  This is her third Big Mouth Award, having posted the 8,500th comment on 7/18/2012 and the 14,000th comment on 1/17/2011.  Marva is also a published and very talented author, who out of kindness, has donated copies of her books to the guys in prison for whom I volunteer.  Her work is excellent.  I have personally purchased one of her books in paperback and one on Kindle and found both most enjoyable.  You can find her at her website.  Congrats, Marva!


  6 Responses to “Marva Dasef Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Congrats Marva!  I very much enjoy your comments.

  2. Aw gosh! I’m so honored!

    I think my mouth will have to get even bigger or at least louder over the next few months. Grinding my teeth all the time is only good for my dentist.

    Thanks, Tom!


  3. Congratulations Marva   Nice to meet you

  4. Congrats!  (And I love the name “Marva” – is there a story behind it?)

  5. Congratulations, Marva.

  6. Thanks all, and YVW Marva!

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