The Dysfunction is Republican

 Posted by at 12:23 pm  Politics
May 172012

Common wisdom, along with most main stream media outlets, will tell you that Congressional dysfunction is a result of the unwillingness of both sides to compromise.  That is a lie.  In fact, for years one side compromised so much that the experience gave them hemorrhoids.  When they did give up virtually everything to make a deal with Republicans, the Republicans reneged.  Therefor, in Congress, the dysfunction is Republican.

17Obstruction…Years of difficult politics and unproductive governing preceded America’s most recent crisis – the most serious financial crisis and economic downturn since the Great Depression. A signal was sent in 2008 by the voters, who elected Barack Obama by a comfortable margin and gave the Democrats substantial gains in the House and Senate. What the country didn’t get was any semblance of a well-functioning democracy.

Republicans greeted the new president with a unified strategy of opposing, obstructing, discrediting and nullifying every one of his important initiatives. Obama reaped an impressive legislative harvest in his first two years but without Republican engagement or support and with no apparent appreciation from the public. The anemic economic recovery and the pain of joblessness and underwater mortgages led voters to "throw the bums out."

The Democrats’ devastating setback in the 2010 midterm elections produced a Republican majority in the House dominated by insurgents determined to radically reduce the size and role of government. What followed was an appalling spectacle of hostage-taking – notably, the debt ceiling crisis – that threatened a government shutdown and public default, and blocked constructive action to nurture an economic recovery or deal with problems of deficits and debt…

The Republican Party has become an insurgent outlier – ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. When one party moves this far from the center of American politics, it is extremely difficult to enact policies responsive to the country’s most pressing challenges… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <San Francisco Chronicle>

A few days ago, Martin Bashir covered this story in two segments.  In the first he interviews Thomas Mann to explain how Republicans are to blame for hyper-partisanship.

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In the second, Martin demonstrates the cost of Republican obstruction.

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It’s going to be a frustrating year for those of us who want government to govern.  With the elections less than six months away, Republicans will continue to do everything they can to sabotage the well being of all Americans, except the 1%, in the hope they can get away with blaming Obama.  The worst thing Dem9crats can do is to bend over attempting to compromise with them, especially since they are currently demonstrating that Republican promises to abide by their agreements are lies.


  13 Responses to “The Dysfunction is Republican”

  1. It has become crystal clear what the situation is and where the blame lies the more we see of Boner’s threats to do the same thing once again…. The GOP is a league of Bullies and Blackmailers– the only way to deal with such low- lives is to stand up to them-

    They will never accept President Obama— They are the old- left overs– the party now of Old  white men and their subservient  women–wives ?- , “Take back the Country ”  ?? Too clear what this means—The dysfunction is indeed  Republican — There is no negotiation , President Obama’s mistake has been thinking  negotiation and compromise is possible , when it has been clear it is not and never will be-

    I said at the beginning President Obama represents the new world coming–  a biracial man  – where the Old  Guard White men are  the real minority .. They will never accept him,  “Take back the Country ”  ? Return  everything back to the 1950’s when Blacks and women knew their places and left the country to ‘Real  Men”  yes indeed–

    I was there during their last heyday– The “50s werent so great !

    • “The Democrats’ devastating setback in the 2010 midterm elections produced a Republican majority in the House dominated by insurgents determined to radically reduce the size and role of government.”

      President Obama bent over backwards to work with Republicans who’s sole purpose was to make him a one term president rather than work for jobs….

    • That’s an excellent point.,  If the 50s were so great, the 60s wouldn’t have happened.

  2. THis is the most important thing any voter will read before this election.

    I’m furious that Bohner is going to take the debt hostage again. Only the criminals take hostages! When have you ever heard of a good guy taking a hostage.

    THe blame lies on the republicans whose vow to fail and hurt the president as their 1st priority over everything else has repeatedly hurt the citizens, the economy, our credit rating, women, students, and the list goes on.

    I remember seeing the clip in which McConnell said that about the priority and thinking, “no, they wouldn’t shut down the government for 4 years, would they? But that is EXACTLY what the have DONE.

    WIth the 60% rule, there may never be enough of one party to get anything done in the future.

    I believe the republicans have essentially made the workings of the government  die.

  3. This infectious mindset has caused massive dysfunction in our government. They think taxes are theft and any government action is improve life for its citizens as bribes for votes.

  4. They were elected to govern and they choose to obstruct instead. Sickening! Why are they still paid to do a job which they have no intention of doing?

  5. This stems from a joint Washinton Post Op-Ed by Thomas E. Mann (a liberal scholar at Brookings Institute)  & Norman J. Ornstein (a conservative at the right-wing bastion, American Enterprise Institute). 
    Let’s Just Say It: Republicans Are the Problem
    We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.
    When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.
    [Emphasis added]
  6. There is no doubt in my mind that the dysfunction in government is Republican/Teabagger!  I may be an outsider looking in, but it is very evident to me.  Jabber Jowls McConnell has said over and over again that the Republican/Teabaggers’ priority was to make Mr Obama a one term president.  But that is not what they were elected to do.  They were elected to govern ALL the American people, not just the 1% and corporations.  They have knowingly ignored their ‘job’ and should pay a high proce for being in contempt of the people.  What I don’t understand is how so many middle class Americans can be deceived by the Republican/Teabaggers!  Self preservation should have kicked in by now!  There certainly is enough evidence, what with the war on women, war on the poor, healthcare, debt ceiling debacle, etc, etc, the  Republican/Teabaggers are the most dysfunctional group of parasites ever.

    Vote Democrat 2012!!!  Vote Ombama/Biden 2012!!!

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