May 092012

While unpacking and storing groceries yesterday, I hurried too much and set off the bursitis in my shoulder, so I’m in a fair amount of pain, and will likely be more curt today than normal.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow depends on how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:48 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Bet You Didn’t Know How Obamacare Is A Solution To A Law Enacted By Ronald Reagan


Dang! That Ronnie RayGun sure was a librul socialist! Betcha he was from Kenya!

From NY Times: Richard G. Lugar, one of the Senate’s longest-serving members, a collegial moderate who personified a gentler political era, was turned out of office on Tuesday, ending a career that had spanned the terms of half a dozen presidents.

r. Lugar, a six-term senator from Indiana who had won most of his recent elections with more than 60 percent of the vote, lost a hard-fought Republican primary to Richard E. Mourdock, the state treasurer. Mr. Mourdock’s campaign was fueled by Tea Party groups and national conservative organizations that deemed Mr. Lugar too willing to compromise and poured millions of dollars into the campaign to defeat him.

Mourdock defines “bipartisanship” as making Democrats accept Republican positions.  We can beat this creep.

From WNCT: Amendment one passed Tuesday with 61 percent of the vote, legally defining marriage in North Carolina as between one man and one woman, but gay and lesbian couples are still demanding the right to marry.

Same-sex couples will ask for for marriage licenses in Wilson and Durham Wednesday, the start of a week-long campaign protesting their inability to wed.

This state amendment violates the 14th Amendment guaranteeing all citizens equal protection under the law.  Although Republicans say this is just democracy in action, their argument is bogus, because we don.t get to vote on each others’ rights.  Imagine, if you will, the Republican response to a hypothetical amendment denying the right to marry to Republican supply-side pseudo-Christians.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–5/9/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 4:24!  Holy crap!  I beat one of the masters!  But with bursitis, what is your handicap TC?

    MoveOn — Excellent! but I’m not so sure that the 5 Injustices will understand — not enough big words, too many pictures!  “Dang! That Ronnie RayGun sure was a librul socialist! Betcha he was from Kenya!” — Nah!  It was the Alzheimer’s!  Besides, what do you expect from a man who’s main food group was jelly beans?

    Indiana — And we talk about the Congress being so fractious!  Here’s a clear demonstration of why!

    Mr. Mourdock, meanwhile, has said that bipartisanship has led the nation to the brink of bankruptcy, and that the nation’s current circumstances call for a time of confrontation, not collegiality. …

    For his part, Mr. Lugar sounded unbowed on Tuesday afternoon, arguing that most Americans were fed up with partisan battling and saying his race had evolved into a “playground” for outside interest groups.

    “We are experiencing deep political divisions in our society right now,” Mr. Lugar said as tears welled in the eyes of the family members lined up behind him. “These divisions have stalemated progress in critical areas. But these divisions are not insurmountable, and I believe that people of good will regardless of party can work together for the benefit of our country.”

    It is time to go to the tea party and spill some tea!

    North Carolina — Very sad day when certain members of society can enshrine in their state constitution, wording and actions that deny others the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  TC, given as you say that “This state amendment violates the 14th Amendment guaranteeing all citizens equal protection under the law“, does this mean that there will likely be a challenge in SCOTUS as to the constitutionality of the amendment?  Surely, even for the Injustices, this is a more clear cut case than others?  I can’t help but think there are a lot of people that did not understand the full ramifications because as I understand it, even what we call common law relationships in Canada (male/female no marriage with or without kids) will not be recognised in the state.  And some of the ramifications won’t become apparent to people until they get a notice in the mail saying their health insurance has been cancelled or some other such thing.

    Cartoon — Teabuggered indeed!  It is truly a sick society that turns on its own!

    • Congrats!

      That just might be.

      I agree, but Lugar did goose 99.9% of the time.

      I do think a challenge in SCOTUS is likely, and with the fascist five in SCROTUS, that scare me silly!


  2. 4:16

    Was Saint Ronnie a socialist Muslim from Kenya?

    The pundits at FAUX Noise are wetting their pants with excitement over Lugar’s defeat in the primary by a Tea-Bagger.

    The odd thing about the amendment to NC’s constitution is that it also outlaws heterosexual couples from co-habiting also. People didn’t read it or else voter turnout was crappy. They shot themselves in their own feet. I wonder if it will be taken to the Supreme Court.

    • Jerry got us.

      Could be!

      That’s to be expected!

      Given the opportunity, that would go bact to defining it to be between one white man and one white woman.  See my reply to Lynn.

    • He likely wasn’t a Muslim from Kenya, but according to Rachel Maddow, by current terminology and some of his actions, he was a communist.  Of course she was joking but he little piece on communists was drole.  Probably had Joe McCarthy rolling in his grave!

  3. 3:48

    Interesting how the teabaggers say it is all about freedom and getting government out of our lives, then they pass a bill which does just the opposite — restrict freedom for a significant portion of our population and increases government control of our lives.

    • A win for you.

      It’s like our origanal Puritans who came here for religious freedom.  Instead of having the Church of England imposing dogma on them, they wanted the freedom to impose dogma on others.

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