Although Barack Obama leaves a lot to be desired on his overall energy policy, he has made more progress in the development of green energy sources. That progress is now at risk, and will probably be suspended, because Republicans intend to cut off the subsidies that has fueled it, while refusing to end the much larger subsidies for dirty energy.
The federal government has given generously to the clean energy industry over the last few years, funneling billions of dollars in grants, loans and tax breaks to renewable power sources like wind and solar, biofuels and electric vehicles. “Clean tech” has been good in return.
During the recession, it was one of the few sectors to add jobs. Costs of wind turbines and solar cells have fallen over the last five years, electricity from renewables has more than doubled, construction is under way on the country’s first new nuclear power plant in decades. And the United States remains an important player in the global clean energy market.
Yet this productive relationship is in peril, mainly because federal funding is about to drop off a cliff and the Republican wrecking crew in the House remains generally hostile to programs that threaten the hegemony of the oil and gas interests. The clean energy incentives provided by President Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill are coming to an end, while other longer-standing subsidies are expiring.
If nothing changes, clean energy funding will drop from a peak of $44.3 billion in 2009 to $16 billion this year and $11 billion in 2014 — a 75 percent decline… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <NY Times>
Sadly, there is virtually nothing we can do to stop this loss of green support in the short term. In 2010, the Teabaggers were energized, while way too many on the left either stayed home or cast protest votes for third parties. Now we all get to pay the price for their folly. The only way we can restore the funding in the long term is to elect Democrats (with few exceptions) and keep Obama in the White House.
14 Responses to “The Republican War on Green Energy”
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Our hope is for regaining the House and senate– with President Obama——our only real hope I am thinking
” The only way we can restore the funding in the long term is to elect Democrats (with few exceptions) and keep Obama in the White House.”
I just can’t picture Willard Romney the second GWB…. sigh
Agree with both!
They are following in the footsteps of their Saint Ronnie. Remember when he had the solar panels removed from the White House that jimmy Carter had installed?
Good point Patty!
I have been less than happy with some of President Obama’s decisions, too, but he is head and shoulders above Romney. We all have to get out there and vote Democratic and encourage our friends to vote, too.
Edie, you’re dead on!
Another source of clean energy would be to collect the hot air coming out of the Republican/Teabagger dominated Congress. Do that and cut the BIG oil subsidies and invest that same money into renewable clean energy.
Mr Obama’s record on the environment might not be the best, but let us not forget that he is only one man who had to deal with a bunch of oil hungry bozos in the Congress — you know, those obstructionists. I suspect that if he gets a better Congress for his second term, Americans will see more coming regarding clean renewable energy.
I like your idea “to collect the hot air coming out of the Republican/Teabagger dominated Congress” but it would have to have some sort of super- HEPA filtration system because it is so toxic.
Guys, it is a good idea, but take care. That hot air is mixed with methane!
We cannot allow the greedy and lazy Koch brothers to be victorious over the necessity of developing even more green energy/ That’s why electing progressive Democrats is an absolute necessity this time around!
Amen, Pope Jack!
How about e give them the moon to wreck with all their oil and gas friends. I mean, Newt’s ready to go….
I’m sorry to announce that Lisa is being sued by the man in the moon.