May 022012

Well I survived into another day and have a little more.  I’m current with new replies.  Tomorrow I have lots of volunteer paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:51 (average 5:03).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: FDR Saw This Coming And Tried To Warn Us


And in his day, Republicans were nowhere near as bad as today.

From NY Times: Richard Grenell, an openly gay and longtime Republican foreign policy spokesman hired last month by Mitt Romney’s campaign, abruptly resigned on Tuesday after antigay elements in the party criticized his appointment and some Republican advisers said Mr. Grenell had been sidelined by the campaign during a busy foreign policy week.

Of course Switch Hit Mitt claims that being gay had nothing to do wit it.  Put a load of that on your garden!

From Daily Kos: New Obama ad salutes Mitt Romney’s foreign policy experience: Swiss bank accounts and outsourcing


They clearly understand what Rmoney is about.


  8 Responses to “Open Thread–5/2/2012”

  1. 3:27  The kitty was good to me.

    Here is an interesting graphic of Romney’s offshore accounts.


  2. First things first ~ glad to have you back but don’t push yourself.


    I wish Pres. Obama would let out his inner FDR and unleash it on the Hill.

    Richard Grenell made it a whole 2 weeks until he was fired. I was astounded. I figured he’d be let go the first week. The homophobes were up in arms from day one.

    Give him hell. Barack! Great ad.


  3. MoveOn — Truer words were never spoken!  Here’s another on, a video about voter disenfranchisement amongst the poor, the Blacks etc.  This has to change!  As the man says, “voting is a right and a priviledge.”

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Richard Grenell — Fischer was all over this like fleas on a dog’s back.  He was harping about the Republican/Teabaggers cleaning shop so to speak.  And of course Rmoney wouldn’t say it had anything to do with being gay because that would paint him with the same brush as Fischer at a time when he is trying to build bridges to women, minorities, LGBT etc.  Don’t you just love the duplicity!

    Obama Ad — Good ad!  Obama/Biden 2012!!!

    Cartoon — Although not showing here (at least for me), right on — progressive versus regressive.  I saw someone on Care2 liken the two parties to driving — drive forward with the progressives or backup with the regressives.  Good cartoon.

    • Amen to that.  I tried to make the video work.  Next time try the old style code instead of the iframe.




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