Apr 142012


The Republican party can appear quite confusing to many, and that can make it difficult to understand their tactics.  Therefore, I shall attempt to make sense of the different components that make up the party and how they interact.  The one guiding principle to remember is that everything the Republican party does is intended to further one of their two key goals.  Their lesser goal is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the super-rich.  Their greater goal is the establishment of a permanent regime of totalitarian, one-party Republican rule, in which elections function only as a sham justification for that regime.  Traditionally the Republican Party has had four wings, and they recently added a fifth.  Sometimes the wings overlap.

The Neocons:  Neocons support basing US foreign policy (and domestic if needed) on the use of military force.  The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) are neocon organizations.  Dick Cheney is a perfect example.  Neocons serve the lesser goal, because few things transfer wealth more easily than spending on war.  They serve the greater goal by propagandizing the ignorant through fear and nationalism disguised as patriotism.

The Corporacons and Plutocons:  These two are very similar.  The difference is that that the former support primarily corporate criminals while the latter support primarily super-rich individuals.  Both falsely claim the be the job creators, requiring special privilege in the tax code.  Paul Ryan is an excellent example.  They embody the lesser goal and serve the greater goal by financing Republican efforts to establish one party rule.

The Theocons: Theocons support religious freedom, as long as that freedom is only for their interpretation of Christianity.  They try to force their own piety codes on others, but seldom follow those codes themselves.  Rick Santorum is a definitive example.  They do little to help the lesser goal, but they have willingly abandoned Jesus’ teachings on our obligation to care for the poor.  They serve the greater goal through their ignorant acceptance of authority.

These are the four traditional wings, and even though they cooperate far better than we Democrats ever do, the party was in decline.  They were able to hold the Presidency in 2000 and 2004 only through overt election theft, and their unfitness to govern virtually destroyed the nation’s economy.  After 2008, they needed a transfusion.

There are extremists on both the left and the right, such as anarchists and the KKK respectively.  Normally both sides have ignored their extremist fringes.  But in desperation, the Republicans embraced their fringe and created the Tea Party as a vehicle to make hatred “respectable” like never before in our nation’s history.

The InsaniTEA Wing:  Teabaggers are a collection of bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, militias, birthers, tenthers, birchers and every other fringe abomination you could imagine, financed by Plutocons like the Koch Brothers.  With them are also a significant number of decent people, who have been taken in by the slick rhetoric, created by well financed propagandists, and furthered by the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.  Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, and Clarence Thomas are good examples.  They serve the lesser goal by ignoring their own purported economic philosophy.  They serve the greater goal as the Republican Party’s Brown Shirts.  They are inconvenient, because they often insist on having their own way instead of goose-stepping with the other four wings of the party.

Hopefully you have a better picture of the Republican Party.  Again, remember the lesser and greater goals.  If you are confused about why they are doing something, ask yourself how it relates to those goals, and it should become clear to you.

Most of all…

Republicans do NOT represent YOU!


  14 Responses to “Construction of the RepubliConJob”

  1. The one thing they all have in common is they hate all who are not like them.

  2. One other characteristic they share is a fanaticism bordering on fascism in their rigid, uncompromising, anti-democracy ideology. They represent only the economic elites at the expense, and to the detriment, of public services for the majority of Americans.

    And that’s the best thing I can say about them.


  3. Great artilcle TC– very clear the differences and overlap– ty


  4. Boy, you hit the nail on the head with this article!

  5. Nice analysis, and as usual, spot on. Good to have you back, TC; don’t push it too hard and make sure you give yourself time to completely recover.

  6. Excellent article TC and one that I will reference in examining Harper and his harlots.  Sure helps this crazy Canuck make sense of all the ‘cons’ and insaniTea!

    I posted an article on Care2 while you were down about low-effort thinking that I think fits in with this because we often lament “Why do people vote against their own best interests?”  Have a look and see what you think.


    I sure am glad you’re back!  My Care2 analyst’s rate was going to hell in a hand basket without your articles! 😉 😉  I was starting to go through withdrawal!  Just don’t overdo it!  Remember my size 9s!

  7. What I find amusing (and sad) is that most of the Theocons are Neocons as well.

    • Not necessarily, Angelica.  I think it’s more that they goose step to each others’ agendas, but sometimes that’s true.

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