Mar 262012

Much of the attention in the Republican primary race has focused on the continual stream of lies from Multiple Mitt Romney, who has firmly and irrevocably established his stance on both sides of most issues.  However, it would be less that honest not to point out that Rick Santorum is no better.  Here’s one of the Frothmeister’s gems.

26frothyFormer Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum cursed at New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny on Sunday while campaigning in Wisconsin, saying, “Quit distorting my words. It’s bulls—.”

Monday morning, the presidential candidate explained that he was just acting the way a Republican should.

“If you haven’t cursed out a New York Times reporter during the course of a campaign, you’re not really a real Republican, is the way I look at it,” Santorum told Fox News.

Santorum defended his actions even more vigorously in a statement he released this morning: “Earlier today, while campaigning in Wisconsin, I criticized Romney and Obama for their outrageous healthcare legislation. Predictably, I was aggressively attacked by a New York Times reporter all too ready to defend the two of them, and all too ready to distort my words. Let me assure you, I didn’t back down, and I didn’t let him bully me. I think it is high time that conservatives find the courage to expose the liberal press for what they are, a defender and enabler of Romney’s and Obama’s liberal agendas.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Here’s the video:

Now Santorum specifically stated that he was comparing Romney and Obama on the issue of healthcare only.  But here is the video of the Meet the Press Interview in which Santorum made the original statement. Warning: 8 minutes of froth.

Note that in the original interview, Santorum referred to several other positions in addition to health care.  Santorum is a liar, but the other three Republican nominees are just as bad.


  12 Responses to “Santorum Lies about Attack on Reporter”

  1. “If you haven’t cursed out a New York Times reporter during the course of a campaign, you’re not really a real Republican, is the way I look at it,” Santorum told Fox News.

    Paraphrasing some wag I read somewhere humorously responded:

    “If you haven’t chortled out load at a Republican candidate during the course of a campaign, you’re not really a real mammal with opposable thumbs is the way I look at it.”

  2. Ricky is wearing a hoodie!  And I love the wording with the picture!

    Once a liar, always a liar, especially when you’re a Republican/Teabagger candidate.  It seemed that everyone is tripping over the words while trying to make light.  Unfortunately the 2nd video was ‘not available in my country’


  3. Lies- lies- and more lies– if the mouth is open– lies are coming out!

  4. ALL of the Republican candidates are liars; that’s how they became Republicans in the first place!

  5. How dare that good Catholic use such language!

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