Is Rush Going Down?

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Mar 062012

There have been several new developments is the saga of Rush Limbaugh, the de facto head of the Republican Party, who Republican politicians fear as they kneel to kiss his unholy ring.  Silencing Rush is impossible.  His mouth is harder to dam than the Mississippi River in flood season.  But we may be able to take away his microphone.  Here’s the latest.

6rushRush Limbaugh’s mouth is taking a bite out of his wallet.

Nine advertisers and a radio station in Hawaii dropped his show after he called a law student a “slut” and a “prostitute.”

One of the most popular radio shows in the country on Monday lost advertisers including AOL Inc. and Tax Resolution Services Co.

The tax firm helps people who have disputes with the IRS. It spends some $9 million a year on radio advertising, according to ratings firm Nielsen, and its website carries endorsement from conservative talk radio personalities Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, as well as Limbaugh himself.

“You don’t need to fight this fight alone,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying on the Tax Resolution site. His endorsement was still up on Tax Resolution’s site on Monday afternoon.

CEO Michael Rozbruch said the statement about dropping Limbaugh was easily issued — but changing the website will require a meeting later in the week.

Limbaugh apologized over the weekend for his comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke after she testified to congressional Democrats that her Jesuit college’s health plan should cover her birth control.

KPUA, an AM station in Hilo, Hawaii, said it is dropping Limbaugh’s show immediately.

The statement by station owner New West said the Limbaugh incident “crossed a line of decency” and didn’t live up to the station’s standards… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

His apology was so lame that I doubt that his own wife would  accept it, had he called her a slut.  Fortunately, Sandra Fluke is not satisfied either.


He has even turned off Republicans.

6Rush2Well, well, well. Looks like even Republicans are turned off by Rush Limbaugh’s slut crusade. Via Public Policy Polling:

Our numbers suggest that Rush Limbaugh has seen significant erosion in his popularity with Republican voters over the last week. The last time we polled on him nationally he was at 80/12 with GOPers. But now we find him below 50% in all three of these states: he’s at 45/28 in Ohio, 46/29 in Tennessee, and 44/30 in Georgia.

It’s not exactly surprising to learn that Rush’s slut crusade hasn’t worked out very well for him. He attacked Sandra Fluke for testifying in support of a popular new health care policy, supported by most Americans who also have a favorable view of the very health care Rush insists is de facto evidence that a woman is a slut…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Ed Schultz discussed the effects of Limbaugh’s antics with Terry O’Neill and Krystal Ball.

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Isn’t it just like Rush to blame Democrats for his own excesses, carried on over three days.

Keep up the pressure on local stations and advertisers.  Flush Rush!


  18 Responses to “Is Rush Going Down?”

  1. May his advertizers flee with Godspeed. This vile man needs to be held accountable, and his half-hearted apology isn’t enough to make this just go away.

  2. “Rush Limbaugh’s mouth is taking a bite out of his wallet.”

    I urge all to flee his vile mouth….

  3. Let’s be clear about what right-wingers like Rushbo think:
    If a woman uses contraception, then she’s wanting it just to have “recreational sex” and so she’s a SLUT
    But if a man uses Viagra to have “recreational sex” – then he’s a STUD!
    And I’m sure it comes as NO surprise that Limbaugh has said, after a similar misogynistic comment in 2007, people like him don’t HAVE  to apologize:
    CALLER: Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe you said that. I really can’t. We laugh at you all the time, but that was not funny. That was degrading to some women….
    RUSH: …I’m not going to apologize. People in my position never apologize.
  4. This man is so beyond redemption, why must we keep giving him the press he wants.  In this case, it’s working out because it may cause his downfall forever.  Let’s hope so.  He’s an idiot as are all of the Republican candidates.  This world has turned into a science fiction movie and the monsters are doing a pretty good job of taking over!  Stop the madness!

  5. Rush Limbaugh is scum and a sleeze bag. Why anyone would listen to him is beyond me. He hates women and yet they tune in. I listened to him in the late eighty’s but quit because he was always belittling women. Between Rush, Glenn Beck and Howard Stern, their microphnes are a harbor of hate and misinformation.

  6. The posts so far that are on here I totally agree!  Thanks.

  7. Limbaugh is a bombastic gas bag.  The “apology” was no apology at all, but just another feeble attempt to distract people until things blow over.  Well this is not going to go away.  And to have kept hammering at it for 3 straight days, just adds insult to injury.  Radio stations and advertisers are on to the fallout, and there will be more.

    I laugh — he talks about taking personal responsibility for one’s own actions, but then proceeds to blame the left, the Democrats!  It wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to blame this on God.

    Married 3 or 4 times — is there any doubt that he sees women as disposable property to use for his own enjoyment.  If I were his current wife, I’d run the other way!  Thankfully there are no progeny his hate filled genes.  And a former drug addict.  He’s on the drug of HATE! So much hate numbs the brain and eats away at it. And to have that much hate, he really must despise himself!

    I say “Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass Limbaugh, you pile of bear scat!”

  8. Thank you to all stations who drop this vile man from their airwaves.  With any luck at all, that will soon include every station in the United States.  What a wonderful day that would be!

  9. ” Bombastic Gas bag ”  TY Lynn– perfect — for this hate-filled– despicable person …; “Pile of bear scat ” !   ROFLOL—— can’t call him a Man—- sure isn’t that is he ?  Good riddance to bad rubbish–

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