Poll Results–2/1/2012

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Blog News, Politics
Feb 012012

Here are the results of the “Primaries over in January?” poll.


And here are your comments.

From Alan Becker on January 30, 2012 at 3:22 pm


Obviously the choice is a difficult one since each of these men represent stupidity, greed, hatred, and vapidity. If any of them does get in we can say goodbye to the United States and prepare for an era of dictatorship.


From Ellen McCabe on January 22, 2012 at 4:22 am


Who cares..Put bags on their heads and you wouldnt know the difference as they are all the same..losers.


From Rixar13 in reply to Ellen McCabe on January 28, 2012 at 10:21 am.


"Who cares.."

My first thoughts…




From steve in reply to Ellen McCabe on January 23, 2012 at 12:13 pm.  


you obviously have no idea who is running or you wouldnt have said that. Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich are all the same, but to say Ron Paul is even slightly the same as those 3 (and Obama) simply proves you have little-to-no knowledge on politics. please do some research and vote Ron Paul in 2012.


From Yvonne White in reply to steve on January 23, 2012 at 8:07 pm


You’re right – Ron Paul is Worse because he pretends to be anti-war pro-pot legalization. But he named his son after "greed is good" Ayn Rand, hates Social Security, won’t accept Medicare refuses Medicaid..so he IS another Bu$h Leaguer in sheep’s clothing..


From John Dasef on January 18, 2012 at 10:47 am.  


I hope it stays undecided so they will continue to expend resources attacking each other right up to their convention. The more they spend now, the more will have to be replaced for the general election. A pox on all their houses.


From Patty on January 16, 2012 at 9:42 am.  


Romney will be the nominee and someone else will run on the Independent ticket.


From Lynn Squance on January 16, 2012 at 3:51 am.  


I really don’t know, but I somehow doubt it. I heard that Newty and Perry both missed the deadline to get on the SC ballot. If that’s the case, I think Perry’s gone on the 21st which is no loss —good riddance. That leaves Romney, Santorum, Paul and Newty. I think Newty could be gone after SC assuming he didn’t get on the ballot but he is just arrogant enough to keep going. He’ll probably screw up again with paper work again and be gone. That leaves Romney, Santorum and Paul. Can Romney get enough delegates between SC and Florida to make the rest of the primaries moot? The Republican/Teabaggers organisation certainly don’t seem enamoured with him but the votes say the rank and file see it differently. Santorum and Paul are so extreme, but they might be able to hold on longer.


From Rob in reply to Lynn Squance on January 18, 2012 at 9:46 am.  


They’re all on the ballots in SC; I think it was Virginia that they missed (only Romney and Paul on that one). Of course, a legal battle will come out to change that VA situation, I’m sure.


From Rixar13 on January 15, 2012 at 4:59 pmIP Logged, 71.180.149.x  Report Abuse 


Don’t give a Rat’s oops…

The majority had the correct, but in fairness, many voted after that was a done deal.  I voted No on the second day.

January is over, and there are two running, one also ran, and one who never mattered and never will.

A new poll has been posted for you.


  6 Responses to “Poll Results–2/1/2012”

  1. Gingrich is a sort of pit bullfrog who will keep on savaging Romney and oozing slime over the whole process for as long as he can afford to continue.  By the time he’s done, Obamashouldl need only administer the coup de grace.

    I see you’ve got the beginnings of a Paultard infestation.  Ron Paul is just another fundamentalist nutjob who rejects evolution and wants to ban abortion and destroy the social safety net.  To Hell with him.

  2. I’m beginning to think it will never end.

  3. So which primary is next?  I heard that Texas is in April sometime.  Don’t know when Virginia is.  I’m with you Patty, the GOP primaries are all the same which makes it disgusting.  However, on the other hand, maybe they will keep spending and spending til the point they don’t have sufficient to mount an all out assault on Mr Obama.  The Republican/Teabaggers are already morally bankrupt, perhaps they will work themselves into financial bankrutcy!  We can hope.

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