Is Fitzwalkerstan Doomed?

 Posted by at 12:12 am  Politics
Jan 292012

In the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, things are not going the way Fartfuhrer Walker would like them, either on the popularity front or the criminal investigation front.  It is so grim, that I understand the Fartfuhrer is in hiding.  On the popularity front, John Nichols has excellent news.

GOPWiscFlag…So here’s what we know:

1. If you add up all the caucus and primary votes that have been cast so far for Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, the former Rick Perry, the former Jon Huntsman, the former Michele Bachmann and the eternal Buddy Roemer, they still have not attracted as much support as has the drive to recall Scott Walker.

2. If you compare the percentage of the electorate in the three caucus and primary states that has expressed support for all the Republicans who would be president, it is dramatically lower than the percentage of the Wisconsin electorate that wants to recall Scott Walker.

3. If you add the total number of names on petitions filed January 17 to recall other Republicans in Wisconsin—Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, state Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald and three of Fitzgerald’s colleagues—the total number of signatures filed in support of the recall of Walker and his cronies is close to 1,940,000. That figure is just about double the number of votes cast in all the Republican presidential contests for all the Republican presidential candidates so far this year.

Conclusion: if the Republican presidential race is a serious endeavor, the Wisconsin drive to recall Scott Walker, Rebecca Kleefisch, Scott Fitzgerald and their compatriots is doubly serious. And far, far more popular with the available electorate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

On the criminal front, Ed Schultz sheds more light on the depth of corruption surrounding Walker, as he interviews John Nichols.

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I find it inconceivable that Walker was not completely involved.  Wouldn’t it be great if Walker could step from office directly into a cell?


  18 Responses to “Is Fitzwalkerstan Doomed?”

  1. The look on Walker’s face in the video is as if he is sitting in the prisoner’s dock!  Just where he belongs before going to the cold, dank, dark prison cell!  (well I can hope for those conditions can’t I?)

    I believe that Walker had to be aware of all this because he is a control freak — he has to maintain control in order for his house of cards to remain standing.  What we are seeing now are chinks in his armour because he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. After all, isn’t he the one that talked openly to David Koc aka The Daily Beast reporter without any hesitation?!

    The best thing for Wisconsin would be a total house cleaning of Republican/Teabaggers from state government, and by extension from the federal government as well.  My uncle in Alaska has a big ass street sweeper that Wisconsin might be able to use to clean the state Assembly building of Republican/Teabaggers!

  2. I see so the Koch bros like to invest in criminals, oh I see – this guy’s out big time! I believe you’re right let’s get a group cell designed especially for this sleaze – he’s so greasy he won’t need any lube!  I agree with Lynn – Wisconsin needs a huge cleaning, and a little drain-o wouldn’t hurt!

  3. Walker from Wisc , makes Blago  and Ryan , from Illinois look like  pikers!!

  4. I hope he gets a really nice cellmate when he goes.

  5. I keep hoping that the Republican party will implode for good, since they seem so bent on destroying life for the average American worker and the poor; and this article is giving me real hope that this wish of mine is coming true.

    Thanks, Tom!

  6. In the Tricky Dick tradition, soon we’ll hear chants that “This man has suffered enough!”

  7. He can spend some quality time with his next door neighbor state (IL) and they all can have a reunion.

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