Jan 242012

If you are on Medicare, about to go onto Medicare, or intending to go onto Medicare, even if you just got your very first after school job, it it critical that you understand that Democrats are fighting to preserve Medicare, while Republicans are fighting to destroy it.  Paul Ryan (R-Fitzwalkerstan) is back, and he is leading the charge to steal your benefits.

24RyanPathRepublicans in the House of Representatives will put forward a budget plan this year that will seek substantial reforms to health benefits for the elderly and make aggressive strides toward reducing deficits, a senior lawmaker said on Friday.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said he wanted his budget plan to offer voters an alternative vision to the “cradle-to-grave welfare state” that he says Democratic President Barack Obama is promoting.

The House Republican budget resolution will contain reforms to Medicare, the healthcare program for Americans 62 and over, such as providing subsidies to help recipients pay for private insurance, based on their wealth and medical needs.

“We haven’t written it yet, but we’re not backing off on the kinds of reforms we’ve advocated,” Ryan told reporters at a retreat for House Republicans in Baltimore…

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Republicans intend to replace your Medicare, for which you have paid through deductions from your pay, that guarantees care, with a coupon that does NOT guarantee care.  Because the face value of the coupon increases at a far slower rate then the increase in health care costs, the coupon will cover less and less every year.  This clearly demonstrates that people, who say that there is no difference between the parties, are wrong.  It is imperative that we put Democrats in the House, the Senate and the White House to protect our retirement years.


  16 Responses to “Ryan Is Still Targeting Medicare”

  1. Republican Deficit Hypocrisy http://www.forbes.com/2009/11/19/republican-budget-hypocrisy-health-care-opinions-columnists-bruce-bartlett.html

    Remember the Medicare drug benefit?  Ryan signed on to this just like 95% of the rwepublians.  What a joke this man is

  2. I still say he and Eddie Munster were separated at birth …

    • Oh crap, you are so right Nameless!  I used to think that little Eddie Munster was a cute kid, but now I think I’m going to hurl at the thought!

    • It pains me to announce that Edward Wolfgang, the actor who played Eddie Munster, has sued Nameless for libel and defamation of character.

  3. Evil is what Evil does and I see these people and the hypocrisy they demonstrate as Evildoers;  We ,husband and I, are on Social Security retirement ,with it we have Medicare, we are fortunate in that we both have pensions-We are very grateful for both programs because they work and they work well- Repugs have never been  friends of the working class- but  out right enmity is a recent  aggression  they are perpetrating , Shame on them–!!

  4. “. . . alternative vision to the “cradle-to-grave welfare state” that he says Democratic President Barack Obama is promoting. . . . ”

    I don’t understan how the Republican/Teabaggers can call the US under a Democratic President, a welfare state or a socialist state.  They have no concept of either term.

    Medicare is there to help the “elderly” but based on what you’re saying, benefits will decrease when they are needed most — in the more senior years.  Universal health care has worked in Canada for years and is the legacy of Tommy Douglas, a well loved Prairie politician.  It is not perfect — no system is perfect.  But what healthcare has to do first is protect the most vulnerable.  Healthcare should not be ‘for profit’. 

    I have to say that ‘The Path to Insanity”, which Ryan is holding up in the picture, must be a copy of the Republican/Teabagger proposed budget!

    Now I am afraid the PM Harper, our Baby Bush wannabe, is trying to take us down a very similar path, away from universal healthcare which we have known for 50 years.  I received the following today from the Council of Canadians.


    The Council of Canadians
    Harper government abandoning public health careCouncil of Canadians’ National Chairperson Maude Barlow and Health Care Campaigner Adrienne Silnicki joined other Council staff, members and chapter activists in Victoria, B.C. earlier this month as provincial and territorial premiers met to talk about the 2014 Health Care Accord and the future delivery of health care services in Canada.At the meeting, premiers condemned the Harper government for its unilateral funding announcement that will limit the amount of money provinces can expect from the federal government to deliver health care services. The Harper government hoped the announcement would put an end to financial negotiations for federal health transfers. By stepping away from the Canada Health Act and not tying federal funds to national standards, the Harper government closed the door on any opportunity to improve Canada’s health care system through the new accord.Public health care advocates were at the Premiers’ meeting in force, reminding politicians of Canadians’ strong support for medicare. Young activists lined up outside meeting, holding up red umbrellas to tell politicians that “medicare has us all covered.” That evening, the Council of Canadians joined the BC Health Coalition in hosting a public forum about the 2014 Health Care Accord and what it means to Canadians. Keynote speakers at the event included Maude Barlow, Diana Gibson of the Parkland Institute, and Mike Luff of the National Union of Public & General Employees.

    The Council of Canadians will be working with public health care allies across the country to sound the alarm about medicare’s uncertain future. We will lobby governments to take a strong stand in support of this valued social program, and push the federal government to assume a leadership role that strengthens medicare – not abandons it – in the lead-up to the signing of the 2014 accord.

    For more information about our campaign in support of public health care go here.

    Take action!You can speak in support of a strengthened health care system. Send a letter today to Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Health Critic Libby Davies, your Premier and provincial Minister of Health, asking them to improve public health care for all Canadians through the 2014 Health Care Accord. Go here to send a letter.


    Informed and committed members have always been the Council of Canadians’ greatest strength.

    The work we do would simply not be possible without you. As a membership-based organization we rely on generous individuals like you to run our campaigns. We do our work without a penny of corporate or government funding. This financial independence allows us to take on multinational corporations, and the governments that cater to them, to ensure the values we believe in are protected for future generations.

    Please take a few moments to renew your Council of Canadians membership today. Contact us at 1-800-387-7177 or click here to renew your membership right now through our website. If you are a member of our monthly Canada Plan, your membership will be renewed automatically.

    Thank you for your ongoing support!



  5. To go without Medicaire would be a tragedy for many.  It is essential for the elderly till death.

  6. I LOVE SoINeedAName’s picture – LOL!!! I think it’s time for Wisconsin voters to target RYAN and remove him, along with Scott Walker, from office!

  7. They wouldn’t be trying to destroy Medicare if they had to depend on it like millions of Americans do.

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