Jan 172012

Multiple Mitt has certainly made his fair share of blunders so far in this campaign, such as “Corporations are people too” and “I like to fire people”, but yesterday he made a campaign stop to accept the endorsement of a white supremacist. I hope minority voters are taking note of how he spent MLK day!

17romney-and-kobachOn a day set aside to honor civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., Mitt Romney plans to tout his extreme immigration positions during a campaign stop in South Carolina today — with Kris Kobach, the author of Arizona’s and Alabama’s immigration laws, at his side. He will attack his competitors Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry for their softer immigration stances, which could resonate with South Carolina voters who support that state’s harmful immigration law.

“Mitt Romney stands apart from the others. He’s the only one who’s taken a strong across-the-board position on immigration,” Kobach said, and he told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that Romney was much farther to the right on illegal immigration than his fellow presidential candidates. Watch:


Considering Kobach’s own opinions and associations, however, his endorsement may not be one Romney wants to tout.

Before he became Kansas’ secretary of state, Kobach worked for Immigration Reform Law Institute, the legal branch of Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as a “nativist hate group.” One of FAIR’s main goals is to overturn the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which “ended a decades-long, racist quota system that limited immigration mostly to northern Europeans.” FAIR’s founder John Tanton has said that he wants the U.S. to remain a majority-white nation through limiting the number of non-whites who enter the U.S… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Such complete lack of consideration for black people may go over well with SC Republicans, but anyone except the staunchest racists should be turned off by his willingness to associate himself with such bigotry.


  16 Responses to “Romney Celebrates MLK Day with White Supremacist”

  1. In this day and age, there is absolutely no excuse for such bigotry.  Romney spending this day, MLK Jr Day, with a white supremacist who is giving his endorsement to Romney, is unbelievable.  The man has absolutely no scruples.  And then by association to be linked to Tanton who says he wants the US to remain a majority-white nation!  This is scandalous.  How low can these Republican/Teabaggers sink?  Obviously just as deep as the Titanic.  May they stay there never to see the light of day again!  The US was built on diversity.

  2. This news almost makes feel sick.  But looking at this man makes my stomach turn.  Thanks TC for this informative news.  Yes and Romney made a point on his New Hampshire win to put his neat little family out for all to see and to suggest ever so subtly we are the american family you will get if you vote for me.   It is always the subties of Romney that makes him dangerous to America.

  3. I didn’t know about this one either TC – good reporting! He certainly gets the Multiple Mitt reward – and wanders far from the Mittle of the road! Is he a plantation owner?

  4. Here’s another one for ya – the state GOP held its MLK luncheon w/ David Barton as guest speaker. The same guy who rewrites American history claiming there’s no separation of church and state. Except the only church he caters to is one of Christian elite – only northern European whites are to be saved, and all others are subhuman. Pretty nice and respectful, eh?

  5. Insanity prevails in the RepublicanT party.

  6. Of note is that Kobach (the architect of virtually all the anti-immigration laws) has profited from his dastardly deeds to the tune of $6.6 MILLION in legal fees.

  7. “Such complete lack of consideration for black people may go over well with SC Republicans, but anyone except the staunchest racists should be turned off by his willingness to associate himself with such bigotry.”

    If there hasn’t been enough to convince people of where this man is coming from , seems as tho’ this should do it- I am an older adult– but I well remember what  things were like , and I sure know where these racist bigots would have us return–

    I have had much difficulty accepting the reality this man and his ilk are being considered serious contenders for the  most powerful position in the  world– Leader to the Free World  !!!!; He would turn back the clock  , 100 years?  What a witness to this country he is presenting now– Appalling !!

  8. Romney is no moderate; he’s as reactionary as amy Republican nowadays, especially on matters of economics.

    • Jack, he’s only moderate when compared with Newter, the Frothmeister and Racist Ronnie.  Otherwise, he’s half a mile to the right of Tomas de Torquemada.

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