Jan 042012


Iowa is over, for all intents and purposes, and it did not matter who won.  With 100% of the votes counted, the top two candidates are separated by only eight votes, so both will take six delegates in Iowa.  Here are the final results:





Goose Stepper




































Ron Paul had the highest finish he will ever have and will quickly fade, even though his acolytes seem to think he’s winning.

Rich Perry is suspending his campaign.

The difference between Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann is that Bachmann is too stupid to know it’s over.

At this point, I’d really like to crack a joke, but nothing that comes to mind could be more comical than the reality here.

In the caucuses that matter, 25,000 Democrats turned out, even though they were uncontested.


  31 Responses to “The Winner Doesn’t Matter”

  1. What does matter is that if you add up the figures for Santorum, Paul, Perry, and Bachmann, the utter-lunatic vote is about two and a half times the Romney vote.  As the weaker crazies drop out, that vote is going to become more consolidated.  The Republican party has a huge problem here.

    • And it’s not the first time.  In 2008, McCain got the nomination, because the base crazies cancelled each other out.


    • It does matter who challenges Obama because of course it governs what issues are brought to the forefront.
      Ron Paul means further cuts to the military and decriminalisation of drugs become real issues. So who can can the military deeper and who can legalise drugs first.
      See, makes a hell of a difference.

      • Welcome Robert. 🙂

        My point was merely that whether Santorum of Romney was slightly ahead doesn’t matter, but the notion that Paul might win defies reason.  Iowa was the best result Paul will ever have.


  2. I suspect that it’s going to be close in November as well – both parties will be divided, It won’t be so divided for me if I have a choice of either Santorum or Paul – now Romney as awful as he is – I might write in – or vote the “Justice Party” – did you get heads up on that one? It seems precarious that a mayor from Utah, familiar with Romney could be anything but another religious nut-cake, but who knows – at least worth keeping eyes on – – may be too late to introduce another party anyway – I’m still F-ing mad about the NDAA –

    • I wonder how many said that in 2010?  Rocky is great, but the will lose, so every vote for him from the left is a vote for the Republican.

  3. Romney’s not exactly coming on gangbusters.  Based on these figures, Romney actually got six FEWER votes this time than he did in 2008.  Plus if Perry and Bachmann drop out, you got to think that most of their looney right-wing zealots will shift to Santorum rather than Romney.

    And WRT that alleged “Enthusiasm Factor” that the repubican Party is supposed to be blessed with this year?  Well, the voter turnout is virtually the same as in 2008 – and way below what Iowa Gov. Branstad was predicting: “Well, over 120,000.  I’m estimating 130,000, 140,000.”


  4. In the end, What does it matter…   The Obama administration obviously thinks Romney will be the opposition. I think they feel they have it in the bag no matter who it may be.  I’ve seen where they lay out different scenarios to the prize. It would seem all paths lead to victory.  Which is good news for me as I can still go after Obama like the mad dog I am and not be accused of causing his downfall.  lol    I have my eye on 2016 if I still walk the earth..  Even if I don’t, I owe it to my grand kids to have a better place to grow up. Warren 2016

    • I’m with you Tim – actually I can vote my conscience since Obama’s bought NY – and Wall St – he doesn’t need my vote – so I can dissent and vote “Warren” this year if I want – or find an actual party I might prefer? – However I’ll be voting against Shumer and Gillebrand – and try to get some people who are actually patriotic ( how refreshing would that be?)!

    • Tim, if you go after Obama like a mad dog, I hope the Republicans appreciate your support.

  5. I thought that, in the GOP primaries, the winner got all of that state’s delegate votes.  (and, btw, my own superpsychicscientific predictions were just about dead on!)

  6. The number of delegates is not set with the caucuses.  The precinct caucuses will elect delegates to March 10 county conventions, which in turn will elect (from their pools of delegate-attendees) delegates to congressional-district conventions and the June 16 state GOP convention, which will in turn elect Iowa’s delegates to the Republican National Convention.  it is the Republican Iowa State Convention which selects the delegates from Iowa to the Republican National Convention.  All delegates are officially unbound from the results of the precinct caucus.

    (Sources here and here)

    • So Jerry, are your comments only applicable to Iowa? ie State’s rights, or is this same proceedure exactly the same in all states?  I know the numbers will be different depending on the size of the state,  Just curious as I am learning about this stuff.  Thanks

    • I believe my delegate count was CNN’s estimate, and although they are not bound, I have never see them vary.

  7. I was under the impression that there were 25 delegates up for grabs, so what happened to the other 7 delegates?

    You show only 18 delegates being awarded to all the nominees so were did the other 7 delegates go or was I misinformed?

    Have a great day.

  8. Well last night, Guano Girl couldn’t read the stars, but this morning there is an article in the Huffington Post that she has withdrawn from the Republican/Teabagger Presidential nomination race —BACHMANN BAILS.  The most intelligent thing she has said or done in the entire  campaign!  Marcus would have made a lousy First Lady anyway — those low cut ballgowns just wouldn’t do his physique any good. 

    Apparently last night Rick “The Big Gaffer” Perry was calling it quits but this morning in the Huffington Post he’s still in the race — Perry: I’m Staying In The Race — having thought about it overnight.  Perry said ‘On to South Carolina!’.  So I guess that means that the supply-side psuedo Chrisitan vote is going to concentrate with Perry since none of them is likely to endorse Romney, a Mormon.

    Newt was upset with the results and apparently took a verbal shot at Romney, but then said that if Romney won the nomination, he would vote for him.

    I haven’t heard anything from Paul nor Santorum but I suppose both are happy with their showing.

    Pat Robertson, as usual, is trying to get into things by saying that God told him who would be president, although he said he can’t discuss that right now.  But he also recited other parts of his conversation with God as follows:

    Your country will be torn apart by internal stress. A house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority. Expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view which is at the odds with the majority — it’s a radical view of the future of this country, and so that’s why we’re having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there’s no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer.

    And the Donald  is being his usual objectionable self by dissing the GOP.  I don’t ever remember Canadian politics being like this!

    So on to New Hampshire and then South Carolina.

    • Good riddance!  Guano Girl?  LOL!!  Love it!

      That one more thing he didn’t know.

      Newt is a crybaby.

      Paul thinks he won.  Santorum was frothy.

      Whoever wins, Robertson will say he was right.

  9. I  am just glad that Michele Bachmann is gone – oh the pleasure of not hearing her voice again!

  10. Now, at least Michele Bachmann had enough sense to drop out and dingbat Perry got back in—what a joke!

  11. Hard to believe any of these  are so deluded they believe themselves  fit to be POTUS—- Too late for 3 rd party–but perhaps a movement after this farce of an election campaign is all over-

  12. What have we learned?  Well not much but how Newt will come out as Darth Vader and kill Romney with the help of Santorum,Paul and Huntsman. Oh lets not forget Perry.  Since he dried his eyes his wife and most likely the Teabaggers made Perry go back in the race to help destory Romney.  Backmann will take her stand behind the scenes to attack Obama.  Trying to kill two birds with one stone

  13. In the end that makes Obama the winner

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