Dec 312011

Yesterday was another slow day for news, but I managed to keep busy with year end procedures, both on paper and on both computers.  I’m current with replies.  Today will be more of the same, plus I have errands to run.  plus it’s a holy day for the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  I will be staying home tonight, and if you are going out to celebrate, please exercise care to stay safe.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:57 (average 5:09).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From San Francisco Chronicle: Melody Barnes is leaving as White House chief domestic policy adviser at a time when President Barack Obama’s administration is getting little notice for its work on the home front to fix the struggling economy.

Barnes, who will be gone by Tuesday, is quick to point out that there have been many domestic achievements, even though the public is dissatisfied.

I hope he replaces her with a progressive.

From Alternet: US prosecutors are readying criminal charges against British oil giant BP employees over the 2010 Deepwater Horizon accident that led to the catastrophic Gulf oil spill…

The charges if brought and prosecuted by the US Justice Department would be the first criminal charges over the disaster.

Thai is certainly a positive development.  Sometimes we mistake the length of time it takes to prepare such cases, without discussing them, as inaction.

From Daily Kos: "The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim—frequently a victim of his own lifestyle—but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care," Paul wrote. …

…"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."

Paul, like his fellow Republicans are adopting insane positions.  The former reflects hatred for gay people.  The latter mistakenly assumes that changing jobs is an easy thing to do, and worse, it justifies harassment as condition for employment, by putting the onus on the victim.




  21 Responses to “Open Thread–12/31/2011”

  1. The fact that, solely for political expediency, Ron Paul is only NOW getting around to disavowing the racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic bigotry in his newsletters speaks volumes about the man.

    But whether he wrote it or not – the bottom line is this: If you can’t manage your own damn newsletters, you sure as HELL can’t manage a nation!

  2. What a devastating year – I won’t be sorry to see it end – while being only blocks away from Times Sq (3 blocks) – I hate the mayhem, the expenditure, up to a million revelers up past my bedtime celebrating god knows what???? Hope that next year will be an improvement? Oh oh – being a grump at New Years – not a good sign!  Paul continues to dig himself deeper in the bigot hole – that’s never pretty!!  I’m hoping that those who have only heard his “war free” message, and legalizing pot will hear the rest of his “santorum” – he’s a frightening man! At what point does the “victim” become “responsible” – due to age? obesity? diet? Nice cartoon “So I need a name”!

    As for BP – I only hope that the company goes under and is set as an example for the rest of the corporate environmental destroying greedy sob’s that they are! Until such time that fracking can be guaranteed to be done safely, and deep sea drilling is improved with the same guarantees, which obviously isn’t any time soon – the money should be invested in non-fossil – solar and wind and improving our antiquated power grids that are an embarrassment to a country that abuses its energy and has known that it needs independence for decades – Carter was right on this issue – but the industrialists threw him out with the dish water – and look at where we are now! I ask where my fish comes from before I eat it . I have to monitor my own bigotry – I’m so anti South and mid-America there isn’t much left of America to like! Yet some diamonds are found in the most hostile of environs! Interesting my digression became so circular! – back to Paul!

    • Hey Lee!  Like you, I hate all the noise and mayhem at New Years — my neighbours insist in going outside at midnight with pots and pans and making a horrendous amount of noise.  Scares the crap out of my fur babies so I stay home and keep them from being too scared.  I am very lucky that hand guns are illegal here otherwise I know some idiots would be shooting them off in the air and what goes up must come down somewhere!  Buddy, in 2012, be the change you want to see in the world (Gandhi).  I’m going to keep trying that!  Happy New Year Lee!

    • Lee, I knew the day after election day 2010, that 2011 would be  mess.  Like you I avoid the drunken revelry.

      I’m quite certain that BP will not go out of business,


    That poster above – perfect.

    Tom, have you seen this?

  4. Interesting entertainment with Conan O’Brien and the Ron Paul ad attacking Gingrich!

  5. Good to see that there is some action in the BP Oil situation.  You’re right TC — “Sometimes we mistake the length of time it takes to prepare such cases, without discussing them, as inaction.”  If the prosecutors don’t carefully cross their ‘t’s and dot their ‘i’s, all the work could be for naught. And that would be a bigger travesty because it could eliminate further prosecution.  Sometimes you only get one chance.  We are running into a similar problem with what is known (erringly) as the Stanley Cup Riots, although charges against 40 people have now been laid and court days set.  The new debate is whether to televise these or not.

    Ron Paul — “. . . Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable.” — Is Paul for real?  (I know, dumb question but rhetorical!) Based on this comment, he has victimised the harassee again!  And the cycle goes on!  If this comment was specically made only about LGBT people, then I’d like to know if the harassee was a woman, what would he say?  Or if the harassee were an African American or Latino, what would he say?  Or if the harassee was a thin balding man being harassed for being folically challenged, what would he say?  Seeking protection under civil rights or human rights legislation is often necessary because it is difficult at best to confront the harasser.  A harasser not only poisons the environment for the harassee, but also creates a toxic atmosphere for others not even the target.  This is one of the things that reduces productivity and increases costs.  And Paul’s solution is that the harassee should change jobs.  Has he looked at the unemployment numbers lately?  And this does nothing but reinforce the harassers deviant behaviour!  It should be the harasser who is counselled and shown the door.  Between Santorum and Paul, I don’t know which one is worse when it comes to LBGT rights and bigotry in general.  They both seem to enjoy hating!  What a sad way to live.

    Cartoon — Walking into the 2012 sunrise limping with the cane needed to get through 2011.  Good metaphoric graphic!

    Well everybody, have a safe and good New Year!  I will be at my mother’s and then home by about 10 pm so I can keep the animals calm.  And since I do not drink, I will be watching for all the others that do as I drive home.  Happy New Year!

    • Exactly Lisa.  Plus, to be most effective, they have to keep the investigation a secret.

      The only major difference between the two is that Santorum is a war monger,

      Thanks Lynn.

      Same to you!

  6. 3:13  I seemed to make all the right choices on this one.

  7. I hope they bankrupt BP for all their failures.  I’m sure the list of charges will be as long as my leg.

    On the AIDS comment, most people contract HIV without knowing that their sexual partner is HIV/AiDS positive.  As long as they have health coverage through their employer, the coverage should be maintained through until the end. Considering what  these AIDS patients go through, they could use a break.

    • Lisa, I’d love it, but those pockets are almost infinitely deep.

      Lisa, I agree, but before the ACA the insurer could just drop them.  Even now, if they lose their job and can’t keep paying the full premium for their employer based health care, they lose.

  8. Of the issues addressed here- I think the BP case is  of the greatest importance ; it illustrates how the wheels of justice grind slowly– but they do move-

    However– and I am not sure how to say this– I look at Ron Paul a bit differently— it is very easy to take his remarks out of context and blast him–I do not agree with him on most issues–but I tend to think he is every bit as much a patriot as any flag- waver out there—I do  think his conclusions are based on conviction , and he has the courage of his convictions for the most part— I would wish he would own his remarks from the past — and let people know if he still holds these opinions or/ and how he has grown- seems to me that is more important— most of us  do grow in our thinking–   would be more to the point for him to tell us how and if his thinking has changed rather than deny he said these things–that said- I do believe he is honestly expressing his beliefs–that in itself is a novelty– an honest [politician who says what he thinks and believes–So I do not condemn him- nor do I feel comfortable calling him names ; I disagree with his conclusions , I don’t think he  is  a good candidate for president , but I have great respect for Ron Paul , the man  ..

    • I agree.

      On Paul, I have no doubt that Paul is an ideologue who believes his own BS, with the caveat that there are certain things he believes that he cannot discuss publicly, so he hides his racism, for example in property rights.

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