The situation with Iran has gone from bad to worse, and the US is threatening military intervention if Iran attempts to block the Strait of Hormuz, as they have threatened. To make matters worse, Congress has virtually tied Barack Obama’s hands, making a conflict more likely. We desperately need to step up diplomacy, but that may not be allowed.
The U.S. warned Iran Wednesday that it will not tolerate any disruption of naval traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, after Iran’s navy chief said the Islamic Republic is capable of closing the vital oil route if the West imposes new sanctions targeting Tehran’s oil exports.
Iran’s Adm. Habibollah Sayyari told state-run Press TV that closing the strait, which is the only sea outlet for the crucial oil fields in and around the Persian Gulf, "is very easy" for his country’s naval forces.
It was the second such warning by Iran in two days, reflecting Tehran’s concern that the West is about to impose new sanctions that could hit the country’s biggest source of revenue, its oil sector. On Tuesday, Vice President Mohamed Reza Rahimi threatened to close the strait if the West imposes such sanctions.
In response, the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet’s spokeswoman warned that any disruption at the strait "will not be tolerated."
The spokeswoman, Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, said the U.S. Navy is "always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation."… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <USA Today>
What upsets Iran most is that proposed sanctions could target not only Iran, but everyone who deals with Iran, in the same way that the US now sanctions Cuba. Rachel Maddow covered this issue and interviewed foreign policy expert, Josh Rogin.
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Banning diplomacy, as the House did is an act of insanity. House Republicans wanted it and House Democrats were to cowardly to vote against it, almost in an election year, especially since there was nothing they could do to prevent it’s passage. They would have been accused of siding with Iran. We need to urge our Senators to strip it out. In the Senate, sanctions have been attached to the Defense Budget. Republicans want gas prices to rise, because it will hurt the economy in an election year. Republicans also want their main solution.
9 Responses to “Showdown at the Strait of Hormuz”
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You nailed this one – once again the GOP hawks will stop at nothing – to place this country hostage economically in an effort to gain dictatorship! We deserve what we sow – sorry – in all its insanity – I stand with Iran this time around – who do the republicons think this country is – and how dare they place us in jeopardy – the terrorists are sitting pretty in the House of Representatives!
I agree with you , and with TC on this with no exception– How dare they !
Amen Lee. AMEN!
Allow me to join the chorus!
The neocons have never really gone away. They’ve simply been in hiding and can’t wait to spring out in ambush again as soon as Romney (who has loaded up on them for foreign policy advisors) or Gingrich (likewise) gets elected. That’s why NO Republican must be elected President!!!
I agree Jack. It’s a mix of five wings: Neocon, Theocon, Corporacon, Plutocon, and InsaniTEA.
I can perhaps understand, I said perhaps, the House Democrats voting with the Republican/Teabaggers on the sanctions if for no other reason to appear not to be siding with Iran. But I do not understand putting provisions in the bill that would prevent diplomacy. If the bill passes the Senate in its current form, that would more than likely mean the US going to war with Iran, and the President would be accused of starting a war. So it is up to the Senate to strip out that provision. But even if that is stripped out, the blockade of the Straits of Hormuz will mean a significant reduction in available world oil supplies and a significant rise in gas prices which will wreck havoc on the economy , not just the US economy, but world economies. If the provision is not stripped out but the President tries diplomatic talks anyway, he will be accused of breaking the law.
Iran’s Ahmadinejad is a power hungry little blowhard who has been centured several times by the Supreme Leader of Iran. To me, this little ‘game’ he is playing is an attempt to build his own reputation, but also to provoke a confrontation with the US. Iran knows that Baby Bush started the illegal Iraqi war under the guise of WMD. He probably thinks that he can provoke the US again, especially given the Republican/Teabagger House, into taking actions that are not wise. I believe that if he goes to war, he has a lot to lose. But if he forces the US to capitulate, he will look the big hero.
Utopia = the non-existence of Republican/Teabaggers!
While I was out this afternoon, I heard a news report about the escalation in tensions in the Straits of Hormuz. To my disgust, the news was all and only about the economic chaos that would ensue. There was absolutely nothing of the potential loss of life if countries use military means to settle the dispute. Nothing at all! Have we, the human race, become so anaesthetised to the plight of the people and the planet that we no longer see or appreciate what is happening all around us? Do we even give a rat’s ass? I am very aware that the economic chaos would be dire. But if there is nothing left, no structures, no fields to grow food in, no trees to use as shelter or for firewood, no clean water to drink, no doctors for the sick, no people period, then what does the chaos matter?
For two countries to potentially go to war over a narrow strip of water that is the lifeblood of many countries is insane and unacceptable! And further, for the US House to tie the hands of the President by saying there can be no talks is absolutely ridiculous and unconscionable. The Senate must strip that out of the legislation before handing it to the President for signing! Further to the overwhelming number of Democrats that caved in to the hawk Republican/Teabaggers, shame! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! for not having the courage to stand up to the House bullies, the Republican/Teabagger thugs! You owe your constituents enlightened leadership, not a deflated whipping boy.
Lynn, replying to both at once, it’s more complicated than that. While Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program, per se, they are working on developing all the materials that will need to hastily put nukes together. Think of the way you described Ahmadinejad. Now think of his finger on the button. Current US and UN sanctions have not worked. Russia and China just ignore them. Even the Koch brothers set up a foreign subsidiary so they can keep doing business with Iran outside US jurisdiction. Several European countries want to sanction Iran and anyone that does business with Iran. Obama does not want to back Iran into a corner like that, because it will destroy Iran’s economy and cause the Iranian people to rally to oppose the US with the extremists. He would prefer to combine diplomacy with covert measures. Congress is tying his hands. If Iran closes the strait for any length of time it will cause a worldwide economic crisis that will make the Republican recession seem like luxury. That’s what all this is about.