Dec 282011

Over in the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, Scott Walker has been sipping some heavy duty whine.  He is claiming massive voter fraud, wasted resources and more in an attempt to discredit the snowballing recall effort from patriots trying to restore Wisconsin.  Of course Walker is lying.  In fact, there’s little Walker and his Koch sucking thugs won’t to save his job.

28WalkerWestern Wisconsin volunteers collecting signatures for the effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker have allegedly again been met by aggressive opponents.

On Monday, a group of volunteers in Hudson said they were approached by a man who knocked over and tore their signs before urging a member of the group to "take a swing" at him, according to a police report.

Hudson police cited Donald Rindo, 51, of Hudson with disorderly conduct and destruction of property.

Reached by phone Tuesday, Rindo declined to elaborate on the accusations.

"I’m terribly upset that they would smear my name like that," he said. "I’m not going to smear their name and say anything about what they did or did not do."

The incident comes on the heels of similar episodes elsewhere.

On Dec. 18, a 32-year-old woman was arrested in River Falls for allegedly spitting on a woman who was collecting signatures for the Walker recall… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Pioneer Press>

Ed Shultz calls BS on Walker with Fitzwalkerstan State Senator Lena Taylor and columnist John Nichols.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

That thoroughly documents Walker’s lies.  I encourage you all to support the restoration of Wisconsin.


  18 Responses to “Recall Effort Draws Walker’s Ire”

  1. I’ve seen that picture of Walker too many times — he looks like a ferret with beadie little eyes!  Sorry 4 legged ferrets because you guys are cute, this 2 legged one isn’t!

    I seem to recall people making anonymous death or bodily harm threats to recall volunteers.  At the same time, others were clearly laying out their agenda to destroy petitions, and  I believe Walker was  launching a $2 million advertising campaign.  On top of that, as stated on the Ed Show, Walker was clearly aware of procedures in place to prevent voter fraud and yet he rattles on as if such procedures don’t exist.  These feeble dramas together with other things such as talking to ‘David Koch’ openly about government plans show that Walker is not fit for the job and is running scared.

    I would suggest he become accustomed to the title citizen Walker as that is how he will be known early in 2012!  Would you like some Wisconsin cheese to go with that whine, citizen Walker?

  2. The problem with that picture is they couldn’t fit the studio mic in close to his brain alongside the Kock stuck in there.


    This was kind of interesting Maybe he will have to follow Perry of Texas’ lead and hire 250,000 public sector unionized employee’s.

  3. Desperate men will try desperate things – and Walker is DAMN desperate.

  4. Walker is a liar–All we need to know was contained in that phone call- with the Faux Koch Brother –all the rest just adds to that– more and more layers of lies— he lied to be elected–and has continued his dishonesty  all the way—-He lies when the truth would serve better–

    Once the people get him out of office I do hope any legal charges that can be brought against him-  are brought- ;- some jail time would fit—he has done all  he and the Kochs can think of to reduce Wisconsin to a  feudal state– and it’s working people to serfs–

  5. Hey there people  who like to tear up protest signs – there’s  this new thing in America called freedom of speech.  You should look it up – it’s in the Constitution.

  6. I guess fraud depends on which side of the recall you’re on.

  7. Is Scott Walker a new type of travelling toilet paper or a new drink? Wisconsin is so confusing!

  8. That Rindo idiot is a real bimbo, just like all the other Walker-supporting storm troopers who are marching lock-step with him. Walker SHOULD be getting nervous—his state is running an astounding 58% AGAINST him! Those are landslide numbers. He and all his goose-steppers should just realize that is the penalty for deceiving the voters and overreaching with a radically reactionary agenda…

  9. Perfect examples of people working enthusiastically against their own best interests at the behest of corporate power.  As long as there are those who still take sides (left vs. right) and rely on the celebrities of the  LSM for their philosophical bent, idiots will always be willing to become thugs. I really hope that the people prevail.

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