The question I hear most as I go about my day to day work of bringing news to people, that is admittedly and proudly biased, but also factually honest, is: “How can anyone in their right mind vote for a Republican?” It’s a good question, given that Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit of millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals, and do NOT represent you. The best answer I can give is that Republicans live in a completely different reality. For the record, I am not a fan of David Frum, a rather extreme Bushavik, and oppose his views on almost every subject. But when an opponent gets something right,. integrity demands that I give credit where credit is due, and on this subject, Frum is spot on.
Conservative columnist David Frum, who was speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, blasted Fox News on Sunday for creating an "alternative knowledge system."
In an article published by New York Magazine in late November, Frum had argued that conservative media like Fox News and talk radio "immerse their audience in a total environment of pseudo-facts and pretend information."
In an appearance on CNN Sunday, Frum cited claims made on Fox News that President Barack Obama was proposing a "new Christmas tree tax," something that was found by both The Florida Times-Union and PolitiFact Oregon to be not true… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>
Here’s the video:
Note that Howard Kurtz actually fought to defend the Republican Ministry of propaganda from Frum’s analysis, showing CNN’s Republican bias, albeit less extreme than Faux Noise.
Keith Olbermann reinforced the truth of this in the first segment of last night’s Worst Persons.
So there it is. People vote Republican, because they have fallen for the hype that their misinformation sources are not only trustworthy, but also the only trustworthy sources of news. Therefore, their view of the world is completely disconnected from reality.
16 Responses to “Why People Vote Republican”
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Actually…….it’s pretty frightening to me that these people are that dumb! Look at how Lowe’s made knee-jerk response, as well as some other companies I assume, to the bidding of the RW conservative nut job group in Florida and pulled its advertising from a TV show about Muslim life in the US. All these fascist family values have to do is WHINE……and the rest of the country kowtows to them. THSI HAS TO STOP…..or Canada here I come!
The reason people vote repubican is the EXACT same reason they believe the lies on Faux New …
Oops TC – You’ve been upstaged!!!!!! This cartoon is incredible!!! LMAO
The fucking stupid people are the ones on both sides of the aisle who do not bother to get off their ass and really research who they vote for. I will never vote for this Democrat again as this POS amendment to the defense authorization bill was written by him. Now i wonder if the president will come across with the threatened veto it with the changed language. I doubt it.
This is why it’s so important to have free flow of information — so people have access to alternatives to this kind of propaganda-media. Unfortunately, I doubt that many Fox viewers seek out alternative news sources.
I see I’m in good company (because they’re stupid). But also and more importantly because Republicans have gotten very slick at lying their asses off in such a way as to seem credible. It speaks to their moral code: If you can’t win, cheat.
Excellent points– Fox is an arm of the Ministry of Propaganda ,; experts at the use of “A lie repeated often enough “…;. Most people do not have , time, energy , or inclination to search out more accurate sources of information;.. They come in , turn on Fox , which provides “The News “— and that’s it– as simple as it gets– I don’t believe they are all stupid– if you really look at the Faux operation , they are very good at what they do–promote Propaganda– over and over the lies are repeated—-It takes a certain level of sophistication to realize what is going on– and most people are simply not sophisticated enough , intelligence has little to do with it–
Since Americans have voted more conservative than liberal over the last 30 years, maybe they actually believe in something different than a liberal philosophy. The fact that their party is full of greedy, power grabbing people, is not unfamiliar to the Democratic party politicians. Obama is no liberal in my definition, nor does he have the leadership abilities to use majority when he has it. Maybe he does not believe in some Democratic traditional political philosophy? .
There have been actual studies that show that Fox viewers are low information voters. Neil Cavuto is one of the worst – just when one of his guests is about to make his/her point, he talks over them because whatever that person says will be out of the world of Fox News and in disagreement with them. God forbid that they allow a guest to reveal the truth.
On what channel do they show fox news – Animal Kingdom?
Love the cartoon. It says it all!
there is no such thing as a neutral news, in fact all news is now entertainment and slightly biased or extremely biased, it is very sad, but we just need to check all the news options and then select the least biased, but that takes time, effort and patience, that some people do not have for various reasons.
Has anybody, other than Faux Noise, done a demographic analysis of the Faux Noise audience? Is it possible that the greater portion of their audience is under-educated? Or is it that they are what I call lazy thinkers — people who want to receive, like babies receive pablum, pre-digested information?
I knew a woman once who changed from my church, a very liberal main stream church, to a very conservative church because, as she said to me, her son’s sunday school teacher, she wanted to be fed and not have to think.
These are probably the most dangerous because after a while, they become automotons, pliable to the will of whomever is doing the feeding.
Frum and Olbermann nailed it. Murdoch, Ailes, Beck, and Limbaugh ought to all be jailed for life at hard labor for insulting the public and deliberately spreading lies.
People vote Republican because they do not have all the TRUE facts. The Republicans go against Obama at everything he tries to do that is beneficial to the people, the real people NOT simple the Rich and Powerful. They just want him OUT at any cost.
Just do your homework people and get the real facts
Our society is pushing for more non-thinkers. Too many public schools have uniforms which is just the beginning of the non-thinking! Then we have the moron liberals who bitch about Obama expecting him to be a good person! DUH! ANYONE who is hungry enough to be president is not a good person and anyone who expects them to be is a damned fool! We must still vote and vote for the lesser of he evils and speak out when we see something wrong! No one is perfect and especially anyone who is a politician! Right now Obama is a sad disappointment, but I doubt there will be any president that won’t be! So we must vote and speak out and not go away! I am a liberal, but a thinking and realistic liberal!
BTW That cartoon is one of the best I have ever seen! Kudos “SoINeedAName”!!!!!