Dec 132011

Yesterday I was still sick, but must have been a little better, as I at least knew what year it is. Embarrassed smile  I had to run a couple errands and had trouble covering the half mile needed to do so.  I’m current with replies.  Today I plan to rest.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:45 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here,  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Me: Elizabeth Warren Takes on Turd Blossom.

Support Elizabeth Warren!

From Washington Post: The Supreme Court on Monday said it would review Arizona’s restrictive immigration law that sparked a national controversy and inspired similar state efforts across the country to crack down on illegal immigrants.

The review will add to one of the court’s most high-profile caseloads in years, and probably will be heard around the same time as justices consider the constitutionality of President Obama’s health-care overhaul. The court on Friday said it also would intervene in a deeply partisan battle over Texas redistricting.

To make matters worse, Elena Kagan has recused herself, and rightly so, on the Arizona law, because she was the Solicitor General challenging it.  If only Thomas or Scalia had that level of integrity.  Find someplace with Vaseline on sale and stock up.

From Alternet: The US security firm formerly known as Blackwater, which was barred from Iraq over a deadly 2007 shooting, renamed itself a second time Monday.

USTC Holdings, the investor consortium that acquired ex-Blackwater firm Xe Services in December 2010, announced ACADEMI as the new name and brand for Xe Services.

They want to bribe Maliki to get back into Iraq in a way that the people will not know who they are, but by whatever name, this company remains the Republican SS and is a threat to freedom everywhere.  If Republicans take power, rest assured that they will unleash these thugs on Americans again.




  6 Responses to “Open Thread-12/13/2011”

  1. Puzzle — While I delight in doing the puzzle daily, I am truly in a league of my own —so far back that if you looked behind you, I’d only be a smudge on the horizon!  Thus, I don’t mention it.  However, today I was 4:28, only 3 seconds over average.  My youngest was up in front of the screen so I may well have been below the average had the little turnip not bugged me.

    Elizabeth Warren — You know, with Karl Rove coming at her like gang busters, she is unflustered, and direct.  I might even say she’s ‘enjoying’ his attacks because, as she says, “We must be doing something right.”.  Go Elizabeth Warren!

    SCOTUS — It would seem that SCOTUS has its hands full and then to lose one bright legal mind on a major case is horrendous, especially since Kagan is fair, unlike the 5 injustices that will undoubtedly be involved.  Her recusal certainly highlights her integrity, particularly given her previous involvement in the case and her desire to see it overturned.  I wonder if Gov Brewer will also end up with  Arizona’s electoral district boundaries being challenged in the SCOTUS like Perry’s Texas plan?  Why play fair when you can fix the outcome in your favour.  In the things I’ve read about Brewer, she really does seem like a whiney bitch.

    US Security firm — Once a thug, always a thug!  The name means nothing.  You can always change your shorts, but shit is still shit!  The idea that these same idiots might be used against Americans if the Republican/Teabaggers get into power is a downright chilling thought.  Republican/Teabaggers must be declared extinct in 2012!  TC, are you sure you don’t want to fast forward to November 2012?!?

    Cartoon — So that is how the Republican/Teabaggers launder money!

  2. How many words can I use? I know I can be overly verbose.

  3. While I’m not hopeful on two of the three major SCOTUS cases coming up (Arizona immigration law; Texas redistricting; and PPACA [Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare) – the only bright spot WRT the Arizona case is that if (and that’s a HUGE “if”) it were to end in a 4-4 tie, the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling would stand.  But put me down as believing that PPACA will prevail.

  4. I really thought a RepubliCON wet dream would include a mud wrestling pit & a few guns for incentive..;)

    “The US security firm formerly known as Blackwater, which was barred from Iraq over a deadly 2007 shooting, renamed itself a second time Monday.

    USTC Holdings, the investor consortium that acquired ex-Blackwater firm Xe Services in December 2010, announced ACADEMI as the new name and brand for Xe Services.”

    An enemy of my enemy is my friend?????  If Iraq really hates America it MIGHT overlook it’s once & future Death Squads, but a rose by any other name is still an “accident waiting to happen”.. Okay, I’ve mixed too many metaphors & now I’m dizzy.. but Iraq (and the USA) should keep a very close eye on Blackwater, no matter how many times it changes it’s name!

  5. I just love Elizabeth Warren – she scares the shit out of the Republicans and is not afraid to take them on.  I wish she were running  in my state so we could get rid of Mark Kirk who hasn’t done jack shit (that’s a good thing since he’s a tea bagger) since he’s been in the Senate. I think IL is just cursed with bad politicians, with the exception of Obama, most of our reps and senators wind up in jail for  corruption of some kind.

    I’m just waiting for Scalia to fall face down in a pile of spaghetti with meatballs as his final reprieve. I really hate that fat fucker who thinks he’s God.

    Changing it’s name does not change what they do.  They are domestic terrorists who operate under no one’s command and are therefore not subject  to the rules of the military.  They are subject to the highest bidder and will come back and bite us in the ass. It’s just a matter of time.

    I think the denomination needs to be higher for me to get that excited about money. :))


  6. 4:06  Came up a little short today.

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