The First Amendment to the US Constitution is clear that the US may have no state religion, and that all may worship freely according to their beliefs. However, that does not work for Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, who insist that they are the stare religion and declare the Obama administration to be “hostile to religious freedom”, because they refuse to bow to Theocon demands.
Back in November, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins charged that the Obama administration “has been the most hostile toward religious freedom” and particularly “hostile toward Christianity.” However, apparently the freedom of religion for non-Christians is not important for Perkins, who today was joined by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) on Washington Watch Weekly [Theocons delinked] where they condemned the Air Force Academy for allowing self-identified pagans to build and pray at an outdoor worship grounds. As Air Force Chaplain Maj. Darren Duncan told the Los Angeles Times, “We’re here to accommodate all religions, period,” noting that Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu cadets also have worship spaces on campus.
The Air Force Academy spent $3.5 million to build the Cadet Chapel, but Perkins and Hartzler were outraged that the Academy spent $80,000 on the pagan worship center. Perkins said that it shows government “promotion” of “fringe religions” and Hartzler called the move “crazy.” Hartzler went on to say that “Christianity is the main religion in our country” and the government should not be “facilitating or accommodating fringe religions.”
While Perkins and Hartzler say they speak for the freedoms of people of faith, they clearly lack any respect for the freedoms of Americans, even service members, of minority religions… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>
I have been to the Air Force Academy Chapel many years ago and it is truly awe inspiring. Given that Christians have been provided such a magnificent structure, for pseudo-Christians to claim discrimination is patently absurd. But please understand that Republican Theocons have nothing whatsoever to do with authentic Christianity.
There are two ways to deal with this issue that meet Constitutional requirements. One is to to allow cadets of all faiths to share equally in the use of that magnificent $3.5 million chapel. The other is to provide cadets of all faiths with worship spaces sufficient to their needs and numbers.
As a Christian, I honor people with faiths different from mine. Therefore I stand in solidarity with the pagans. It’s the only Christian thing to do.
14 Responses to “GOP Rep. Trashes 1st Amendment”
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Tom… forget that these RWNJs are “Christian” in name only. Actually BEING one takes too much time and effort……and ruins their “cred” as a true Republican…………….;-(
Well said, Judi!
They can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk of a real Christian.
It seems as though they are launching a new crusade to convert all people to their pseudo-Christianity.
” By their works you shall know them”–James ;2 vs; 17ff– Would serve well for these who claim to be Christian , to read the entire very short– only 3 chapters—
These are not Christians– they practice Evil and we must always, I think, weigh the works and words of those who claim they are acting in the name of God /……EVIL done in the name of God , is still EVIL !!
Too true. Given that Jesus preached love and generosity, Republican hate and greed demonstrate that they are anti-christian.
Is there a “house for Atheists”? (goes back under his rock)
Chem lab.
I don’t think that the majority 99% are trashing religion. We are most likely trashing the “pseudo religions” that are simply power mad psychopaths who want to control every aspect of our lives. The republicans are just an offshoot of those “religions.”
Welcome Janice!
I hope you don’t think that we’re saying the 99% trash religion. What you are saying and what we are saying are the same.
Why do FAUX Christians always seem to invoke Old Testament fire & brimstone when they get all pissy? They don’t even know they’re channeling the Judeo part of Judeo-Christian… ya know they would consider Jews “fringe” too! Blessed Be..;)
They do it because it’s much harder to twist the New Testament to support pseudo-Christianity.
Further to what Yvonne just said, I am always amused by the pseudo Christians. They invoke the fire and brimstone of the Hebrew Scriptures but seem to, conveniently or on purpose — I lean towards the latter, ignore the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which contains the new covenant in Jesus Christ. If they embraced the new covenant, there would be no discrimination based on race, creed, colour, language, gender or religion. If they embraced the new covenant, there would be no war as we are called to love our neighbours, not just the ones next door, but those too around the globe. If they embraced the new covenant, they would not seek to dominate, but would listen and work with others for the common good.
I belong to the United Church of Canada which is thankfully, a church of the left. When I was confirmed into the church, our classes took us to a Baptist church to see how the Baptists experience baptism and confirmation (that water was cold!). We also went to a Synagogue to talk about Judaism with a Rabbi. The Catholic church would not talk to us and in those days, the pentacostals etc were not well known here in Canada. As a result, I gained an appreciation of other religions. By extension, I accept that there are agnostics, atheists, animists, muslims and others. and no one belief is superior. We chose what is right for ourselves, and we are called to honour the beliefs of others. We have no right to call another down.
As to the GOP and their little hissy fits about feeling discriminated against, I would say that they are feeling discriminated against because they are looking in a mirror. They let their egos and their money define who they are and that is not what the Bible teaches.
Lynn, I would call nobody down for belief, as long as the actions stemming from that belief do mot impinge on the rights of others.
People exhibiting “victim stance” often focus on imagined attacks as a way to evade the true underlying issues.