Nov 032011

Yesterday I got a lot of personal business done and caught up on a huge email backlog.  I’m running short of sleep, because the home services company woke me up at 4:30 PM to tell me they wanted to to deliver my O2, that was marked “must be before 4:00 PM”, at 8:00 PM.  I rescheduled to today.  When I got back to sleep, UPS woke me up at 7:30 PM to pick up my RMA package that was scheduled “must be before 4:00 PM”.  ARGH!  It’s a Republican conspiracy! 😉

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:51 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: What OWS is all about.

Great Presentation!

From Common Dreams: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran, according to government sources.

The country’s defence minister Ehud Barak and the foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman are said to be among those backing a pre-emptive strike to neutralise Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

But a narrow majority of ministers currently oppose the move, which could trigger a wave of regional retaliation.

The man is crazy!  It would put any hope for peace back years, but I think that what these ideologues want.

From Think Progress: Led by right-wing Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), the House Foreign Affairs Committee today marked up and passed new legislation on U.S.-Iran policies. Amendments to the bill, H.R. 1905, included one that says, “No person employed with the United States Government may contact in an official or unofficial capacity any person that…is an agent, instrumentality, or official of, is affiliated with, or is serving as a representative of the Government of Iran.” The president may request a waiver, but only with 15 days notice and if the contact averts an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the vital national security interests of the United States.”

I believe this bill would be unconstitutional on its face, a violation of the separation of powers.  Diplomacy is the purview of the Executive Branch.  Congress’ role is the requirement that the Senate ratify any treaties negotiated.

From Countdown: Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

Bernie has it down. I fully support the amendment, even though it does not go far enough.



Nov 022011

In October, Politics Plus enjoyed record highs in Uniques, Page views, and Bandwidth.  I consider page views most important, because to generate more than one page view on a visit, someone has to open other articles to actually read your comments.  It was our second best month for Visitors, and third best for Hits.  This both surprised and pleased me, because we lost our second biggest Non-blog referrer, Buzzflash.  They are no more.  Furthermore, our traffic from Stumbleupon continues to drop, because their format changes have been so unpopular that people are leaving in droves.  On top of that I missed four days.

Here are our basic stats:


In addition we also had 285,411 page views, 376,138 hits and and 7.16 GB of external traffic.  These are mainly from people reading articles from our RSS feed instead of coming to the site to do so.

Here is our most recent ClustrMap, last updated on November 1.


Our ClustrMap reset the morning of 2/28/2011, starting over from scratch. This map counts only visits since then. The largest circles represent over 1,000 visits. The tiniest represent one to ten.

Our average durations were down from 211 seconds last month:

Number of visits: 52,187 – Average: 209 s

Number of visits




83.8 %



5 %



2 %



2.4 %



1.7 %



3 %



1.8 %

That essentially unchanged.

Search engine referrals were up, except for Stumbleupon.

23 different referring search engines







55.1 %


53.2 %

Stumbleupon (Social Bookmark)


38.6 %


40.3 %



1.5 %


1.7 %

Microsoft Bing


1.4 %


1.5 %

Microsoft MSN Search


1.2 %


0.8 %



0.4 %


0.2 %



0.3 %


0.2 %

Unknown search engines


0.3 %


0.2 %

Google (Images)


0.2 %


0.3 %

Microsoft Windows Live


0.2 %


0.3 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %

Digg (Social Bookmark)


0 %


0.1 %

Earth Link


0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0.1 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %



0 %


0 %





0 %




0.2 %

Our top four non-blog referrers are:               17,436                 4,583           964               478

Our top 15 blog referrers are:

There is an extra, because there was a tie for 15th place.

Here’s some linkey-love in return  The best ways you can spread the message to others is to use the share button at the bottom of each article to list our articles on the the networking sites where you belong. Quote PP articles on your own blogs also helps.  The operative commandment here is “thou shalt steal.”  We’re on the same side here, and I encourage it.  Even if you want to repost a whole article, that’s OK.  Just link back, please.  Also, feel free to swipe my graphics in the articles.  If they are labeled with our Politics Plus URL, they are my work.

The top fifteen commenters for September are not missing this time, because I actually remembered to copy them off in time on the night of the 31st.  Here they are:


The widget is in the right column.  I don’t count, as I’m the resident big mouth, and I try to reply to every comment, except replies directed at someone else.  Those who leave their URLs in their comments, get linkey-love.

Technorati makes even less sense again this month.  Our performance was up, but the site that gave us the vast majority of our influential referrals is gone.  Politics and US Politics ratings are down, as expected, but our Global rating is up, putting us back on the A list.  I have no idea why.  They removed our World rating again for reasons unknown.    Still, with 450 million active, English language blogs in the world, it’s great to be in the top 2,500.  This site’s authorities across Technorati:

This site’s authorities across Technorati:

Technorati Authority: 511

Rank: 2220

We have 884,291 links on other websites, up from 417,917 last month.

We have 2,914 articles and 25,360 comments, as of midnight 11/1.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will be your avatar.

I removed the called, because you weren’t using it. 

I could not find a Smiley toolbar compatible with our full featured graphic editor that gives you a wide range of ways you can express yourselves, including pictures.  I posted a separate page listing text shortcuts for smileys that you can keep open in a different tab.

Your participation remains a major part of what makes this blog worth reading, not to mention worth writing. Many people who visit here have told me that they come here to read your comments in addition to my articles, and people continue to write comments about your comments on other sites.  Politics Plus exists to help end right-wing insanity and send the Republican Party the way of the Whigs.  Thank you all for all you do, here and elsewhere, to help make that happen.  Our success is because of you.

Nov 022011

The brouhaha over Herman Cain’s alleged harassment, and his changing stories more often than Romney changes positions, have dominated the media to the extent of obscuring a problem that could have far more serious overtones, because it is a criminal act.  Cain has received illegal campaign funding and may have covered it up.  I bet you can guess where that funding originated.

2CainDave Weigel on what happened when a reporter asked Herman Cain’s campaign about his other big problem:


At National Journal’s 2012 preview panel, in the caged environment of a hotel ballroom and live video, ABC News’s Amy Walter asked Block if he could explain the Bice story.

"We’ve retained independent counsel to look at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story and report back to us," said Block…


The short version of the issue at hand is that Herman Cain’s campaign apparently received startup funds from a non-profit which was then headed by Mark Block, now Cain’s campaign manager. That’s illegal on its face. Moreover, if Block and the campaign did anything to falsify reports to cover their tracks, then they would have been guilty not just of the original crime, but of a coverup… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Mark Block has a long and sordid history of illegal campaign practices.  Like most of Cain’s campaign staff, Block is an operative of the Koch Brothers.  Rachel Maddow adds detail and interviews columnist Daniel Bice, the reporter, who broke the story.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

While just short of objective certainty, the inductive evidence here makes it clear that, while Cain may enjoy peccadillos, his strongest preference is for Koch.


The Next GOP Blackmail?

 Posted by at 12:11 am  Politics
Nov 022011

Who can forget how the Republican Party brought this nation to the brink of default twice in the last year, holding the good faith and credit of the US hostage, to blackmail America, actually causing one of the three major ratings agencies to drop our bond rating.  By long tradition, Congress does not insert policy changes into the budget, but it appears that is what Republicans are about to do.  This could repeat what I have called Republican acts of economic terrorism.

2GOPTerrorMinority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and the vast majority of House Democrats have signed a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) pushing him to strip partisan policy riders out of must-pass legislation to fund the government after the money runs out later this month.

Yes, here we go again. House Republicans are advancing appropriations bills loaded with controversial measures that would defund the new health care law, scrap key environmental protections and more.

“As you know, there is longstanding precedent not to use appropriations bills to enact major changes in national policy, and the bills being reported from Appropriations subcommittees this year violate that precedent,” wrote Hoyer in a letter signed by 182 other Democrats. “While not all policy riders are objectionable, many of those included this year are not only controversial but blatantly partisan. Included riders would block the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, roll back important clean air and clean water protections, and place new restrictions on women’s access to a full range of medical and health services, among others.”

If Boehner passes these bills with Republican votes alone, he sets up a major standoff with Senate Democrats, who will reject the spending bills, leading to another government shutdown standoff. Of course, all year a rump of extremely conservative Republicans, eager to slash significantly more money from federal programs, has thwarted Boehner, and forced him to pass legislation with House Democratic votes. If that dynamic plays out again, it will give Hoyer and his party plenty of leverage, and perhaps force Boehner to strip these riders out of the legislation.

Otherwise, it’s a repeat of last spring’s shutdown fight, only this time Democrats aren’t nearly as willing to get rolled by the GOP… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

I have little to add here.  Fortunately, the last time Republicans did this, Democrats refused to cave-in, and Boehner had to back down.  I’m giving an early heads up here, so that we can watch this and make our voices heard at the appropriate time.

Nov 022011

Yesterday I spent most of my free time collecting the data for today’s Monthly Report.  In addition, I did housework, prepared a keyboard for RMA, and catching up on business on the phone.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I’ll be home most of the day waiting for an O2 delivery and a UPS pickup.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:08 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from out fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.


TomCat Teabag Trashers

hugos renegades




Playing without a helmet



Texans Will Rise Again

Progressive Underdogs













Team Name







1 (1)

Progressive Underdogs







2 (2)








3 (3)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







4 (4)

hugos renegades







5 (5)

Playing without a helmet







6 (6)

Texans Will Rise Again







I’m coming up in the world.

Short Takes:

From Reuters: After Oakland emerged as a new center for the Occupy Wall Street movement — largely because an Iraq war veteran was seriously injured in a clash with police — local protest leaders decided on a tactic with a storied history in the city: a general strike.

The strike, scheduled for Wednesday, aims to disrupt commerce, with a special focus on banks and other symbols of corporate America. Protesters will also try to shut the city’s port, one of the nation’s largest, in the late afternoon.

Local labor leaders, although generally sympathetic to the Occupy movement, say their contracts prohibit them from proclaiming an official strike. City officials say government offices are scheduled to be open; it’s unclear whether many businesses will heed the call to close down for the day.

I fear that they may have called a general strike too soon to get the participation needed to be effective.  Nevertheless, I support them 100% and pray that I have to admit I was wrong.

From Think Progress: A favorite conservative pastime since the financial crisis of 2008 struck is to try and deflect blame away from Wall Street and its excesses and onto Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and government housing policy. No matter how many times the theory that the government mortgage giants caused the crisis gets debunked, it keeps on coming back to life.

The latest political figure to join this parade was New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I), who responded to a question about the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests by saying that the protesters’ grievances are “unfounded,” since “it was not the banks that created the mortgage crisis“.

Horse feathers!  What are we supposed to think, that the mortgage crisis was caused by Obama’s great-great-great grandparents’ Kenyan conspiracy, hatched before the South won the war?

From AP/Google: Canada is joining the U.S. in cutting off funding for the U.N. cultural agency UNESCO because it approved a Palestinian bid for full membership.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Tuesday the decision is not in the best interests of peace in the Middle East, so Canada is freezing all future voluntary contributions to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Canada contributes about $10 million a year to the agency.

Canada is supposed to follow the the US when we do something right, not when we screw up, big time!



Nov 012011

Things have been busy at Occupy Portland.  First some demonstrators staged a separate demonstration intending to be arrested, creating tension with Mayor Sam Adams.  I have an article and video covering that, an Olbermann video, and a video of Michael Moore’s visit to Occupy Portland today.

1OccupyOccupy Portland protesters are not all supportive of Sunday morning’s staged protest at Jamison Square resulting in 27 arrests.

Riannah Weaver, an Occupy Portland supporter, said she is angry at her fellow protesters for disrupting the peace Sunday morning.  Weaver organized a peaceful demonstration in Jamison Square Sunday evening at 7 p.m. attracting a small crowd.

Weaver said the protest at Jamison Square was counterproductive and the purpose of the protest was not clear.

"I saw Mayor Adams come here and they chased him out of here," said Weaver. "That’s not what Occupy Portland is about."

Weaver said the Occupy movement is facing some challenges at the downtown camp due to subcultures.

"There is no difference in the subcultures taking over that park and the subcultures people ignore everyday in this city. We don’t have the authority to kick those people out, and if we did, we wouldn’t because we see them as victims of society."

Less than 24 hours after more than two dozen arrests at Jamison Square, a KOIN Local 6 camera crew faced an angry protester inside the downtown camp.  A volunteer in the kitchen shoved the camera lens before cursing and yelling at the crew… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <KOIN TV>

One of the movement’s biggest strengths is also one of it’s biggest weaknesses.  Unlike the Tea Parties that are organized top down by America’s greediest corporate criminals, the 99% movement has no leaders.  They normally operate by consensus, but that was clearly not the case here.  Whoever chased Sam Adams out was clearly wrong.  Whoever acted abusively to the reporter was also wrong.

At issue here is that Jamison Square is a park in an upscale urban renewal area.  The park has a curfew to prevent homeless people from camping there.  In the past, aggressive panhandling has interfered with local residents use of the park.  Both sides have legitimate issues.  Fortunately the demonstration was peaceful, and the demonstrators well behaved and well spoken.

Keith Olbermann discussed Portland and other OWS locations and interviews Jeannie Hartley from Denver OWS on Countdown.

Keith probably did not know that Mayor Adams had been chased off.  He has been a friend to the demonstrators, and he deserved an opportunity to talk it over.

Occupy Portland had a rare treat.  Michael Moore put in an appearance.  Here’s video.

With rare exceptions, Occupy Portland had been a model for the rest of the country, but even here there have been growing pains.  Here and everywhere, it’s important for the organizers to publically disassociate themselves from individuals and sub-groups, who act outside the agreement of the general assemblies and behave inappropriately.


Republicans on Pork Street

 Posted by at 12:23 am  Politics
Nov 012011

Republicans claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility, and all have pledged to take no pork.  If you believe them, come see me about my wonderful mountain ski resort for sale in Kansas.  When it comes to pork, Republican Politicians are liars and hypocrites, saying one thing, but doing the exact opposite.  Republicans live on Pork Street.

1GOP-PorkHouse Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Republican leadership’s tether to the Tea Party, flutters the hearts of the government-bashing, budget-slicing faithful with his relentless attacks on runaway federal spending. To Cantor, an $8 billion high-speed rail connecting Las Vegas to Disneyland is wasteful “pork-barrel spending.” The Virginia Republican set up the “You Cut” Web site to demonstrate how easy it is to slash government programs. And he made the Department of Housing and Urban Development the poster child for waste when he disclosed that the agency was paying for housing for Ph.D.s.

But away from the cameras, Cantor sometimes pulls right up to the spending trough, including the very stimulus law he panned in public. Letters obtained by Newsweek show him pressing the Transportation Department to spend nearly $3 billion in stimulus money on a high-speed-rail project—not the one he derided in Nevada, but another in his home state. “Virginia … will demonstrate that this historic investment in rail will create jobs, reduce congestion, spur economic growth and improve our environment,” says a letter he signed with other Virginia members in October 2009, cribbing President Obama’s own argument for the stimulus.

Cantor signed several such letters, including an earlier one seeking rail funds a month after he went on national television attacking the Vegas project. He also signed a letter in October 2009 seeking $60 million to build commercial ships, some likely along Virginia’s coastline. As for his bashing of HUD, until last year he owned as much as $50,000 in preferred stock in a real-estate company that receives federal housing assistance from the department.

As the government showdown over debt continues—the so-called congressional supercommittee negotiating cuts has been floundering for weeks—Newsweek found about five dozen of the most fiscally conservative Republicans, from Tea Party freshmen like Allen West to anti-spending presidential candidates like Rick Perry and Ron Paul, trying to gobble up the very largesse they publicly disown, in the time-honored, budget-busting tradition of bringing home the bacon for local constituents… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Newsweek>

Now this is a small part of an extensive article, and I encourage you to click through for the rest of it.  It demonstrates without doubt that Republicans are lying to their constituents, taking credit for bringing home the same projects they opposed.

In my opinion, if a state’s/district’s Senator’s/Representatives oppose spending on legislation, that area should receive none of the funding from it.


Poll Results–11/1/2011

 Posted by at 12:23 am  Blog News, Politics
Nov 012011

Here are the results of our Which Republican poll.


And here are your comments.

From Patty on October 22, 2011 at 6:47 am


Even though the "Powers That Be" don’t want him, it’ll probably be Mittens. The RepublicanTs are so divided right now they don’t know what do do. The only thing they agree on is that they ALL want Pres. Obama tofail.


From TWM on October 17, 2011 at 8:24 am


George Romney (Mitt’s oid man) came out of business (CEO AMC motors) to elected office and to be honest he is quite favorably remembered as being a centrist republican that could and did work with all parties for the good of Michigan.

Unfortunately Mitt ain’t his daddy and though he is not deviating in the polls I do believe the dissatisfied in the nation would pull the lever for him. I think personally he would be just another wealthy bastard who would find new ways to pander to those he grew up with.


From Cellophane on October 16, 2011 at 11:24 am


I think Cain will implode. Like Bachmann and Perry, he can’t keep his alligator mouth from overloading his chickadee ass.

Rather than considering their messages, when given an open mike they just start to babble all sorts of nonsense. Even the dullest part of the GOP will get the message. There’s nobody home.


From Memphis Johnny on October 16, 2011 at 3:23 am


Oh! Come on! There’s still plenty of time for more flavors!


Mitt was the clear winner here.  I voted him, because I figured all the other flavors of the month would lose their savor.  Perry’s implosion and Cain’s Clarence Thomas moment will likely put them out of the running in short order.
