Nov 052011

Yesterday, I didn’t get my housework done.  It’s  patient and always waits for me.  However, I did go out to run errands, caught up an email backlog (self-renewing daily), purchased a couple needed items online, cooked a three day meal, set my fantasy football lineup, and got enough sleep for a change.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have that housework and volunteer paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:21 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: Jon Corzine resigned as MF Global Holdings Ltd’s chairman and chief executive in the face of mounting pressure from regulators searching for customer money that has gone missing from the brokerage’s accounts.

Corzine, a former chief of Goldman Sachs & Co , called his departure "difficult" but voluntary, capping a rapid downfall for one of Wall Street’s best-known stars.

Could we possibly get a Bankster behind bars?

From Washington Monthly: Faced with increasing push-back from the public, the media, government watchdogs and a bipartisan list of lawmakers, the Department of Justice Thursday agreed to drop a proposed regulation that would have allowed government agencies to lie to members of the public seeking records through the Freedom of Information Act.

I consider it reprehensible that such a rule was even considered.

From Alternet: The Cuban government has approved a law allowing individuals to buy and sell homes for the first time in 50 years, in the latest instalment [sic] of President Raul Castro’s reforms of the island’s Soviet-style economy.

It is time for the US to end our embargo of that nation.  The cold war is over.




GOP: Millionaires Si, You No!

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Nov 042011

Yesterday, the Senate voted 51-49 in favor of bringing the infrastructure portion of Obama’s Jobs bill to the floor.  However, a majority of the Senate was not enough, because Republicans filibustered to obstruct the measure, so America’s crumbling infrastructure will continue to rot and the thousands of Americans, who could have found work repairing it will continue sit idle, unemployed.  Why? Republicans object to a tiny 0.7% (seven tenths of 1%) surtax on income over $1 million.  All the Republicans goose-stepped together in opposition.  Two others joined them.  They were Traitor Joe LIEberman, (ASSHOLE-CT) and Benedict Nelson (DINO-NE).  If either is your Senator, express your outrage, nonviolently of course.

filibuzzardsThere’s nothing partisan about a road or a bridge or an airport; Democrats and Republicans have voted to spend billions on them for decades and long supported rebuilding plans in their own states. On Thursday, though, when President Obama’s plan to spend $60 billion on infrastructure repairs came up for a vote in the Senate, not a single Republican agreed to break the party’s filibuster.

That’s because the bill would pay for itself with a 0.7 percent surtax on people making more than $1 million. That would affect about 345,000 taxpayers, according to Citizens for Tax Justice, adding an average of $13,457 to their annual tax bills. Protecting that elite group — and hewing to their rigid antitax vows — was more important to Senate Republicans than the thousands of construction jobs the bill would have helped create, or the millions of people who would have used the rebuilt roads, bridges and airports.

Senate Republicans filibustered the president’s full jobs act last month for the same reasons. And they have vowed to block the individual pieces of that bill that Democrats are now bringing to the floor. Senate Democrats have also accused them of opposing any good idea that might put people back to work and rev the economy a bit before next year’s presidential election.

There is no question that the infrastructure bill would be good for the flagging economy — and good for the country’s future development. It would directly spend $50 billion on roads, bridges, airports and mass transit systems, and it would then provide another $10 billion to an infrastructure bank to encourage private-sector investment in big public works projects.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican of Texas, co-sponsored an infrastructure-bank bill in March, and other Republicans have supported similar efforts over the years. But the Republicans’ determination to stick to an antitax pledge clearly trumps even their own good ideas… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

The bottom line is simple.  Republicans place expanding the excess luxury 345,000 millionaires over the desperate need of everyone else.  Ed Schultz calls out the GOP and interviews DCCC Chair, Steve Israel (D-NY).

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There is little else to add except to remind you of this.  Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit  of millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals.  They do NOT represent YOU!


Which Mitt on Women’s Rights?

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 042011

Mitt Romney has distinguished himself as the Republican candidate, who has firmly positioned himself on both sides of every issue.  Nowhere is this more apparent than on the issue of a women’s right to have control over her own body.  But with Mitt, one thing is certain.  What Mitt says and what Mitt does are completely unrelated.

4Romney2FaceMitt Romney was firm and direct with the abortion rights advocates sitting in his office nine years ago, assuring the group that if elected Massachusetts governor, he would protect the state’s abortion laws.

Then, as the meeting drew to a close, the businessman offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP’s hard-line opposition to abortion.

He would be a “good voice in the party” for their cause, and his moderation on the issue would be “widely written about,” he said, according to detailed notes taken by an officer of the group, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.

“You need someone like me in Washington,” several participants recalled Romney saying that day in September 2002, an apparent reference to his future ambitions…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Lawrence O’Donnell reports and interviews Nancy Keenan of NARAL.

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Keenan is right.  Mitt opposed women’s rights then as much as he does now, as his behavior as Governor demonstrates.  If Mitt gets the nomination, he will flip back, but that is because there is nothing Romney won’t say to get elected.  As President, his position would be the standard Republican approach to women’s rights shown below.


Nov 042011

One of my criticism’s of Barack Obama is that, although he has critiqued them, he has actually done nothing to oppose the extreme right government of Israel.  To the contrary, he has given Hillary Clinton her head in blocking UN resolutions against Netanyahu’s repression of the Palestinian people in violation of the Oslo Accords.  Most recently, the US withdrew funding for UNESCO, because they voted overwhelmingly to allow Palestine to join that body.  Look at Netanyahu’s gratitude for this support.

4NetanyahuThe Freedom Federation is set to hold Awakening 2012 in Orlando, Florida, next year, and according to the schedule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is confirmed to address the right-wing rally via video feed [hate group delinked].

The Freedom Federation includes the country’s leading Religious Right groups: Liberty Counsel, Eagle Forum, Exodus International, Family Research Council, American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, WallBuilders, Vision America, High Impact Leadership Coalition, Traditional Values Coalition, American Values and Americans for Prosperity. The Freedom Federation also includes fringe groups closely associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, including Cindy Jacobs’ Generals International, Lou Engle’s The Call, Rick Joyner’s MorningStar Ministries and Che Ahn’s Harvest International Ministries.

Last year’s Awakening 2011 [Hate group delinked] at Liberty University’s Thomas Road Baptist Church featured speeches from leading Republicans including Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Mike Huckabee, as well as talks from far-right extremists like Janet Porter, Ryan Sorba, Greg Quinlan, Matt Barber, Rick Joyner, Rick Scarborough, Judith Reisman and Frank Gaffney, among others.

Confirmed speakers for Awakening 2012 already include Liberty Counsel’s Staver, who said that Obama made the U.S. “one of the world’s immoral leaders” for opposing the criminalization of homosexuality; LC’s Barber, who has called President Obama “anti-God”; Engle, who used one of his The Call prayer rallies to defend Uganda’s “kill the gays” bill; Quinlan, the prominent ex-gay leader; John Stemberger, a Florida anti-gay and anti-Muslim activist; and Gaffney, the conspiracy theorist who has claimed that Obama is a secret Muslim… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

I don’t think I’ve ever embedded a segment with so many links before, making it a virtual Who’s Who directory of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian hate groups and hate mongers.  And these groups have one thing in common.  They all hate Barack Obama and express it regularly.

For Netanyahu to take part in such an event after all the money and political cover he has received from this administration, albeit to my great dismay, is a slap in the face, a diplomatic insult of most extreme proportion.

The Obama administration should respond by ending military support and diplomatic cover for Israel as long as this criminal is in office there.

Nov 042011

Yesterday I was very tired, because I had to get up early to be ready for my O2 delivery.  After it arrived, I took a cat nap, slept through the afternoon and into the evening, and got a late start on my research, so I’m groggy, and my body says to go back to bed.  I’m current on replies, even if more brief than moral.  Today is a recovery and housework day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 6:37 (average 7:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From ABC: Occupy Wall Street supporters who staged rallies that shut down the nation’s fifth-busiest port during a day of protests condemned on Thursday the demonstrators who clashed with police in the latest flare-up of violence in Oakland, Calif.

I commend the demonstrators for condemning the people that used this peaceful movement as cover.

From Think Progress: One of the tactics the 99 Percenters are using to take back the country from the 1 percent is to move their money from big banks to credit unions, community banks, and other smaller financial unions that aren’t gambling with our nation’s future.

Now, the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) reports that a whopping 650,000 Americans have joined credit unions since Sept. 29 — the date that Bank of America announced it would start charging a $5 monthly debit fee, a move it backed down on this week.

My bank is not one of the TBTF Banksters, but they are fairly large.  I looked into moving, but there are no community banks or credit unions close enough to me to use, due to disability.  However, since I won my SSDI claim two years ago, they have not gotten a penny from me in interest or fees.

From Raw Story: The Chinese are the world’s “most active and persistent perpetrators” of economic espionage, a US intelligence agency said on Thursday in an unusually blunt report on a sensitive topic.

The report on foreign cyber spying efforts submitted to the US Congress also pointed the finger at Russia’s intelligence services, saying they were snooping on US companies for economic information and technology.

The report, “Foreign Spies Stealing US Economic Secrets in Cyberspace,” was compiled by the office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, part of the office of the Director of National Intelligence.

I agree that this is a serious problem and something must be done to address it.  I do not have the expertise to suggest the method, but “Big Brother Is Watching You” is not an acceptable choice.




Occupy the Treasury Today!

 Posted by at 12:07 am  Politics
Nov 032011

In the early days of the Obama Administration, Obama said he supported a financial transactions tax, sometimes called a Robin Hood tax,  of 0.05% (1/20 of 1%) on large transactions only.  The idea never made it past the three blind mice (Geithner, Bernanke, and Summers).  The idea is still excellent, because it encourages investment, rather than speculation, in addition to providing a revenue stream directly from those individuals most responsible for the Republican Recession.  Today 99% demonstrators will occupy the Treasury to demand that this tax be adopted.


More than 1,500 nurses from National Nurses United, plus members of AFL-CIO and Occupy Wall Street protesters, will march on the White House and the Treasury tomorrow to push for a tax on Wall Street.

The march will “press President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to support a meaningful tax on Wall Street financial to help heal the U.S. and join the growing global movement for a financial transaction tax,” according to a release…

Inserted from <Politico>

This short video explains the Robin Hood tax in terms even a child could understand.

Now if only a Republican could understand it.

Author and Journalist, Ron Suskind, is one of the premier authorities on this tax.  Rachel Maddow interviewed him.

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Suskind’s criticism of Obama is justified.  Abandoning his own pre-election financial advisors and adopting Clinton’s may be the worst error of his Presidency.  He needs to sack Timmy the Tool, and bring in advisers like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman.  This Robin Hood tax is a perfect opportunity to put Republicans on front street by supporting the 99% on this, but his feet need to follow his mouth.

I fully support the demonstrators and encourage all who can to join them.


Oakland Strikes!

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Uncategorized
Nov 032011

It’s too soon to tell how effective, overall the general strike in Oakland, CA will be, but despite my words fearing the opposite, which I am now happy to eat, the early signs look good..  The 99% protesters are getting strong union support and participation in the first general strike in the US in the last 65 years.  Some businesses supported the strike, and most respected it.  With few exceptions, and those not at all related to the OWS movement, the demonstration was peaceful.

3occupy-oakland-strike-11-2[5]Many businesses in downtown Oakland are closed during today’s Occupy Oakland general strike, whether in support of the movement or in preparation for the mass of protesters marching through the streets.

The closed stores included national chains such as Rite Aid, Tully’s Coffee and Foot Locker. Some of the stores that remained open would only accept cash to honor the strike and avoid sending credit card fees to multinational corporations and banks.

Many local bank branches tried to stay open for customers, but were forced to lock doors where hoards of protesters neared. Marchers also tried to discourage use of ATMs.

Although the Oaklandish clothing store on Broadway closed, staff members set up a turntable with a DJ outside and are offering free water to protesters…

Inserted from <San Francisco Chronicle>

Keith Olbermann covered the strike and other OWS news in two segments on Countdown.

Part 2:

I condemn the actions of the vandals who smashed windows and tried to create havoc.  They are not part of the OWS movement.  Sadly, when people of good will gather to do what is right, others take advantage of the demonstrations and selfishly as them as a cover to do wrong to pursue an agenda of their own.  These are not acts of civil disobedience.  They are crimes.  I hope they are identified, apprehended and prosecuted.  I also hope you will join me in condemning behavior that can only work against our purposes.  While I have no evidence to support this, I would not be surprised to discover that they are agents provocateur in the hire of the Banksters themselves.

Huge kudos to the demonstrators and the unions and businesses that supported them.

Nov 032011

Don’t get me wrong.  I am not a Jim Webb (DINO-VA) supporter, even though he’s far better that what he replaced: George Allen, aka Macaca Man.  Webb is a DINO.  In the video that follows, he even brags about being a DINO.  It makes me sick! I hope he faces a primary challenge. However, when someone I oppose does something right, I give them credit for it.  If Joe LIEberman, whose name I consider so foul that I would not write it on toilet paper, lest it soil my pristine arse, did something right, I would even give him credit for it, because I don’t get to make up my own facts.  On the issue of Prison Reform, Jim Webb is right.

3webbAnother month, another dismaying example of a smart measure stymied in Congress by Republican intransigence. This time, 43 GOP members of the Senate blocked passage of legislation that would have created a new National Criminal Justice Commission, a bipartisan group designed to help figure out how to bring some order to the chaos that currently exists in the nation’s criminal justice systems. The cops supported the bill.

The American Civil Liberties Union supported it. But Senate Republicans wouldn’t even allow a merits vote on it. On October 19th, they filibustered.

Predictably, the primary sponsor of the measure, Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), was furious. One of the more conservative members of the Democratic caucus, and someone with legitimate street cred when it comes to law and order, Webb took to the Senate floor Tuesday and delivered these biting remarks…


Serious issues of actual governance. Sen. Webb is right — that’s what this legislation was and is; a necessary and practical effort by the federal government to address a serious problem that is bad and getting worse. And yet for all the senator’s work, and all the bipartisanship the idea garnered beyond Capitol Hill, he could not overcome persistent Republican hostility.

I would call it "mindless" hostility since it’s so destructive but, of course, it’s not "mindless" at all. It’s all part of some grand political plan to make Democrats look inapt and inept.

You use the Constitution as sword when you want to. You use it as a shield when you want to (Sen. Coburn’s remark above is priceless). And no matter what you figure out a way to do nothing that would benefit the American people. The demise of this legislation ultimately will cost the country a ton of money. And the absence of necessary recommendations from a blue-ribbon Commission will guarantee further injustice to thousands of Americans in the justice system. This is your Senate today — snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Atlantic>

As most of you know, I was in prison last Thursday doing volunteer work there.  Both the prisoners and the correctional officers, with whom I discussed this, were appalled that Republicans obstructed this bill.  I can guarantee you that something is terribly wrong when the cons and the guards are on the same side if an issue.
